Terraformer improvement by Energy Technology

    • Terraformer improvement by Energy Technology

      The idea is quite simple. For each 3 levels of Energy Technology, Terraformer increases +1 field per level.
      If you have "Energy Technology level 0", your Terraformer" would produce" 1 field per level. While with Energy level 3, the Terraformer would produce 2 fields per level. And so on.

      Fields given by each level of Terraformer = Energy Tech level / 3 + 1

      Since you need Energy Technology level 12 to unlock Terraformer, you will start having it giving 5 fields per level as usual. ;)
      But if you get Energy Technology level 15, your Terraformer will give 6 fields per level.

      I think this idea is not abusive and can solve some space problems for miners. I doubt somebody would research it above level 18, though.
      After level 12, the research can become very expensive for some people and can be afford only by players in an advanced stage of the game. Also, who needs more fields by Terraformer, are indeed those players in an advanced stage. People who can't pay for the research will not be in disadvantage, imo.

      Another formula could be simply:
      Fields given by each level of Terraformer = Energy Tech level / 2
      But this one will give more fields and must be discussed if it is really fair. I don't really see a problem here.

      I posted this suggestion in .org's board and it were welcomed by who posted there:

      Let me know your opinion or suggestion to add something. :)
    • Hello.

      I really like this idea, because it makes energy technology more efective and players, specially miners improve this technology.
      and this makes the game more "endless" increasing the strategy.
      We need know more opinions

      But sincerely i like ^^
    • Well, slowmotion i agree, but i believe energy technology is more appropriable because it construction envolves energy...
      This is what specifies in the "? more details" >> "technological information on Terraformer" >>
      >> "with so much energy, you can create entires continents!"

    • SlowMotion wrote:

      I dont think thats the best choice for the technology :S

      The energy tech already improve the fusion power plant.

      I think another tech, which is currently a base tech will be more attractive (e.g. plasma tech)
      Energy technology seems much more logical, since it is the only technology that you need to unlock terraformer. Also you need energy to level up your terraformer. How that can't be the best choice? :P

      P.S: nobody (or almost nobody) cares about fusion power plant, you know...
    • I agree Stryker, few players using the fusion plant, but if we makes some calculations about the energy technoloy + fusion plant, at the beginning energy generates by energy technology level + fusion plant level will be insignificant, however if we increase the technology and fusion we will achieve a lot of energy, with this energy generated by high fusion plant + energy technology, gravitation level 1 will no longer construction satellite solar.

      Analising all this, the ideia of using energy technology for improving terraformer, will benefit the fusion plant too^^

      Because this, the idea in my opinion is wonderful ^^

      Great idea!
    • SlowMotion wrote:

      I dont think thats the best choice for the technology :S

      The energy tech already improve the fusion power plant.

      I think another tech, which is currently a base tech will be more attractive (e.g. plasma tech)

      also, astrophysics is used for improving expedition number and number of colonies. On the other side who still using fusion power plant? ! in last 5years of playing i never improve even 1 lvl of it, beside my 10+ milions point in mines xD

      great idea, hope GF ll something do about colonies fields before it ll be to late ;) a we lose more unhappy players after RD has come...
    • Some users are using fusion plants, at least on OGame.fr, especially on some old universes

      There are 3 main reasons for that:
      - You can get rid of satellites (or almost), especially when you don't build any defense, and some players like to destroy them even with no benefice.
      - You save some slots: at high level, Fusion plants need less slots than Solar plant. For players who have quite small planets, it may be a good solution for upgrading their mines at a higher level.
      - Upgrading 1 level of Energy tech powers ALL your fusion plants. If you have chosen to have most of your planets quite cold (where satellite energy is very low), it's a great advantage (for deuterium production)

      (Personally, it's not my strategy: I use satellites and no Fusion plant, because I only have warm planets, and so satellites are much less expensive).

      BTW, I don't think it's a good idea to change (improve?) the terraformer characteristics: you have to make a choice when you get a new planet (keep it or leave it). It's part of a long term strategy.

      IMHO it would be better to review the size of the planets instead of trying to improve the terraformer, and especially the Main Planet (163 slots is really not enough). Most long term minors only use the terraformer on their main planet, not on the others. If you need a high level terraformer for other planets, that means that your colonization strategy was not good. That's all! Helping bad players is not an improvement.
    • Thank you kendiraton, and thanks everybody for the comments. It is important to discuss.

      kendiraton wrote:

      BTW, I don't think it's a good idea to change (improve?) the terraformer characteristics: you have to make a choice when you get a new planet (keep it or leave it). It's part of a long term strategy.

      IMHO it would be better to review the size of the planets instead of trying to improve the terraformer, and especially the Main Planet (163 slots is really not enough). Most long term minors only use the terraformer on their main planet, not on the others. If you need a high level terraformer for other planets, that means that your colonization strategy was not good. That's all! Helping bad players is not an improvement.

      Actually I had this idea based on my main planet. ;) But anyway we all (most of the players) got colonies that are not big enough for us to build everything we want without the need of tear down some less important buildings.
      The possibilities that this idea can create is great for who wants to play for a long time.

      Surely this idea will ALSO help players with small colonies, who didn't have a good plan years ago. But what is the problem? They will have to spend resources for that, they will need to research a technology and level up a building that is not cheap. This is totally fair.
      Players who doesn't need terraformer will not have to spend anything on it, so they are still good, ahead the others.
      And in my view, if we want to keep more players in the game, we must open the possibilities for everybody, including for players who was noob some years ago and didn't plan the game right.

      With the redesign, the possibility to get giant planets is null. The storage thing is worse (spend more fields). We need something to get more fields, I see you agree with that. But I don't think they will review it and suddenly just give extra fields, especially on the main planet.
      And is much better get things that you worked for. :)
    • WeTeHa wrote:

      Correct. We already adjust our formula so it is not necessary to change it again. :)

      Thats just wrong.
      Your adjustion is bad, to weak and - i'm sorry - nonsense.
      Terraformer10 costs a huge amount of resources so its pretty unlikely, that anybody will ever get near terraformer 11 oder 12.

      With this in mind your change will provide 5 extra fields. Thats just nothing. It changes nothing. The idea in this thread could change the terraformer in a way that you could colonize a Position13 Planet and - with ETech18 gaining 9 Fields per Terraformerlevel - you could actually use it. That means you could easily get a Planet with 110 fields (on Position 13) and improve it to 190 and therefore move to a Position 15. And that would be useful.
      Your change just changes NOTHING.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by UNoWin ().