World Ogame Stats of Players and Alliances

    • World Ogame Stats of Players and Alliances

      [En ligne]
      [stats] World Ogame Stats of Players and Alliances
      It's not my web site but it's very nice!

      • Info: Statistics of alls universes ogame
      • author:
      • Website :
      • Screenshot :
      • Languages : Bulgarian, Danish, German, English, Spanish, French, Hungarian, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish, Romanian

        World Ogame Stats of Players and Alliances. Rank and Increase: Resources, Fleet, Research.
        26.12.2010r » Countries: 31 | Universes: 665 | Alliances: 123.317 | Players: 766.571

        - World
        TOP 10 World Ogame Players and Alliances
        - Countries
        example UK: TOP 30 UnitedKingdom Ogame Stats of Players and Alliances
        - Universes (with Universe Details)
        example UK->Universe6: TOP 20 UnitedKingdom Ogame Stats of Players and Alliances of Universe6
        - Players / Alliances at Resources / Fleet / Research
        example UK->Universe11->Players->Fleet->Increase
        - Points and Increase
        example Germany->Universe39->Players->Resources->Points
        - TOP 100+ Players and Alliances
        example France->Universe3->Players->Resources->Points->TOP 201-300
        - Details of Players and Alliance
        example Player->Goddes [NoM3rcY] from Romania
        example Alliance->[=GN=] from Japan

        1. How is the database kept up to date?
        We're a team having a firefox plugin installed which sends the data of stats/gala pages to our database server.
        » Legality Galaxytool
        2. When is the database update?
        Every Sunday at 0:00 PM +0:00
        3. Why you haven't archive data?
        Yes, we haven't archive data, every week we are updating database but adventage are statistics for 31 countries.

        - from 28 October 2007 - Polish stats -> Board -> link
        - 19 November 2010r - newer version of Stats
        - 26 December 2010r - added 30 countries[/quote]


      The post was edited 4 times, last by Zeptos ().

    • The Truth, thanks, I'm glad that I joined the Ogame Origin is translated to:
      - English - OK -
      - Polish - OK -
      - French - with Google Translate - - to correct -
      - German - OK -
      - Spanish - with Google Translate - - to correct -
      - Russian - OK - has been updated
      9.01.2011r » Countries: 31 | Universes: 665 | Alliances: 122.266 | Players: 759.894
    • Thanks for adding me =).

      Well I see so I think it's better to say : Who has the greatest increase of points number? What is the evolution in the ranking? (something like that)
      for this previous sentence can you fix it by putting this sentence (I misunderstood the meaning):
      "Qui a le plus grand accroissement de points? Quelle évolution connaît le classement?"
      Quelle évolution connaît le classement? => points number
      Qui a le plus grand accroissement de points? => increase of points.

      And finally, can you please correct: "Défense à CDR" and "Flotte à CDR" ( Defense , Fleet to DF)

      Thanks again ;) and sorry for the disturb :D
    • Sorry for the double post, but I have some good news for my friend Zeptos :D...
      In order to reduce the task for you, I sorted all french universes with their own characteristics...(pfiouu :sleeping: I'm gonna take a rest... :S)
      So I wanted to post it in our board. Fr but he's out of service for server move...
      And I think it's better to collect such kind of information here in The Origin board, where everything can be found :thumbup:

      Ogame Universes (Fr) :

      * Old universes using a number as a name :

      Univers 7, 19, 20 :
      These universes are classic universes from the first version of oGame.
      No ACS, no speed increase, Defense to DF (no)

      Univers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45 à 65 :
      These universes benefit the rule of ACS. Normal percentage of fleet to DF.

      Univers 40 :
      This universe has been made in order to allow destruction of defense (to DF) besides fleet to CDR , and this for a fun purpose :D
      ACS allowed .

      Univers 50 :
      The speed of this universe is * 2 (flight time, time construction and of course ressources production).
      Galaxies are at a number of 50 (instead of 9 as can be found in the other universes) from 100 Solar Systems (499 in the other universes).
      ACS allowed. Normal fleet to DF percentage.

      Univers 60 :
      The speed of this universe is * 2 (flight time, time construction and of course ressources production).
      But here it's 60% of the ressources spent in the ships construction that goes in the DF des ressources nécessaires a la construction des vaisseaux qui vont dans le Champ de débris (30 % pour les autres univers)
      ACS allowed.

      *Universes using names with letter, also called new universes :

      These universes are the first ones to experiment the Redesign (before expanding the RD to the ancient universes)

      Universes Andromeda, Barym, Capella, Draco, Electra, Hydra, Io :
      Universes that benefit ACS .Normal fleet to DF percentage

      Universe Fornax :
      Its speed is multiplied by 4. (flight time, time construction and of course ressources production).
      ACS allowed. As I know, normal percentage of fleet in the DF.

      Universe Gemini :
      Speed heightened twice (*2) (flight time, time construction and of course ressources production).
      Plus the home planet has 170 fields instead of the usual 163... (I don't know if it will be usefull :P )
      ACS allowed and normal fleet to DF.

      Universe Jupiter :
      ACS NOT allowed.
      Though, it's 70% of the resources spent in ships construction that goes on the DF (instead of 30 % for the other universes.
      I hope it will be usefull for you ;) .
      The Truth