Make Looting Great Again

    • Make Looting Great Again

      Make Looting Great Again

      • Info: Retrieves combat reports and displays a detailed summary.
      • Author: Valmone
      • Website: No website, probably later.
      • Support : Here and on discord: @Valmone#4097 .
      • Download : Make Looting Great Again
      • Screenshot : See Below.
      • Browser : Chrome and on Firefox.
      • Compability : No incompatibility detected.
      • Languages : EN, ES and FR.

      Make Looting Great Again is a simple script that retrieves CR in messages (Combat Report menu) and loads looted resources, damages and losses.
      I work on the recovery of debris fields to not taken its entirety if we are the attacker, or nothing if we are the defender.
      Export is also not possible to know who has the biggest, it will be considered if it is fearfully asked

      Display Spoiler

      Not ever English screen concerning the summary.

      Some button does not work everywhere.

      Display Spoiler

      Changelogs wrote:

      [Débug] No stuck on "Loading" button
      [Débug] Debris fields is taken into account
      [Changement] Recovery is no longer instantaneous

      Changelogs 1.4.4 wrote:

      [New] Possibility to display data of the Day, Week or Month

      Thank you :)

      The post was edited 3 times, last by Valmone ().

    • hi, the script don't work, it keeps "loading" but never ends
      I play in the spanish (.es) comunity and use Opera 60.0.3255.56 with Tampermonkey 4.8.5890

      I also take benefit and send you the translations into Spanish:

      Source Code

      1. var chargement = "Cargando...",
      2. fini = "Terminado",
      3. recuperer = "Cargar",
      4. reset_rc = "Vaciar",
      5. nbr_de_rc = "Número de CR",
      6. all_pillage = "Saqueo total",
      7. somme_total = "Σ Total",
      8. moyenne_par_rc = "Promedio por CR",
      9. degat_realise = "Destruidas",
      10. pertes_subit = "Perdidas",
      11. benefices_totaux = "Beneficios totales";
      Display All
      and one more request: it would be possible to choose (or limit) the reporting load to the current date (or one chosen in specific)

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Aonikenk: orthographycs corrections ().

    • Thank to your return.

      @Ic4ro report the same bug, and strangely it never appear with us on french server.
      If you are okay for help me to debug, could you contact me on discord (@Valmone#4097) or on dm ?

      I was also going ask @Ic4ro if he was agree to propose a translate into spanish too, so thanks :love:

      Sadly I can't try on Opera... I suppose that you have already check if you have error on the console ?

      Concerning your finally proposition, I would like to first be sure to fix the bug and implement exportation of Débris Field
    • Sorry but my scripting knowledge is very limited, however I can tell you that the previous version (the one that was only in French) worked fine but with the only failure in the visualization stage of the summary

      I have also noticed that you depend on the appearance of a specific word to select the language and not of the metadata of the page in which this appears (or it could also be from the last two letters of the server's name)
    • Aonikenk wrote:

      Sorry but my scripting knowledge is very limited, however I can tell you that the previous version (the one that was only in French) worked fine but with the only failure in the visualization stage of the summary

      I have also noticed that you depend on the appearance of a specific word to select the language and not of the metadata of the page in which this appears (or it could also be from the last two letters of the server's name)
      This has been changed :saint:

      It doesn't matter, I can guide you step by step ^^

      To determine the origin of the problem
    • Totally agree to be beta tester; but I should already be able to run your script

      Is this possibly because of this: "if ( (" es ")> = 0"?

      Or is there a setting to make in Ogame's options?

      Tout à fait d'accord pour être béta testeur; mais il faudrait déjà que j'arrive à faire fonctionner ton script
      Est-ce éventuellement à cause de ceci : " if ("es") >= 0 " ?
      ou bien y a t'il un réglage à faire dans les options de Ogame ?

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Rouen ().

    • If the problem was due to a fight that ended in a draw, this is solved (v

      Otherwise I can not move on without your help on the questions asked in private

      Valmone wrote:

      • Have you an error in the debug menu before click on the button ?(Ctrl+Maj+I)
      • Error is it present on Opera, Firefox and Chrome ?
      • With and without other script ?
      • Could you list various RC on this page ?

    • Changelogs 1.4.3 wrote:

      • [Débug] Missile report don't be crash the recovery of cr
      • [Débug] No more addition of cr from nowhere
      • [Débug] Possibility to see resume on messages pages
      • [New] DF taken into account in Other menu (always in messages)

      This is the last version
      It should be stable except for Group Attack and Group Defender
      It is necessary to reset its data before use in order to be sure of its good functioning ::pleased::

      EDIT: If the button hangs on "Loading", hit it again and it should work again
    • Good new !! is arrived
      The biggest mistake has been solved, and thanks you so very muchat @Kat Orpheus who help me to debogage and to @kerosin for his knowledge :love:

      Debris field is taken an account, but if you stay stuck on "Loading" more than 3mins and nothing happened, please tell me

      Changelogs wrote:

      [Débug] No stuck on "Loading" button
      [Débug] Debris fields is taken into account
      [Changement] Recovery is no longer instantaneous

      Remeber to reset before the first use
      It may be that the rc recovery counter under the button displays some more values, these correspond to Espionage report... this resolved soon as possible

    • i want try this scripts but when i click on "save" button in combat report its stuck with "Loading" i try click again and nothing happen :/
      i use firefox + greatsmonkey but i try also other browser chrome with tampermonky.
      i play on Zibal - polish server

      edit: if i can help you and add more information about polish ogame server pls write me what you need
      edit2: in firefox console error i have some like this:

      These is no function defined for action: subtabs-nfFleet20
      These is no function defined for action: subtabs-nfFleet21

      The post was edited 2 times, last by joks ().