Buildings update

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  • Buildings update

    I've noticed and you all probably too, that some buildings in Ogame are there "just for fun". This "thread" will be about them.

    -P.s. i will add more ideas to this topic..-
    1. Fusion Reactor
    Logically this building should be good for planets from position 13,14,15 as it is producing more deuterium and there are only few fields for buildings. You can produce the necessary energy, becauce it give us more energy on each level, than Solar plant or solar satellites (which are use;ess). Of course, you can just a little raise its output by researching the Energy Technology. But still, on levels like 15 and above, the demands are raising drastically, so it is useless even on those planets with great produce capacity of deuterium. I think, this should be different, because the Fusion reactor was designed primary for those distant planets. But players are using it maybe only like support with Solar plants on planets with normal amount of free fields.
    Fusion Reactor ideas
    1. My idea/compromise would be, that those requirements will be lowered for each Fusion reactor level. Likewise with research of every Energy tech level, Fusion reactor would produce more energy. The consuption of deuterium should be as it is now, but the possible misuse of producing energy with this buildind in each planet i would recommend, that the Fusion reactor could be built only on positons 11,12,13,14,15. Btw. i never didn't understand, why solar satellites gives less energy while solar plants gives you same energy on every planet :) Omg GF...

    2. Alliance Depot
    This building is here sure only for fun. GF can probably rescue this by adding new function to this building (for example deuterium Storage). But somehting more special will be necessary to ressurect this building purpose!
    Aliance Depot ideas
    1. My suggestion is , that myabe this building could give your fleet some little bonuses to defend and attack (as Alliance depot evokes in me something like command center, where the admiral can manage whole fleet and defenses :D you know what i mean..)

    2. "Make it necessary for ACS defend missions. For example, lvl 1 allows one player to defend you, lvl 2 two players etc." Marv suggestion

    1. Resources buildings
    I asking why are there those buidlings which are for resources ? Solar plant,Fusion reactor, satellites and storages ? Even if some of them are blended, it evokes in me inutility. If they could remove (on Moon) some buildings from facilities, why not remove resources buidlings?
    Ideas for Resource buildings on Moon
    1. In menu Resources should be only something like Den's storage buildings for saving some of your resources (like deuterium for Phalanx). Nothing else.

    2. I also would welcome some new building for Moon, or to update the pictures there (lunar base, phalanx,.... shipyard, robot factory should be visible too) to destroy that monotousness there.

    1. Jump Gate
    I dont really know, but is this building on moon ? Because i see it in space on the picture (maybe the old one from old desing was on the moon but not this). So why this "building takes one field of the moon area ?
    Jump gate ideas
    1. Jump Gate will not take any free slot from fields for building (not placed in the Moon itself, but above him = not a building like it was before redesign)

    2. Option to improve the Jump Gate will be blended after achieving the level 1

    3. Each level of this structure, will reduce the time,for using the gate again > each level will reduce the time by 5%

    4. You can use, with some circumstances, Jump gate of someone else. You can choose from scroll down bar, in solar system to where you want to jump, a jump gate which you want to use. After jump you must choose the time of holding there the fleet (ACS defend) and then you must choose to which from your planets/Moons should your fleet fly back (this action can be seen on the phalanx sensor)
    Circumstances could be - you must be in same alliance or at least you must have that player in buddy list, to allow jump into this player jump gate

    10/10/11 added new idea (2,3) for Jump Gate
    20/10/11 added new idea (4) for Jump Gate
    -Ogame Recension-
    Ogame need a change!
    -Check my account for my ideas-

    The post was edited 7 times, last by sirEdward ().

  • sirEdward wrote:

    that the Fusion reactor could be built only on positons 11,12,13,14,15.

    makens no sense, cause its very hard to find good planet on 10-11 positions and impossible for 13,14,15. Btw i think Fusion Reactor is pretty good, but not that much stong to be an alternative for SS. Perfect way is to nerf satellites and buff other sources of energy, but i doubt that GF will do it.

    sirEdward wrote:

    This building is here sure only for fun. GF can probably rescue this by adding new function to this building (for example deuterium Storage). But somehting more special will be necessary to ressurect this building purpose!

