carrying resources during the movement by the Hyperspace Portal

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    • ^^ Well I think and I guess this would be the best thing that can be done and made by the GF for oGame^^...
      I fully agree with this suggestion... We are on the same wavelength, Fratello !! :D
    • This is a very very old suggestion in OGame.
      Could be great... but... that means make much more easy the game, isn't it?
      I don't like... and I don't think that this type of idea have to be prioritized in front of other topics
    • Kramagon wrote:

      Could be great... but... that means make much more easy the game, isn't it?

      Well Krama, same feeling for me... I think it's one of the most marvellous things that can be done by the GF... Tough, in the other hand, the game will lose its interest.

      Kramagon wrote:

      I don't like... and I don't think that this type of idea have to be prioritized in front of other topics
      I'm a bit confused even though I said ^^ that the idea sounds great xD... I would like to have it but in the meantime, it won't be so great when you will have it... Ahhhh Crual Dilemma :S

      I just wanted to add that ^^ for the moment there are other priorities that we must take care before dealing with this suggestion such as the terraformer new formula...and of course the unifusion :pinch:
    • Well well.. After some reflection ^^, I come out with the following conclusion:
      The suggestion is single-handedly is very attractive...However as said Krama, The game would be easier ..
      And Cristuning84 suggested the idea whitout explaining or giving others possibilites...
      Therefore, I suggest in order to make the idea more acceptable, a reward system^^

      If you have Hyperespace Portal number 1 ==> you can carry let's say 2M ressources
      2==> 4M
      ^^ Something like that, I guess you understand what I mean...
      Thus, the Hyperespace Portale, in addition to its purpose of moving fleets, would get another utility such as moving the ressources too ... and this would give a purpose for improving the level of the Hyperespace Portal ...
      It would be like another another challenge in oGame.. something that won't be really refused from old gamers :)
    • I agree with your last post thetruth.
      Simply allow to transfer ressources without any limitation is a bad idea, IMO. Even if I would love it, especiallty when you have tons of ressources in galaxy 9 and that you have to transfer all of it in galaxy 4 because your biggest nanite factory is there.. We must have some difficulties to do stuff.. We can't just do everything easily, what would be the point ?
    • While I'd love to jump 12 (+2 per level) or 64 (*2 per level) mil resources per hour, my bigger problem is that random raiders will be able to jump to anywhere with deut included and attack someone (me). Now they need to either have (and fs?) 10mil deut at each moon, be limited to the moon they're on or wait 3 hours to transport deut to new location, which likely kills the opportunity.

      Also, if you make the res limit too strict it will be useless, if you make it too lax it won't matter.
    • I am completely AGAINST this suggestion.

      When you've got a moon with a Hyperspace portal, you already have the possibility of moving fleet.
      If, in addition, you can move resources, it's really TOO EASY.

      Raider's side:
      One of the challenges is to get enough deuterium from where you launch your fleet. It means either some preparation (i.e. having enough deuterium on all your moons) or, if it's an emergency, contact friends to have this deuteriuem delivered on time. That's the spirit of an ally.

      I quite often receive some PM from my friends asking me at 2:00 am (or later) if I can deliver 10, 20, 30M deuterium (or more) somewhere. Sometimes it's a yes, sometimes it's a no. That's one of the charms of OGame. DO NOT remove it (the charm of OGame)...

      Minor's side:
      If you can move resources easily with your Hyperspace Portal, you limit some opportunities to have cargos intercepted with a bunch of resources: minors don't need to have cargos anymore. It would kill the game.
    • I forwarded this idea through Francolino a while back as part of a set of most requested features in .org (still haven't heard anything back though and I can't remember if they actually made it to Gameforge >_>).…-resouces-with-jumpgates/
      -Add ability to move resources with jumpgates. Possible balances include: level 2+ required, only send either resources or ships, increased cooldown, special ships required

      It was meant as a quick list so I just summarized ideas I remembered, feasible or no. <_<
      Mod @ - Bugs & Complaints and Suggestions
    • Mmm really interesting... I should admit that I have seen the minor's point of view only ^^....
      Nice idea for taking the opinions of the Org community kwinse...
      Well I think that you did a good summary...

      These following suggestions are really interesting: level 2+ required, only send either resources or ships...
      With this it may balance the new Jumpgate feature...
    • the best idea and to keep the ogame charm is a universe with specials features
      like The Truth said a feature like:

      If you have Hyperespace Portal number 1 ==> you can carry let's say 2M ressources
      2==> 4M

      sow, it's not to easy and will be nice to see a special universe with this feature
    • Yeah why not ^^ nice idea a special universe ^^...

      Well well for the FR community, I looked in the archives... The idea has been already discussed and it was refused by the french community ...
      ^^ I tried to relaunch the idea but... received three negative responses ... Well that's generally the point of view of the FR community about this suggestion ..
    • Wasn't introduced by the .US community from where i've seen so far. Even though it would be a great help to me personally, I think it would make it too easy a some point. (Even though level 3+ jumpgates would take forever to build)
    • As Kramagon said it's a very very old idea.

      My concern is about escaping with your fleet which would be far more difficult with resources. Let's say you can take 2M with your portal and there are 4M on your moon. So you would need an extra site or checkbox where you could type number of resources you would like to take.

      So if you have a fleet arriving and want to escape with it in - let's say 5 seconds you have to keep in mind that there is a new site with resources. And it would take much more time than before.
      And I'm not sure if taking one ship of every type of your fleet would still work for quick teleport.
    • yeah, if you want to save the fleet and resources of course you'll need more time
      you''ll have to choose with resources or without them, with resources you'll have to prepare 5-6 sec to save them
    • *lol* *lol* absolutely no comment the french commnity is againt this idea all of them (and me too by the way ^^)
      Well to summurize quickly: this would help miners as said Kendiration but in the same time the fleeters.
      The game right now is try toughly to make a balance between fleeters and miners but if this would have to come fleeters will be more advantaged (right now they still have a little advantage)
      Let's think about the deuterium... If you need to attack and try your luck for a HoF and you don't have the necessary deut to move your fleet (think about the awaiting time, the call to your friends to check whether or not they have deut ==>> all the charisma of oGame) so if this guy have some M of deut in Galaxy 8 and his target is in G5 .. ^^ Hop i'm gonna use the Hyperespace Portal and get all my deut ready to be used ^^...
      Such an imbalance...
      ^^ That's what have been said mainly ( sorry for forgetting some 'important' arguments...)

      To conclude, I really liked what said Kendiraton in our local board ^^:
      If you take from oGame its strategic part and what make its charm, we'd better gonna play SimCity instead ^^ :thumbsup: