How can I give my account to my friend?

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  • How can I give my account to my friend?

    Hi. This is BlueWhale

    First of all. sorry for my bad English.

    I am very disappointed about this new rule.

    It's not ogame. just Luck and Unlucky game.

    I attack several times. and? yes! my prey's fleet fleed. so my harvester returning with very little resources.

    it's good for newvier and turtle. but this is not ogame.

    I think. this is another Space Farming game. not ogame.

    So I want quit. and my friend want receive my account. He just want practice.

    but I can't find suppot on board.

    he have other account on this test server so if he play my account right now.

    then he will baneed by multi account rule.

    How can I give my account to him?
  • No Support section for this board. So my suggestion is email a GO or super admin with your account name, his account name, and inform them of the change.

    Have both accounts go into vacation mode. Tell your friend NOT to login into his account any more. And have him wait 24 hours from Vacation mode to enter YOUR old account. Change Email, password, and have HIM send another message to a GO or super admin informing them of the switch. This should protect yourself and him.