Quest System

  • Quest System

    There should be a Quest system for all players:

    What does mean "
    Quest system"? Quest system is maybe the hardest "worker" in every online game for the ppl satisfaction and its entertainment. Its effectiveness in every game is well-tried.

    How should it work? We can split the Quest system in to two parts. One will be static quest system controlled by CPU from list of quests defined before and randomly deployed to ppl (time depending - for fair play use). The second one will be dynamicaly changed tasks by GF staff to maintain its originality everytime they deploy it to ppl (special quests on holidays, some quests weekly and monthly and so on). Quest system will look like existing "tutorial" which should be its core, however it will not educate ppl, but entertain him.
    One example for static quest: "A meteor cluster closing to your colony, an immediate action is needed." You can choose to destroy this cluster with your fleet with possibility to obtain som raw material from it, or do nothing and risk damage to your colony (some disadvantages to you production for couple of hours and loss of some defense buildings).
    One example for quests made by GF staff. "We have prepared for you today something special. Everyone from now, can find on expedition a special mision (Your fleet has discovered a small space buoy with archaic signs of uknown origin. Your scientists have successfully decrypted its core and they find coordinates of something much bigger. Prepare your fleet and discover its secrets..). In this mision you will obtain special coordinates (like seventeen position in solar system - for example x:x:17), which will be activated only by finding that buoy on expedition. You can send a probe to this location and discover what is there for you. Like a planet full resoursces or bigger/smaller fleet. Or the planet could be defended and you must destroy its defenses to take its secrets..
    I will bring more quest here soon..

    +new game element "explorator", as you can be only miner or fleeter (or variation between it)
    motivation for those who lost it, due to lack of action in game
    +game popularity

    -Implementing quest system to the game will bring some people to madness

    -Ogame Recension-
    Ogame need a change!
    -Check my account for my ideas-

    The post was edited 1 time, last by sirEdward ().

  • Ok gentlemans, here i'll give more, but please be sure to check mine Rewarding system before ;)

    Static Quests

    Meteor shower
    1. "A meteor cluster closing to your colony, an immediate action is needed. Time to impact - 12 Hours"
    You can choose to destroy this cluster with your fleet with possibility to obtain some raw material from it, or do nothing and risk damage to your colony (some disadvantages to you production for couple of hours and loss of your shields defense buildings). Reward "meteor catcher/meteor miner/valent meteor killer" for its destruction, or "heedless imperator" for leting it damage your colony.
    Quest periodicity ~75%

    Moon build
    2. "Some of your transport pilots encountered an alone flying asteroid somewhere in outer ring of your home solar system. Our scientist came with a theory, we can build a artificial moon from twelve of these asteroids! You should tow that asteroid to your nearest planet a begin preparations..."
    This special quest is a way to get a moon by yourselves. Quest periodicity could be determined from the fleet counter how often you sent your fleets to any action for at least of one Hour. of but only one can be "produced" and can be fulfilled only after researched graviton tech (of course this moon can be destroyed as "normal" ones). After completion, you will never get this quest again. You can choose only your home planet and colonies in the same solar system for this moon build. For the "moon build" you can choose only your home planet, or colonies in the same solar system. You can find only twelve asteroids, each can be towed to your choosen planet/colony. But for attach them together, you need to have graviton tech and resources - 2,5M metal 1M crystal for each connection (together 12 x 2,5M metal and 12x 1M crystal). It is not cheap, but against that 20% chance you know, it is tolerable. Reward "Moon builder"
    Quest periodicity ~15%

    From accident to life
    3. “A programming error in one of your robot factory has given life to one robot. He acts like a human child and he is unique from the first time when they found him. Our scientist explain this as a “deus et machina” phenomenon. What will be your decision to do with him?
    a) It is only a robot. If is a special one, put him into robot factory node as output multiplier!
    b) Hmm, maybe he could be useful someday. Give him what he need, that’s all, we have other priorities!
    c) This is a great chance to understand new life. He must get a maximum care from us!”
    This quest/event will give you resources production bonus, but either you must give something for it. Only option a) is repeatable, if you choose someday other choices (b,c), you will never get this quest again. If you have not needed resources, don’t worry, the quest will wait till you can pay that contribution. So, if you decide to answer by a) you will get a 25% resources production bonus for whole 2 days. You must give for it a 500K metal and 100K crystal. After 2 days you will receive a message “Workers in robot factory has seen how that unique robot overload himself without any reason. Maybe he has no reason to live. Time to reboot entire factory - 5 Hours.”. During those 5 Hours your res. production will be zero. If you answer with b) you will get a 15% to res. production bonus for 2 days and activation of new quest named “Adam, Imperator” (this quest can be obtained anytime in game repetitively like quest 1 for example). You must give for it a 1M metal and 250K crystal. After 2 days you will receive a message “The robot learns quickly all, what other are learning for decades. We named him from Earth Biblical mythology as Adam. He keeps telling us, that one day he will have his own spaceship and build his own kind world. Who knows how it will end…”. If you decide to answer with c) you will get a 10% res. production bonus for 2 days and activation of new quest named “Eden” (this quest can be obtained anytime in game repetitively like quest 1 for example). You must give for it a 2.5M metal and 1M crystal. After 2 days you will receive a message “The robot learns quickly all, what other are learning for decades. We named him from Earth Biblical mythology as Adam. He is best in studying artificial intelligence. He keeps telling us, that one day he will have his own spaceship and build his own kind world. Who knows how it will end…” All these three choices are done to reward good and evil decision. Decide to kill the robot and you will get max bonus, decide to keep the robot and the bonus will be minor but you will get something much better at the end. Reward “Life destroyer / Life keeper / Wise emperor”.
    Quest periodicity ~40%

