Inactive players (I)

    • Inactive players (I)

      If there's bought DM in an acc, when it goes inactive, it doesn't get deleted. So why not make it a bit usefull, since it takes up space anyway. Let it produce ress after the 5 weeks - 100% would be good, but 50% would be okay, too. Then at least it has a meaning/purpose to be there.

    • yean and inactives are actualy the only source of ressources for me since the highscore bug( 2.5M points, everybody is green) and even before they were a major source of income due to few nombers of players in this Uni so it's a good idea to keep them producing ressources
    • i know this. useless position wasted. annohying when you spy them. (this last point is what i really MV [vacation mode] would resolve my problem) the point is... in my italian universe the long long long inactive are much more than normal user.
      there would be really too much resources to raid then... and i really don't think this will be a good thing. the most profitable action then would be inactive raiding. (with 10 times the actual inactive number each inactive planet would have 10 times the normal resources... and because of high account ranking 20 times sometimes... so a single time 16 slot attak would give about 15KK gain, no ninja risk, no "hallo i'm on" risk... and this would mean everybody will go only farming inactives... ) so... why to change ogame in "inactivefarmville"?
      you could have some problems in colonization and so on, but... well.. you can play anyway... and in fusion they will disappear at 99%.... so... when you have unistart or unifusion you have all active... when you have lots of them you will be fused to other uni.
      at least i hope so :P
    • I do see your point.
      I hope you're right that fusion will happen eash time too many players goes long-time inactive. That would help the problem, off course.
      But then again - with a prodution of 50% ( or maybe just 25%) I really don't think that high ranked player bother attacting those long-time (with DM) accs. But I could be wrong, off course. I just know that even though I have been playing in unis with ... 400 accs i total, I didn't bother raiding a LTI player for 12k metal, 6 k crystal and 1k deut (for example), But if I started a new acc, it would have been great to get to start ress. I also suggested, that it was players in the Noob protection, that would be able to raid LTI - Not those that have past til noob protection.

    • The idea is to open up the inactive players(with dm) for rescources ?: bad idea.

      Because, playeracocunts will not deleted with dm. So that players always can return on their account. If you change this, then more players going to stop.
    • I disagree with all up
      Inactive players who bought AM should be given a coupon with a nomine of cash of AM they didnt spend
      And the account should be deleted
      Other idea
      Inactive account should be given to other player who wants to play
      Just like a market
    • Red-Dragon wrote:

      The idea is to open up the inactive players(with dm) for rescources ?: bad idea.

      Because, playeracocunts will not deleted with dm. So that players always can return on their account. If you change this, then more players going to stop.
      I don't really understand what you say here...
      Is there any reason that they can't returrn to their acc, if the acc produces ress, also after the 5 weeks of normal inactivity?
      Nobody has said anything about DELETING the acc. For sure, the acc has to stay, since the ower has paid rl money for it, and then it should produce ress, too.

      Could you please explain for me, why you say they can't return to their acc, after... 10 weeks or more, if they produce ress.
      And why would it make more people stop playing?

    • restlesz wrote:

      Red-Dragon wrote:

      The idea is to open up the inactive players(with dm) for rescources ?: bad idea.

      Because, playeracocunts will not deleted with dm. So that players always can return on their account. If you change this, then more players going to stop.
      I don't really understand what you say here...
      Is there any reason that they can't returrn to their acc, if the acc produces ress, also after the 5 weeks of normal inactivity?
      Nobody has said anything about DELETING the acc. For sure, the acc has to stay, since the ower has paid rl money for it, and then it should produce ress, too. ?

      I'm not talking about deleting.
      It can produce resources but how much then ? 100 and 50 is to much, why not 30-40% ?

      restlesz wrote:

      Could you please explain for me, why you say they can't return to their acc, after... 10 weeks or more, if they produce ress.
      And why would it make more people stop playing?

      I don't say they can't come back.: Players can always return on their acc if there is dm on it(players payed for it).
      People can stop because they know that it is possible to raid them. For higher players it doesn't matter but, for lower players it does.
    • restlesz wrote:

      100% would be good, but 50% would be okay, too. Then at least it has a meaning/purpose to be there.
      That's what I would like, but I'm not the one to deside that.

      Red-Dragon wrote:

      People can stop because they know that it is possible to raid them. For higher players it doesn't matter but, for lower players it does.
      They can be raided whether they are atcive, (i) or (I), so I'm sorry, I don't understand why people would stop playing because they might get raided, if they go inactive.... If you go inactive, and espesially (I), then I guess it's because you don't give a damn about the acc/game.

      I agree, that production on (I) acc doesn't matter for high ranked players, and I made this suggestion for the new accs and lower ranked players, so they could get a little more help to get the game going.
      But the connection between the to sentence in the quote from you, I still don't get. I'm sorry. maybe I'm too tired right now to get it.

    • samuraipizzacat wrote:

      Pros outweigh the cons hugely.
      If a top 10 player really wants to raid an inactive for 20k, then let him - He is, after all, working for the ress, and if he wants to use a slot or two on that, and miss out a big million "dollar" crash on an active player or even a farm on a inactive with 500k in profit, it's still up to him.
      So let the new acc get the chance to find ress, even on (I). And the miners/farmers. The more ress they find, the more they grow, and the more for the fleeters, if they manage to crash them. I can only see, that it's a win/win here. And if miners/farmes - even turtles - gets some realy good mines... they most likely wonna sell their deut, to a fair price. I don't think there's ONE single uni, without a player or a planet named "NeedDeut"... ;)