Bashing rule clarification please

    • Bashing rule clarification please

      Is the bashing rule just per individual or are alliances included as well?

      I had 13 people attack me in a 24 hour period, with each just stopping 1 short of the bashing rule. As a new player this really makes me want to leave the game as I can not recover as this happens every 3 days. That's 65 attacks every 50 hours.
    • individual, the only point could help you is this
      8.2 b) there are actual circumstances that indicate that his conduct is significantly and negatively impacting on the gaming experience of other users.

      But, sound strange to receive so many attack. Are you talking about same planet or different planets ? Bashing rule is for single planet/moon (so you can receive N attack in planet A, N attack in planet B, etc).
      Did you done something versus that ally or one of members? Or did you left a lot of resources or ships ver planets ?

      The post was edited 2 times, last by TGWo ().