    I dont even know how it works now, lol
  • Taro:

    Taro wrote:

    makens no sense, cause its very hard to find good planet on 10-11 positions and impossible for 13,14,15. Btw i think Fusion Reactor is pretty good, but not that much stong to be an alternative for SS. Perfect way is to nerf satellites and buff other sources of energy, but i doubt that GF will do it.

    That's what i'm talking about. I have home planet on position 10 :) and on planet position 11 i got 187fields - it's okay to raise them with terraformer. But this option is more or less impossible for planets 13 to 15, as you have only few fields and you nedd energy. Someone will tell "why do you want colonize those planets" but in principal, why the Ogame must work only on planets from postions 4-10 (sometimes on positons 1 jkust for graviton research)? There should be a way, a normal way, to have even those "poor" colonies.

    Taro wrote:

    I dont even know how it works now, lol

    :) This building is only extending the time, how long the ACS defend can stay there to defend you (the max time without alliance depot is 32..)
    -Ogame Recension-
    Ogame need a change!
    -Check my account for my ideas-
  • my comments are the red ones

    sirEdward wrote:

    1. Fusion Reactor
    Logically this building should be good for planets from position 13,14,15 as it is producing more deuterium and there are only few fields for buildings. You can produce the necessary energy, becauce it give us more energy on each level, than Solar plant or solar satellites (which are use;ess). Of course, you can just a little raise its output by researching the Energy Technology. But still, on levels like 15 and above, the demands are raising drastically, so it is useless even on those planets with great produce capacity of deuterium. I think, this should be different, because the Fusion reactor was designed primary for those distant planets. But players are using it maybe only like support with Solar plants on planets with normal amount of free fields. <<< what are you talking about? fusion reactor is at the moment the strongest source of energy and with astrophysics in the old universes its even stronger because the increase of energy through energytech is even better (if you have >9 planets when you compare it to the "oldschool" ogame)
    My idea/compromise would be, that those requirements will be lowered for each Fusion reactor level. Likewise with research of every Energy tech level, Fusion reactor would produce more energy. The consuption of deuterium should be as it is now, but the possible misuse of producing energy with this buildind in each planet i would recommend, that the Fusion reactor could be built only on positons 11,12,13,14,15. <<< this would be imbalanced. on those positions fusion reactor is already stronger because the deut production is higher which compensates a lot more of the fusion deut needs.
    Btw. i never didn't understand, why solar satellites gives less energy while solar plants gives you same energy on every planet :) Omg GF... <<< thats called balancing and balancing is not always logical and doesnt rely on natural laws (those from the rl u know)

    btw i've raid so many postings about sats vs fusion reactor and everyone says the same: fusionreactor is the best if you need safety OR some ppl like only sats and build bunkers to save them which depends on the universe.

    ps: i ask myself in what universe you play and what your rank is because i tend to use sats for my mines (about 90% energy comes from satelites on my account) and i've lost only 10k sats in the last 4 years.

    sirEdward wrote:

    2. Alliance Depot
    This building is here sure only for fun. GF can probably rescue this by adding new function to this building (for example deuterium Storage). But somehting more special will be necessary to ressurect this building purpose!

    yeah it's quite useless

    sirEdward wrote:

    1. Resources building
    I asking why are there those buidlings which are for resources ? Solar plant,Fusion reactor, satellites and storages ? Even if some of them are blended, it evokes in me inutility. If they could remove (on Moon) some buildings from facilities, why not remove resources buidlings? In menu Resources should be only something like Den's storage buildings for saving some of your resources (like deuterium for Phalanx).
    I also would welcome some new building for Moon, or to update the pictures there (lunar base, phalanx,.... shipyard, robot factory should be visible too) to destroy that monotousness there.

    i think this has been done because it was easy realisable and didnt need any extra coding and it really doesnt bother anyone... let it be there grey until the end of days or not. i dont care ;)
  • sirEdward wrote:

    [...]on [a] planet position 11 i got 187fields - it's okay to raise them with terraformer. But this option is more or less impossible for planets 13 to 15, as you have only few fields and you nedd energy. Someone will tell "why do you want colonize those planets" but in principal, why the Ogame must work only on planets from postions 4-10 (sometimes on positons 1 jkust for graviton research)? There should be a way, a normal way, to have even those "poor" colonies.