    Adam, Imperator
    4. “You have received message from unknown world, but either not from someone unknown. It is Adam. He kept his word and have colonized planet to create home for his own species. Now he asks you for help. The planet is rich of crystal but lack of metal. Will you help him?”
    This quest is more likely a trading opportunity as I know the crystal is for players very precious commodity. If you choose the b) from quest 3, you will be rewarded with a possibility to get this this quest. One from three offers can be offered to you each time you will obtain this quest. So, your 750K metal for his 500K crystal, or your 1,25M metal for his 1M crystal, or at last 2,75M metal for 2,5M crystal. If you have not needed resources, don’t worry, the quest will wait till you can pay that contribution. Reward “Life keeper lvl2”.
    Periodicity ~30%

    5. “You have received message from unknown world, but either not from someone unknown. It is Adam. He kept his word and have colonized planet to create home for his own species. Pinnacle of his A.I. study, back in era in your planet, was creation of better copy of himself with name Eva. Now he asks you for help. The planet is rich of crystal but lack of metal. Will you help him?”
    This quest is more likely a trading opportunity as I know the crystal is for players very precious commodity. If you choose the c) from quest 3, you will be rewarded with a possibility to get this quest. One from three offers can be offered to you each time you will obtain this quest. So, your 500K metal for his 500K crystal and surprise from EVA – a 1 Battleship, or your 1M metal for his 1M crystal and 1 Battlecruiser from Eva, or at last 2,5M metal for 2,5M crystal and 1 Destroyer from Eva. If you have not those resources, don’t worry, the quest will wait till you can pay that contribution. Reward “Wise emperor lvl2”.
    Periodicity ~30%

    Space pirates
    6. "A unknown fleet closing to your colony, an immediate action is needed. Our scouts determined, it is a fleet of space pirates! Time to arrive - 12 Hours"
    This is a military quest event similar to quest 1. For its fulfillment you need to destroy space pirates fleet, which will be generated from equivalent of your ships on attacked planet (like on expo). You can choose to destroy this fleet with possibility of capturing some ships from it, or do nothing and take a loss as normal attack from real player. Reward "Pirate sinker" for its destruction, or "Pirate refugee" for let it damage your colony.
    Periodicity ~75%

    Buoys of doom
    7. “Our expedition fleet has discovered a space buoy hidden behind a small asteroid region. Your navigator has downloaded its data to our science ward for translation. It is old some kind old language with message and planetary coordinates. It says “Those, who will find this message, be welcomed about this world”. However we can only typing the grammar. You should send a probe to its coordinates after you will back from expedition..”
    Inspired by player “Brain rot” this quest will be a military event. After you get this quest, you can send a probe to location x.x.17. After probing you will get a message “Your translation was wrong, the word “welcomed” was nothing else as “warned”. This world is hostile and theirs guardians already sent a fleet towards your colony! Time to arrive - 16 Hours.” Towards your colony (from that you sent the probe) will fly a fleet of 1x Death Star, 500x Light fighters, 250x Cruisers. Great time for alliance defense call  If you will not win, or end with a draw, all survived attacker ships will wait for you on his planet, where you must win to obtain a reward. Or you will defeat him and the reward will be yours immediately. 10M metal 5M crystal and reward “Adaptive emperor”.
    Periodicity ~15%

    Dawn of the Berserker
    8. “A probe was returned from expedition, no other ships. Our engineers decrypted the black-box, what did happen to entire fleet: “Our expedition fleet came across a small asteroid belt, behind which our sensors has taken not usual telemetry readings. Fleet commander gave order to scout the place for anomalies and few ships get there. After some time an unknown origin ship returned and destroyed whole fleet”. It seems to, the probe was dispatched in last moment to warn us. Probe black-box contains coordinates to this place of horrible tragedy”.
    Inspired by player “Hot Soup” this quest will be a military event for more players – best for alliance attack. This quest can be obtained only if your expedition fleet will met together a minimum 5 000 points exp. points. Alone playing players must find someone to the party if they want to play this, because there will be something like friends slots, you must occupy to begin the attack. You must occupy 3 slots (3 players) to begin this quest, each player must provide exact amount of ships(for invited friends there will popup how many ships he must attach to fleet) as the first primary one (which got this quest), so the reward will same among other two players. After you send a probe to that coordinates (again, activated only by find of this quest – x.x.17), you will receive a message “This place is full of wrecks known origins, either unknown. There are patrolling ships with great firepower. As the probe has scanned them, you can prepare yourself for attack”. So, there will be 3x Death Stars, 2500x Battleships, 500x Destroyers, 10 000 x Light Fighters, with tech 15/15/15 (Weapons, shielding, armour) ;). After win, each player will be rewarded with resources of 50M metal, 25M crystall, 5M deuterium which will be nice in case, you will attack with double amount of ships as the defense fleet has. And as bonus, you will get more. After win, you will receive a message “You bring death upon those, who murdered your expedition fleet without any reason. This Race calls themselves as “Berserkers” and we will surely hear about them in future… “. This quest will open you a possibility to get a quest “The Fear of Vendetta”. Reward “Leader of the pack”.
    Periodicity ~3%

    Devoted to the Sun
    9. -something for Graviton research-

    The Fear of Vendetta
    10. -If you have won the battle from quest 8, you will be rewarded with a possibility to get this this quest.-

    ..Working on next quests..
    ..wish list?
    -Ogame Recension-
    Ogame need a change!
    -Check my account for my ideas-

    The post was edited 2 times, last by sirEdward ().