Galaxy ChromeBar

    • Galaxy ChromeBar

      Galaxy ChromeBar
      • Info : As GalaxyToolbar, send data to GalaxyTool
      • Author : Dregot / Rakyr
      • Download :
      • Browser : Google Chrome
      • Languages : should work on all languages, but have to do some test if approved

      Now i have moon+phalanx so next to do is phalanx reports

      2011.08.24 v1.1b
      -global: now working on
      -global: fixed the detection of galaxy,system,planet when you own only one planet
      -galaxyview: fixed activity detection near the planet

      2011.07.31 v1.1
      -global: fixed the detection of galaxy,system,planet when you are on a moon
      -galaxyview: corrected the extraction of planet names (was bugged when phalanx link were active)
      -galaxyview: fixed detection of building level (bugged during upgrade)
      -global: fixed the extraction of energy amount
      -messages: fixed a bug causing sending the shown message repeatly

      2011.07.14 v1.0c
      -statistics: fixed the allyname extraction method in player statistic page (thanks to Omar Hawk)
      -statistics: changed method to detect if statistic page is changed (timer to event listener)
      -galaxyview: fixed activity value to send when a star is near the planet (*) (thanks to Omar Hawk)
      -galaxyview: fixed detection of your own moon (thanks to Omar Hawk)

      At the moment the script can send espionages reports, galaxies, own buildings/researches/fleets/defenses, alliance and player statistics
      Todo: send phalanx reports, send player messages (activity), handle server responses

      The post was edited 11 times, last by rakyr ().

    • Bug in player stats:

      Source Code

      1. var allyname=nameDets[0].innerText.trim().replace("[","").replace("]","");

      You should remove only the last occurence of "]" and the first occurence of "[".

      Bug in galaxyview:

      Source Code

      1. if (activity=="*") activity="";

      The Galaxytoolbar uses a fixed value of 7 minutes for a star.

      Another bug in galaxyview:

      Source Code

      1. if (td[t].className=="moon"){
      2. if (td[t].innerHTML.trim()!=""){
      3. var moon=getEl("moon"+x).getElementsByTagName("span");
      4. for (s=0;s<moon.length;s++)
      5. if (moon[s].id=="moonsize")
      6. planetXml+='<moon size="'+moon[s].innerText.replace("km","").trim()+'"/>'+"\n";
      7. }

      the moon from which you watch the galaxyview doesn't have a moon tooltip. If you do it like that, the moon will be deleted from galaxyview of the Galaxytool. The Galaxytoolbar sends "1" as size here to prevent the moon deletion.
    • Again thank u :)

      uploaded the update version (link in first post)

      2011.07.14 v1.0c
      -statistics: fixed the allyname extraction method in player statistic page (thanks to Omar Hawk)
      -statistics: changed method to detect if statistic page is changed (timer to event listener)
      -galaxyview: fixed activity value to send when a star is near the planet (*) (thanks to Omar Hawk)
      -galaxyview: fixed detection of your own moon (thanks to Omar Hawk)
    • I'm working on it, the problem is that at the moment i can't handle the response from the server (i can't know if the server received the data); i will remove the icon for the moment.
      Did you verified if the data in the galaxytool were updated correctly or not?
    • not working on

      i ll try to activate some extra logging on the server side to bring some pieces of extra data.

      good initiative meanwhile, this plugin is most wanted, especially after firefox6 release (cough) 2GB ram used is just not possible anymore. chrome rules :)
    • fixed the problem on
      to cynical: i see that you are italian, if you are using it on it should work because i'm italian too and i am using it on italian server. By the way if you are using also other extensions for ogame, try disabling them and check again
    • Well, in the meantime, there is an official Chrome AddOn from us, the Galaxytool developers. You may consider switching to it, as rakyr didn't update his plugin for a long time.

      On top of that, our AddOn supports all the features that the Firefox AddOn does (including sending phalanx reports and own fleet movements, player messages, espionage actions, combat reports, new stats from Ogame 3.0.0 (v4.9 of the Galaxytool, not released yet); support for the login token feature (v4.8 of the Galaxytool) and so on) ;)

    • so far so cool!! :thumbup:
      finally an official toolbar for chrome released!!! It was the only reason why I had to keep on using ff at least sometime! Your toolbar simply rocks! I can update my gt in less than half the time I had to do it on ff (chrome cache abusing ftw!!) !!

      But...... I have an important question for you and an official answer by some of the developers would be sooo much appreciated. I used to have a free hosting site who provided me a decent bandwith for my queries to the mysql db but I never heard about "triggers" before, which are needed by 4.8 and further releases and are not offered by any of the several "free hosting" sites I checked myself. So, in order to use the much more powerful brand new versions I should pay! Was it done intentionally? Do you kow 99% of us is using free hostng domains for their gt? Is there a way to find a workaround for that?

