[Simple Idea] Improve the Interplanetary Missiles Efficiency (OGame.ES Sugg)

    • [Simple Idea] Improve the Interplanetary Missiles Efficiency (OGame.ES Sugg)

      As everyone knows, when you make an IP attack, you can choose a primary target.

      Imagine that we launch 30 IP’s. Now imagine that our primary target selected is destroyed with just 20 IP’s; so, the rest (10 IP’s) will impact against the rest of the defences randomly (most of them will hit against rocket launcher if they’re present).

      Some users in ES com suggest that will be nice be able to select a secondary target when you’re setting the IP attack, to improve the efficiency and avoid a second IP round to hit against the desired structures.
    • The idea sounds good, because it helps a player to do more precise damage using his skill.
      However, we will again get an improvement that benefits only one side (we already had two: increasing the range, and allowing IPM-ing of a moon).
      To balance this idea I propose the following:


      1k rl
      10 gauss
      1 plasma

      Attacker and defender have same techs.
      If 1 IPM is fired, plasma is selected as primary target, and no secondary target is chosen, the IPM destroys 1 plasma only and doesn't do anymore damage.

      If 4 IPMs are fired, plasma is selected as primary target, gauss is selected as secondary target, the IPMs destroy 1 plasma, 10 gauss and don't do anymore damage.

      So, to use most of his IPMs, a player should first fire 2 IPMs with plasma as primary and gauss as secondary target. Then he could fire all he has on gauss as primary and rls as secondary target.

      This way, the proposition will really require skill. It will give something new to both sides. It will sanction the players who do their IPM-ing without planning first.
      Life? Don't talk to me about life...
    • marv wrote:

      The idea sounds good, because it helps a player to do more precise damage using his skill.
      However, we will again get an improvement that benefits only one side (we already had two: increasing the range, and allowing IPM-ing of a moon).
      To balance this idea I propose the following:


      1k rl
      10 gauss
      1 plasma

      Attacker and defender have same techs.
      If 1 IPM is fired, plasma is selected as primary target, and no secondary target is chosen, the IPM destroys 1 plasma only and doesn't do anymore damage.

      If 4 IPMs are fired, plasma is selected as primary target, gauss is selected as secondary target, the IPMs destroy 1 plasma, 10 gauss and don't do anymore damage.

      So, to use most of his IPMs, a player should first fire 2 IPMs with plasma as primary and gauss as secondary target. Then he could fire all he has on gauss as primary and rls as secondary target.

      This way, the proposition will really require skill. It will give something new to both sides. It will sanction the players who do their IPM-ing without planning first.
      u mad? You already can have same result by using IPM sim and doing 2 waves strike.
      The balance change is zero, it only provides more convenient UI and makes it a little less clicking.
    • marv wrote:

      Well, that wasn't nice.
      With this suggestion, the attacker gets a "more convenient UI". It will make his IPM-ing easier.
      The defender doesn't get any benefits.
      So yes, I believe this disturbs the balance up to a point.
      then GF should prohibit plugins like Antigame and COgame, they are huge treat to balance.
    • Please gentlemen... this kind of fights here are absolutely useless.
      1alexey, give your opinion is so nice... make fun of another Origin Board user... that's so different.
      Please remember that the most important rule in Origin is "Be pleasant".

      Btw, I'm so glad to see that this spanish suggestion is being discussed in a very interesting way (but please... try to avoid jokes and insults).
    • Kramagon wrote:

      1alexey, give your opinion is so nice... make fun of another Origin Board user... that's so different.

      If you think smiles are "making fun of others" complain to GF administration.

      If there is a smile with certain meaning, and wording on it, it automatically means it is accepted to use.
      For complains, contact GF.
    • That's like saying that just because a word exists in the English language I am free to use it and any complaints that I used it should be taken up with [insert dictionary company here] (not a perfect analogy but I hope you catch my drift). Just because it is available to use doesn't make it right to do so. Just because it has its uses elsewhere does not mean it should be used here in an insulting context, joking or not. And yes, your smiley use is definitely in an insulting context.

      As to the suggestion at hand, I agree with the 'why not' sentiment.
      Mod @ OGame.org - Bugs & Complaints and Suggestions
    • 1alexey wrote:

      Exactly the reason to do an improvement.
      Because of the sims, you are already capable to do that with 2 waves, so having secondary target is just an interface improvement.

      Lol. Why not enter the total amount of mips needed, and the game launches automatically, builds, launches, builds, launches ?

      I hardly prefer that times of developpers will be given to useful improvements, and not only for lazy players -__-"