Re-order Ship/Defense production queue

    • Resources and Facilities

    • Re-order Ship/Defense production queue

      Since a production queue is available for ships & defenses, a nice feature would be enabling to reorder blocks in production queue to prioritize a certain defense type, or ships over defenses.

      Better yet, enabling to cancel & (part)refund production of ships and defenses :ninja:

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Guritchi ().

    • the first proposal I could accept, even though I'm afraid it could be exploited for ninjar and that it could come back too easily under attack.
      The second part is contrary ........ would add an additional way to get rid of the resources while you are under attack ........... already now you can scrap, but at least you have the problem of clog the construction site

    • I agree with you concerning the second part (crossed out)

      Concerning the first part, what could limit possible abuses would be to allow only to reorder production per 'block' and prevent replacement of on-going block.

      (on going) 119 LF
      (pending) 200 LL - 100 C - 50 BS

      If you can choose to produce your 100 Cruisers and/or 50 BattleShips before your Light Laser turrets.. but in anycase, you will have to wait for the on-going production block (119 Light Fighter) to finish production AND you cannot split pending blocks.