    yeah the ongoing problem... those planets are still useless but increasing more stats (than deut production) for those planets is not good in my opinion. making them attractive in a kind would be good, i agree on that.

    btw i talked to a lot of miners this weekend and many told me that i should colonize position 8 or 9 and than move the planets to 12. the extra energy i need (from sats) should be taken care of with even more satelites and even more defense to protect.
    if you calculate when the extra defense would armortise you get pretty good values (i havent calc'ed it yet)... you can get 2k deut per hour and a plasma costs only 105 dsu (deut standard unit) which would pay of in under 3 days ;)
  • marshen wrote:

    this would be imbalanced. on those positions fusion reactor is already stronger because the deut production is higher which compensates a lot more of the fusion deut needs.

    not exactly. Fusion Reactor is not stronger on those positions, its the same, while deut production is another thing. I like the suggestion cause it sounds pretty logically to me, that in cold positions sats work worse, while fusion works better. Sats are not that safe as fusion, but still the best and imbalanced source of energy. I thought there are 3 types of energy sources ingame so all of them should work equally, but thats not true now(possibly idea for siredward new suggestion).
  • I don't want to argue wether Fusion Reactor should be changed or not, but formula for deut consumption in Fusion Reactor is: 10 * lvl * 1,1 ^ lvl .
    Therefore, it's equally effective on all positions. As Taro pointed out, deut production is another thing.

    As for Alliance Depot, it really should have a stronger role in gameplay.
    A few things that crossed my mind:

    1. Make it necessary for ACS defend missions. For example, lvl 1 allows one player to defend you, lvl 2 two players etc.
    Or maybe even remove the ACS defend limit, so with higher levels, you could have more and more fleets defend you? It could make AD extremely usefull to weak alliances.
    On the other hand, this could greatly imbalance the game, both in early and later stages.

    2. Make it harder/impossible to detect defending fleets with probes/phalanx. A formula that includes levels of espionage/phalanx and AD could be introduced.
    This would make AD really important, but is probably impossible to implement.

    I don't know, maybe removing it from the game is the best idea?
    Life? Don't talk to me about life...
  • marv: i don't think, that removing any building from ogame is the best idea :) We should bring more of them, not remove - even if they are without purpose.
    For your suggestion:
    1. Maybe those more aliance players to defend with each level of this building (only one player can defend you??? what about ali defend - there could be more players) could be idea to discuss. Others sentences, hmm sorry no...
    2. I don't think so, that this building should work like that. Some cloaking technology is big step towards dark - dangerous step (but not impossible indeed). My suggestion is , that myabe this building could give your fleet some little bonuses to defend and attack (as Alliance depot evokes in me something like command center, where the admiral can manage whole fleet and defenses :D you know what i mean..)
    -Ogame Recension-
    Ogame need a change!
    -Check my account for my ideas-
  • sirEdward wrote:

    marv: i don't think, that removing any building from ogame is the best idea :) We should bring more of them, not remove - even if they are without purpose.

    I agree. Especially since kwinse mentioned that he managed to use it as it is. (Graviton research maybe?)

    sirEdward wrote:

    For your suggestion:
    1. Maybe those more aliance players to defend with each level of this building (only one player can defend you??? what about ali defend - there could be more players) could be idea to discuss. Others sentences, hmm sorry no...

    Well, if we allowed more than 4 players to defend the owner of AD, it would imbalance the game, because attackers could still include a maximum of 5 players in their ACS attack.

    sirEdward wrote:

    2. I don't think so, that this building should work like that. Some cloaking technology is big step towards dark - dangerous step (but not impossible indeed).

    I must admit I never liked suggestions which included cloaking. I was pretty sure the idea was bad when I was writing it, but hey, that's what the discussions are for... ;)

    sirEdward wrote:

    My suggestion is , that myabe this building could give your fleet some little bonuses to defend and attack (as Alliance depot evokes in me something like command center, where the admiral can manage whole fleet and defenses :D you know what i mean..)

    What about making it able to control the firing order of ships/players?
    We all know that was possible in the past, at least when sending acs attacks.
    Life? Don't talk to me about life...