Expeditions / IPMs flight time

    • Expeditions / IPMs flight time

      Well, i have no idea if it's a bug or another feature being tested, so i've decided to put the post right here.
      During last few weeks i've encountered various problem, some of them were simply ignored, some of them solved during testing and upgrading. Two new showed up within last 48h, so i've decided to ask/report..

      1. IPMs flight time. Missile attacks on Monday/Tuesday were quite ok, 10-15 systems distance, about 1m30s flight. Day before yesterday it took almost 11 minutes!? to cover similar distance with IPMs. I've looked all over the place, found no info regarding any changes in that matter.

      2. Expeditions results. Before yesterday it was pretty ok. Pirates - never met them, Aliens - few times, but they had no ships (reported as bug a week ago?), so no losses. I try to keep 3:2 ratio with HF/LC, as i did for last 3 years playing OG. When 60hf/40lc expedition encounters "small asteroid" and collects resources most common result is about 200-300k metal, 140-220k crystal, 80-120 deuterium. "Freight convoy" results - double that. Tons of ships sc/esp.probes/2-3 cruisers/up to 10hf, up to 34lf. When encoutnered "planet with countless resources" you can easily quadruple the results. It is normal situation for normal speed uni. I don't care if it is not doubled here, but.....

      Then the update came...
      And i do care now....

      In last 12 hours or so - very similar expeditions - 60hf/40lc - i got, to be precise:
      "Your expedition found an ancient, fully loaded but deserted freighter convoy. Some of the resources could be rescued.
      Metal 81.200 have been captured."

      "Your expedition discovered a small asteroid from which some resources could be harvested.
      Metal 24.400 have been captured."

      "Your expedition discovered a small asteroid from which some resources could be harvested.
      Metal 41.480 have been captured."

      "Your expedition discovered a small asteroid from which some resources could be harvested.
      Metal 26.840 have been captured."

      "We came across the remains of a previous expedition! Our technicians will try to get some of the ships to work again.

      The following ships are now part of the fleet:
      Small Cargo 6
      Espionage Probe 2"

      "Mineral belts around an unknown planet contained countless resources. The expedition ships are coming back and their storages are full!
      Metal 197.640 have been captured."

      You can achieve these kind of results, when you're sending 12HF+8LC on the expeditions.

      Is it a bug or another "feature"? In first case - when it will be fixed? In second - why, oh why did You take that from us? :) Cutting in 4 or even 6 possible source of income, turning on stupid (imho) newbie protection, fleeing fleets (worst idea since OG started - everyone can/should FS).. what else are You planning to take away our joy of playing?
      3 attacks per player every second day, upper limit for battle techs, autoanchoring stronger fleets?
      Guys, guys, You've done enough. OG's simplicity and clear, fair rules were always advantages. Don't make it worse.

      One more thing is bugging me:
      On one hand You give us DM, 8x speed for 72h, on the other You limit income sources. 4x Speed is more than enough. 8x is sick. No way to run toilet.exe or walk the dog. For testing purposes 4x is enough.

      I belive that's all atm ;)
      More complains and questions, I assume, will be coming soon.

      PS. Did other players noticed this rapid change in exp results?
    • Yes, they did; and yes, it sucks. for me, expeditions since we've gone back to x2, have been the standard ~25-30% of income(rougly, 1 expo was ~1kk / 24 hours, not missing any)
      After the update, I'm debating whether it's even worth the slot now. It probably isn't.

      Update: if it remains unchanged, it 100% _isn't_ worth the slot.
    • Update2: I've run some simulations, and, unless the probability of events also changed...
      if you keep the alien/pirate fleet losses + full expedition loss probabilities, but reduce the positive event values ten times(as it seems right now), the expedition estimated value(counting the deut. cost), becomes slightly negative, and, depending on composition, could be near 0.
      So....it's not just a waste of fleet slot right now(compared to raiding any inactive, for example) - you're losing some resources for every expedition, on average. Must be fixed, or you might as well remove it from the game.
    • Aoueu wrote:

      Update2: I've run some simulations, and, unless the probability of events also changed...
      if you keep the alien/pirate fleet losses + full expedition loss probabilities, but reduce the positive event values ten times(as it seems right now), the expedition estimated value(counting the deut. cost), becomes slightly negative, and, depending on composition, could be near 0.
      So....it's not just a waste of fleet slot right now(compared to raiding any inactive, for example) - you're losing some resources for every expedition, on average. Must be fixed, or you might as well remove it from the game.
      Fraud is right: P
    • I don't have a good answer for you, about the bugs, but I notised your expo fleet...

      kapiszon wrote:

      I try to keep 3:2 ratio with HF/LC, as i did for last 3 years playing OG. When 60hf/40lc expedition encounters "small asteroid" and collects resources most common result is about 200-300k metal, 140-220k crystal, 80-120 deuterium.
      I have always about 80 lc, since it's possible (have made it about 12 times) to get 1,8 - 1,9 mill metal, and with 40 lc, you can't collect it all.
      My expo fleet contains 9000 expo points (not sure how it's calculated) and the fleet is about 46 hf, 1 ship (the biggest I have - up to destroyer) about 80 lc, and the rest up to 9000 expo points in probes.

    • I think that changing expeditions is a good idea. They gave too much in early stages of an universe, and you could say that people with more luck advanced much faster than the unlucky ones. We should definitely have more thresholds than one (5 M points).
      I can't say if the new balance is good, because we can't estimate the "expedition value" without new data.
      For example I noticed that I get round numbers of resources with:

      lf 6
      hf 2
      sc 7
      lc 5
      esp 1

      If you didn't send enough ships on old expedition, you would never get a round number, so I believe they changed needed expo points as well.

      It would be nice if someone gave us some more information about new expeditions.

      Just read the bug section, where people claim the've sent way more ships than I do, and didn't get round numbers. So there are two possibilities:
      1. I've got the round numbers by chance
      2. Expedition values are not related to No.1 player's score, but to our own

      I really like 2. and I hope they did that.
      Life? Don't talk to me about life...