Merging of the Universes - Started in

    • Merging of the Universes - Started in

      Dear users, we have some exciting news for you. The first live merge will occur in starting on the 25th July.

      The timeline given to us is below:

      - announcement in .de (and info for other coms that we are still doing something with it ^^)

      25.07. - 15.08.:
      - possbile to choose target unis in .de
      - payment in exodus unis deactivated
      - new registrations for exodus & target unis deactivated

      - user in exodus unis into vacation mode (1h before the merge)
      - merge (just once)
      - highscore of exo unis secured

      - registration for target unis will be open again

      - exodus unis deactivated

      - remaining DM send to deleted accounts

      As soon as we have more information on the merge dates for different communities we will of course announce it here.

      Please discuss here Discussion about merging universes

      Thank you for being patient.

      Your OGame.Origin Team.
    • Unifusion in successfull done


      A few minutes ago the unifusion in is successfull done. A few accounts (at the moment 42) makes trouble, the Developer will have a look to find the reasons, and they move them by hand.
      Original posting : Die Fusion kommt!

      Regards, your OGame Teams
    • Current state about unifusion progress


      During the last weeks GF fixed unifusion bugs and problems with several updates ( mostly they don't appear in the changelogs ). This is still ongoing.
      Also they are talking about suggestions and complaints from several other communities. I have no details for now.
      Beside this they decide about concrete merging plans for each community.

      This is only a general information, official news will be announced "in the next weeks" in your community.

      Regards, Francolino