Hi. This is BlueWhale
First of all. sorry for my bad English.
I am very disappointed about this new rule.
It's not ogame. just Luck and Unlucky game.
I attack several times. and? yes! my prey's fleet fleed. so my harvester returning with very little resources.
it's good for newvier and turtle. but this is not ogame.
I think. this is another Space Farming game. not ogame.
So I want quit. and my friend want receive my account. He just want practice.
but I can't find suppot on board.
he have other account on this test server so if he play my account right now.
then he will baneed by multi account rule.
How can I give my account to him?
First of all. sorry for my bad English.
I am very disappointed about this new rule.
It's not ogame. just Luck and Unlucky game.
I attack several times. and? yes! my prey's fleet fleed. so my harvester returning with very little resources.
it's good for newvier and turtle. but this is not ogame.
I think. this is another Space Farming game. not ogame.
So I want quit. and my friend want receive my account. He just want practice.
but I can't find suppot on board.
he have other account on this test server so if he play my account right now.
then he will baneed by multi account rule.
How can I give my account to him?