Introducing the Nanite Factory on the moon

    • The reason there isn't a nanite factory is to bring more balance to the game, otherwise the moon will be become too powerful an item without having to spend time to earn it.

      If you want it to build faster then play a speed uni in my opinion...
    • I don't like this idea because as Kebab correctly notes it makes moons incredibly more powerful tools much quicker.
      I completely agree with Kebab when he states that if you want to build faster join a speed universe.
    • I agree with Kebab and the1337g33k, one of the slight disadvantages a moon has is the length of time it takes to construct some of the most powerful and useful buildings in the game. Adding a means to decrease that length of time would affect the balance of the game itself.
    • I believe, we have a positive and negative points;
      Positive: The Moon will became strong more quickly;
      Negative: You need spend more resources with moon base and if someone put your moon down, you will lost a lot of rankings...

      Analysing this, i guess so this will not break balance in speed unis and this can be add in a special uni.
      But, i agree with Kebab because in the normal unis, the moon will be indestructible...

      Good suggestion would be, create a special uni with this feature...
    • Raicheron wrote:

      If you do not know how to do that, then look here:

      "Diese Seite enthält momentan noch keinen Text." ;)

      But I agree with Kebab and Raicheron - it's fast enough and moon is a special gift after battle which gives us completely new possibilities. Better fleetsaving, phalanx, jumpgate. With nanite factory it would be too easy.

      What is more nanite factory would be used to build huge defenses on the moon against deathstars so my answer is - no.

      Edit by Raicheron: The link works now.
    • Really not kendiraton, the moon have a strong weapon in the game, phalanx... Now if the moon will came be "super bunker", the strong players will be continue strong but, the new players can not be reach a strong player, because they never can be a good fleet and if the new players try a moon, the strong players down the moon...

      I guess so, this feature could be added in a new special universe.
    • It would certainly not be worth trying to get a nanite on a get it alone requires 10 Robotics factories, which in other words means wasting 10 slots on a robotics....and once you get a nanite, the moon would be too easy to build, and you could deconstruct the robotics tbh, it should not be added because a moon is powerful with the lanx/jumpgate alone, and cutting down production time would make it rediculous...
    • cristuning84 wrote:

      Ok but... Neither putting a limit to it, i.e.: at maximum level 4? or 2? whatever level you wish...

      No, not even level 1. Imagine, at the moment the jumpgate takes 15 days (which is really not too long). With Nani 4 it would take only 10,5 hours to build and thats definitely too fast.

      Toddzilla wrote:

      It would certainly not be worth trying to get a nanite on a get it alone requires 10 Robotics factories, which in other words means wasting 10 slots on a robotics

      Oops, so you want to tell me I have wasted 19 slots to get the highest Robotics on the moon :D
    • You missunderstud me with the 15 days.

      If you get a new Moon than you can build an Jump Gate within 15 days and 1.5 hours. That ist the fastes way to get a Jump Gate.
      To do that you have to build that order:
      MB 1
      R 1
      R 2
      MB 2
      R 3
      R 4
      MB 3
      R 5
      R 6
      MB 4
      R 7
      R 8
      JG 1

      If you build a Nanite befor you need that buildingorder:
      MB 1
      R 1
      R 2
      MB 2
      R 3
      R 4
      MB 3
      R 5
      R 6
      MB 4
      R 7
      R 8
      MB 5
      R 9
      R 10
      MB 6
      N 1
      JG 1
      For that order you need 16 days and 3.5h.
      For Nani 2 and Jump Gate you need also 16 days and 3.5h.
      For Nani 3 and Jump Gate you need 18 days and 17.5h.
      For Nani 4 and Jump Gate you need 20 days and 10.5h.

      The problem is not the faster Jump Gate. The problem are faster Phalanx and Defense.
    • cristuning84 wrote:

      you can build a bunker in a moon also without the nanite. the only difference is that with the nanite, you make a bunker in less time.
      so, what's the problem?
      The problem is that if you can make a bunker on a moon as fast as on a planet, it's giving too much advantage on players who are building a bunker without any possibility of phalanx.

      In the current situation, you see players launching their fleet from their planet because of their bunker (but you can phalanx them). If a moon has the same speed as a planet to build defense, you will never see those fleets.
      A moon has already plenty of advantages (not possible to phalanx, unlimited storage, jump gate, etc...). If you give in addition all the advantages of a planet (i.e. able to build defense or fleet with nanites) it would be too much...