"Be pleasant and support OGame and this Origin board and team" - Discussion

    • Kamil wrote:

      Simply there is one GENERAL RULE to follow:
      Be pleasant and support OGame and this Origin board and team.
      Don't agree with this, if it means that everything GF is doing (including OGame) is good... OGame has flaws, and OO is definitely the place to speak of those flaws.
      If "pleasant" means "GF is the best", I will not often be pleasant.
      Same for supporting Origin board: If I think the board makes mistakes, I think I must open my (big) mouth (it's the reason why I open it quite often, BTW)
    • be pleasant doesnt mean support ogame and gameforge like if they are gods or something, but criticize withing reason and without heading towards flaming/trashing/insults etc...
      no one here from the team, wants to use the warning/ban system used across all the other boards, but in some cases they will, but if you want a strict policy with strict rules like the other boards, where if you talk a small thing out of topic you get warning for spam, a light troll on gameforge or someone ( doesnt mean it is tolerated in here, but here we would try to solve the problem before going for warnings ) gets you a warning without a second to spare and then you get banned for example.
      we dont want to use this policy here, we want the origin to be a place where everyone has their opinion and can say it loud and clear but with some decency and without problems ;)
    • Dear kendiration,

      You're unbelieveable - so once again.

      Be pleasant and support OGame and this Origin board and team.

      What does it mean ?

      "Be pleasant" means, that we would NOT read insults, curse words etc - especially not against other people here.
      "Be pleasant" DON'T means, that you are not allowed to complain, to say critical words, to tell disliking opinions, to point out what's wrong - It means, you can do this all, but please in factual words !

      "Support OGame and this Origin board and team" means, that we are here to do such things - this is the reason of this board, nothing else. So we are not interested to have "moderator" ranks to force people to calm down - It's up to you.
    • Francolino, enough of this "factual words" stuff. I tried to explain that to you by PM (and I think that I always based my posts on facts or good reasons - so it's "factual", at least in my understanding of what "factual" means - my mother tongue is french, not english...), but you don't understand (or don't want to understand). and BTW, you didn't answer to my last PM I wrote many days ago...

      To others: I'm the most pleasant guy you can imagine of... (just kidding!). And if I'm sometimes quite tough in my posts, I dont think there is any insult in them. Some disrespect perhaps, but not to persons, only to GF (and they deserve it quite often, you cannot tell the opposite).

      Marshen: I already tried to say things in a very pleasant way (in my opinion), but it didn't get attention. So I'm trying something which at least gets attention, even if the final result is unfortunately the same (i.e. no change at all). And it will always be the same until OGame "game designers" really get a gameplay experience (not only beginning on any universe, but with accounts of at least 20 or 30M points (both miners and fleeters) - then only they can understand some issues we are raising in our communities, and take some corrective actions).

      Francolino, is this post containing insults? Doesn't it contain "factual words"? HTH you to understand my concerns... Any question --> PM!
    • Kendiration, I think we're getting a little off-topic here, it should be about helping work on a welcome guide to new users coming to Origin and not about what is or isn't behind Francolino's post.

      Nonetheless, I do have to say this:

      GF is not perfect. Ogame is not perfect either. This is a place for critics. That much, I totally agree with you. If they were perfect, they wouldn't need improvements and this board wouldn't be needed. There would be no need for new sugestions, there wouldn't be bugs to report, there wouldn't be the need for new tools and add-ons to help players getting a better gameplay (it would already be perfect, yes?), etc. However, if you say "hey, this game is so bad. GF is a terrible company, they don't even make a good game for players, it sucks" but you don't suggest changes for it, if you don't point out what's wrong and how it can be done better, what's the point? Saying it isn't good is easy, everyone can say that. Proposing solutions is way harder, but at same time way more helpful. GF is changing their view. They sent the poll a few months ago asking players their opinions. They started crerating speciual universes in most communities where players could vote what characteristics they wanted (speed, debris %, ACS/non-ACS, number of galaxies...). They are working on a popular wish that is uni fusion (everyone complained there were too many universes), They have Ideas Planet working again on player's suggestions. Etc. So GF is willing to listen to us and is countiong on us to help them improve the game to our like. I don't like everything GF does or implements. Not even close. When I 1st saw the new noob protection and the way the autofleet was working, I was almost outraged. It's, in my opinion, a terrible implementation. But I have to accept GF is the game's owner, and it's a company. They have to seek profit. If with autofleet comes a new premium option that changes ratio, they saw the oportunity and took it. They can't please every player, and I saw players who liked those news. Anyways, what I mean is: everyone is allowed to dislike, criticize, point out flaws and etc to both GF and ogame AS LONG as they keep it respectfull and, if possible, provide solutions. They are not the bad guys. But noone liked when someone attacks them without any apparent reason just to stain their image.