Patching rules on trade & push

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    • Patching rules on trade & push

      At first I'd like to apologize for my english, it's a bit rusty.

      Hello, I created a thread on polish board aswell but I'd like to hear some backup from you guys aswell. Most of us (at least on polish board) agree that push through trade manipulations are too often and should be terminated for good.
      At the moment I created something like this:

      It is forbidden for stronger account to gain resources further called PUSH from weaker account.
      Push among others is sending resources to stronger account by weaker account with less points without visible gains.
      Trade must be end before 72h.

      In exceptional cases (such as sharing ACS loot, or lending recyclers), support must be informed via

      Trade exceeding trade rates or aimed at pushing stronger account will be treated as violation of push rule.
      Trade exceeding trade rates or aimed at pushing weaker account will NOT be treated as violation of push rule.

      3:2:1 - one unit of deuterium is worth 2 units of crystal or 3 units of metal.
      2:1:1 - one unit of deuterium is worth 1 unit of crystal or 2 units of metal.

      It is forbidden to manipulate trade rates by third party which is not present in primary trade (using third party accounts on which are sent resources in order to trade at fixed rates in favor of the stronger account; building defences/fleet in order to voluntarily destroy it and push stronger account afterwards).

      Trade rates and rules apply to all OGame universes

      Player might be also punished for violation push rule for:

      • Intentional resource storage on moons/planets to allow stronger account to get them via attacking.
      • Intentional attacks by weaker fleets to create debris field and pushing stronger account afterwards
      • Supporting stronger account using uneven trade rates
      • Unfulfilling duty of informing Game Operators about recyclers lending or sharing ACS loot
      • Using additional ways and means to push stronger account using weaker account.

      Caution! Push rule includes all above cases however it is not limited to them.
    • @NoMoreAngel Hi! thanks for responding! Unfortunately on polish OGame Game Operators just as Game Administrators & Board Moderators are corrupted and there's no way to actually play on even ground with everyone. Moderators are deleting posts with actually good ideas so they can push themselves without worrying. They're selling fleet times to their friends, they're pushing themselves using 10 or more push accounts, the situation is just terrible.
      Polish community is one of the most active OGame-wise and people playing there are getting sick of corrupted Operators and Administrators. Rules on & are fresher than the ones on other unis, at the time of writing original post I did not realize that, for what i apologize.

      I'd like to ask for the sake of fair play... force changing rules on other ogame worlds (example .pl) we're hopeless...
    • @Guderian quiet, in all forums of ogame I read players write the exact same accusations to GO, SGO, MOD, when their opponents are not sanctioned, banned.

      Do you think all Polish staff is corrupted ? Write at your CoMa Art with evidence

      This is rules in .pl…dy-Gry-i-sytuacje-sporne/ , at me seen (using translator) very similar at rules in .en…ostID=6509033#post6509033

    • With all due respect, I'll be far from quiet. You're not playing on polish uni and you've no idea what is indeed happening there. I don't care about accusations. Our exGOs, current GOs and current SGOs are writing on board that they're indeed USING 3rd accounts sitted by their friends to buy deuterium with minimal trade rate 2:1:1 and sell it for much, much more gaining unfair advantage.
      Topic we created on polish board about changing rules to make them similar to .de/.org was closed by moderator who said "You don't understand definition of push". This is just a joke, nothing else.

      They are indeed similar but interpretation of rules by our GOs, SGOs is WRONG. Because of them it's a pleague right now, 1/3 of accounts on unis are multiaccounts of top players and you never know whos behind low rank account.

      EDIT: It's not just about opponents not being sanctioned or banned. It's about GOs, SGOs interpreting rules to THEIR OWN will saying "manipulation of trade rates is not push"... how is that not a push?!

      It is forbidden to manipulate legal trade rates by giving unfair advantage to a higher ranked player (example and not limited to this: buying expensive and selling cheaper the same resource to the same player, selling scraped fleet or defense at low trade rates).

      They're avoiding responsibility exactly with this point cause they're using 3rd accounts to make this a "legal" trade.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Guderian ().

    • Guderian wrote:

      They are indeed similar but interpretation of rules by our GOs, SGOs is WRONG. Because of them it's a pleague right now, 1/3 of accounts on unis are multiaccounts of top players and you never know whos behind low rank account.
      Exactly the same accusations I read in talian board. Player A have 20 multyaccounts using to buy deuterium ......... never banned, because for staff any account is a normal account and no multyaccount.
      who's right? The users who launch the charges or the staff who do not find a multyaccount?
      From the outside it is easy to make accusations, but valid proofs are also required. In my opinion, sometimes both are right in the sense that there are those who cheat, but you can't find the evidence. Other times those who make accusations do not know how to play or do not accept the results of others and prefer to justify themselves by saying that the others cheat

      Guderian wrote:

      Our exGOs, current GOs and current SGOs are writing on board that they're indeed USING 3rd accounts sitted by their friends to buy deuterium with minimal trade rate 2:1:1 and sell it for much, much more gaining unfair advantage.
      if account is played by other human, for the rule is not a multyaccount, also if the other human is a friend. Maybe is wrong the rule, I don't like who play only to help friends, I don't like who create an account 1 in universe A to do moon to player 2, and player 2 create an account to do moon in universe B at account 1, same for who send missiles .......... but actual rule permit it.
      So no strange that a player can create an account only to trade and help ........ sure will be an exachenge of favour in an other universe. But I repeat, for the actual rule (.org, polish, ecc) , it is not forbidden (but I don't like)

      Guderian wrote:

      example and not limited to this: buying expensive and selling cheaper the same resource to the same player, selling scraped fleet or defense at low trade rates).
      are you saying that in Polish is happining that account A exchange deuterium to metal with trade 2:1:1 with account B and few hours later B exchange metal to deuterium with account A but using trade 3:2.1 ? This is sure forbidden , but I don't believe it is what happen.
      In Italy exist player with nick "buy deuterium" that buy from other player deuterium at minus trade possible, and then exchange deuterium using merchant having a gain (because merchant sing an other trade). I don't like, but rule don't forbidden

      Guderian wrote:

      They're avoiding responsibility exactly with this point cause they're using 3rd accounts to make this a "legal" trade.
      as wrote before with the actual rules I think everywhere they are not multyaccount

    • Dude, please. Read with caution.
      Team members and ex team members are writing openly about having ENTIRE NETWORKS of accounts to manipulate trade rates and make HUGE profit out of it. On this is considered PUSH and it is forbidden by RULES.

      EDIT: also they were lying and implying that the same rules are everywhere and there is nothing they can do about it...
    • It woulnd't get rid of a problem. They would just change the way they push themselves. Instead of using trade rate manipulation they'll use their 3rd accounts to gain profit out of selling metal & buying crystal between those accounts. It'll just take a little big longer for them to actually gain the same profit but because of this, number of 3rd accounts might even increase