      Another lil request: can you try to release a version for the Origin test-uni? I'm talking about all the new stats and the tables format they introduced in Origin and that they'll introduce pretty soon in all the new unis as well, so it will be something needed by any (pr)ogamer very soon.

      Thanks for your time and possibly for answering all these questions :)
    • Zaphod Beeblebrox wrote:

      so far so cool!! :thumbup:
      finally an official toolbar for chrome released!!! It was the only reason why I had to keep on using ff at least sometime! Your toolbar simply rocks! I can update my gt in less than half the time I had to do it on ff (chrome cache abusing ftw!!) !!

      But...... I have an important question for you and an official answer by some of the developers would be sooo much appreciated. I used to have a free hosting site who provided me a decent bandwith for my queries to the mysql db but I never heard about "triggers" before, which are needed by 4.8 and further releases and are not offered by any of the several "free hosting" sites I checked myself. So, in order to use the much more powerful brand new versions I should pay! Was it done intentionally? Do you kow 99% of us is using free hostng domains for their gt? Is there a way to find a workaround for that?

      Another lil request: can you try to release a version for the Origin test-uni? I'm talking about all the new stats and the tables format they introduced in Origin and that they'll introduce pretty soon in all the new unis as well, so it will be something needed by any (pr)ogamer very soon.

      Thanks for your time and possibly for answering all these questions :)
      Well, there are some free hosting providers that actually support MySQL TRIGGERs - for a list take a look here:…viders_and_the_Galaxytool
      Of course you should always consider the sentence above the table... The Galaxytool is not a light-weight application for a webserver, especially with many users uploading data. ;)

      And about the origin test server: we've got v4.9 already done, that version will only make use of the new stats, nothing else new. But since the stats calculation will change with the next OGame 3.0.0 update, we didn't see a point in releasing this version yet. As soon, as there are real universes with that OGame version we will release Galaxytool v4.9.

      In the meantime, we are working on a complete redesign of the Galaxytool to a) improve the maintainability of the code b) make it look a bit more like the current OGame version.
    • well it sounds like new life's flowing into the GT finally

      I love the chrome toolbar but I'll confess that I have some doubt about the use of the mysql triggers since it is quite an advanced feature and, as you surely know, 90% of those having a GT does barely understand what a database is. They understand the GT is a powerful tool, they follow the guide to install it and that's it! When they'll see that the new release isn't working and that they'll have to pay to make it work again they'll start complaining and flaming towards..... you :P

      But yep, that's not my business...... anyway me and a friend of mine tried a couple of the "free hosting providers" linked in your page (the only 2 tested and with triggers on) but so far we still haven't even received the confirmation for our subscription (made nearly 20hrs ago) so..... as far as I see now our only chance should be paying. Wouldn't it be better in this case to open an official GT hosting domain yourself and for a cheap price (1 buck/euro/sterlin) offer pre-installed features and some sort of support?
      Just an idea..... anyway..... I'll see if I'll be able to use the new version soon or late.
    • allright, I spent some time testing the new 4.8.

      Let me be the first one to humbly complain
      First of all, the hosting problem. From the list shown in the GT wiki (the one you linked before) there is just one available, which is sharkserve. All the others are simply not working, not free, not existing anymore...... in other words, they should be removed from the list
      So, talking about sharkserve: they have a good cPanel full of settings and features (advanced ones too), a good support in the forum but their servers are slow like drunk donkeys, and the connection falls down quite often. That is done on purpose, since they offer poor resources to free accounts and they'll spam your mail offering you to purchase their premium account for 9.99$ (or more for more features). Also, you will have 2 banners in your gt, given by sharkserve. The previous hosting I had was on altervista, pretty fast but without triggers for free, and they offered you the possibility to use banners but in this case _YOU_ would get the (virtual) money to spend, while sharkserve is taking incomes for themselves
      Moreover, if you'll be "abusing" their TOS and/or resources, your acount will be deleted without advices. I don't kow how much bandwith and cpu a GT shared in a 30-40 peoples alliance could use (I just tested it with a friend of mine), but In their TOS it's written you are not allowed to run scrpts on their servers, so the risk to be banned is quite high.
      Now for what I saw the 4.8 has a different layout, stores more informations and needs a fast server where to run, or you will notice _sensible lags_ in your browser and gameplay. This is just too bad!

      To synthesize: sharkserve sucks! And finally there is NO FREE HOSTING solution for the 4.8, so...... conclusion and questions: to have the next 4.8 you must pay for a dedicated hosting provider. Are you aware of that? Was it done intentionally? Are these triggers a real must for the next releases? There will be any support for a not-triggered version of the GT?

      and sorry if this is a bit OT, the chromebar simply rocks and it's awesome :D