Reduce the chance to find espionage probes on expeditions

  • Reduce the chance to find espionage probes on expeditions

    here is a list of all ships I found:
    • espionage probe 24840
    • small cargo 5975
    • light fighter 5723
    • heavy fighter 2086
    • large cargo 1899
    • cruiser 832
    • battlecruiser 386
    • battleship 334
    • bomber 280
    • destroyer 188

    to keep it simple and short... just 4 or 5 times to many espionage probes ^^
  • Looking at your list, the more expensive a ship is the less likely it is to be found, and so conversely the cheaper ships are more common. This seems like a sensible behaviour to me...
    Otherwise you'd end up in a situation where expeditions unbalance the game more than they already do =/
  • that's not true. battlecruisers are far more expensive then battleships and a bit more expensive then bombers and small cargo are more expansive then light fighters.

    if you would find 6000 espionage probes then this would be still more then needed but nearly 25000? you no longer can raid with them :p

    if it tells you that you have found a great armada of ships and you get: "1 cruiser 284 espionage probes". then something is a bit wrong i think.
  • Caprica Six wrote:

    here is a list of all ships I found:
    • espionage probe 24840
    • small cargo 5975
    • light fighter 5723
    • heavy fighter 2086
    • large cargo 1899
    • cruiser 832
    • battlecruiser 386
    • battleship 334
    • bomber 280
    • destroyer 188

    to keep it simple and short... just 4 or 5 times to many espionage probes ^^

    The Ships you found are nearly the same as I expect with my fomula by a total found in ship of 22.000.000 structure points:
    • espionage probe 22000
    • small cargo 5500
    • light fighter 5500
    • heavy fighter 2200
    • large cargo 1800
    • cruiser 815
    • battlecruiser 314
    • battleship 367
    • bomber 293
    • destroyer 200

    By "rounding error" there are bigger ships always slightly less than predicted. But yes: You are lucky with battelcruisers and you fount to many of them. Don't worry, feel happy!

    Spontaneously I can think of no way to change the formula without bringing anything totally out of balance.

    I use the espionage probes for moonshots. But I let me pay the price as if they would be LF and take the TF for me. That is quite a good deal for me.