Features on the message page

    • Features on the message page

      I get a lot of bug reports for AGO not working properly together with UV, mainly regarding the messages page. While I try fixing those bugs as best as I can, I still have issues with UV changing stuff on the messages page like adding elements to spy reports. My issues are:

      - The added elements look just like the OGame-native elements in the code and thus aren't distinguishable. So I can't just tell AGO to ignore those. If you add elements please make them unique and easily identifiable as UV-specific elements.

      - UniverseView is not an allrounder addon like Skynet or AGO. It serves a specific purpose, and that is providing features to make it easier to search for players or planets and to have a handy overview of the universe. So people often don't decide between AGO, Skynet or UV. They rather install UV on top of an allrounder addon. If I install UV, I do that because I want the aforementioned features. I don't want UV to mess with my spy reports. Same goes for userscripts like InfoCompte that changes the API button on SRs and CRs. I don't get that. Why on earth would a userscript whose purpose is to provide statistics of my account change stuff in my messages? Same goes for UV.

      I'm guessing these features are implemented because addon developers mainly or only use their own addons, so they add stuff which makes OGame more convenient for them without having to install addons like Skynet or AGO. Keep in mind though that you aren't developing the addon for yourself but for the players. And the players mostly use an allrounder addon + whichever addon they need the functions of. I had many people reporting that the spy table of AGO isn't working together with UV, and sadly they all ended up deactivating UniverseView because of this. So please at least make those features optional, either by a simple setting or for example by letting the user choose between a "basic" mode and an "extended" mode.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by RiV- ().

    • What do you think about this approach @RiV- regarding enabling and disabling features used in OGame UI++?
      Google Chrome extension : OGame UI++
      Example: i.imgur.com/xP2O3Dh.png and you can just literally click on any of that images to enable/disable any feature

      Now, I think that for AGO any app can produce problems, as AGO tries to cover everything. So there can be tons of conflicts with other extensions.

      To be completely honest with you, I'm not a big fan of AGO, but I know it's a really useful tool.
      In my case, I do play with OGameUI++, Skynet and UniverseView. All of them get on pretty well, but it's a really good initiative that extensions should offer a way to enable/disable features.
    • Charlie wrote:

      Now, I think that for AGO any app can produce problems, as AGO tries to cover everything. So there can be tons of conflicts with other extensions.
      If other extensions make their added elements unique there is no problem in adapting AGO to work with it.

      My problem is this:

      In the DOM it looks like this:

      The third <div class="compacting">...</div> is added by UniverseView. And it looks just like the other rows. Now this would be absolutely no problem if Gameforge in their infinite wisdom wouldn't have decided to make the data inaccessible by not adding unique identifiers. But it's beyond insane to expect that they will change anything regarding that, at least not before 2023, so that's why I'm asking here.
    • @RiV-
      I get your problem! That feature can indeed not be disabled via the settings menu, that's my bad, I'll add the setting.
      It's also quite impossible to take into account all the features from other add-ons. I worked with Francolino on a solution for it, to detect other extensions but back then there wasn't a good solution for Firefox only for Chrome, maybe that has changed now, I would need to re-evaluate that.

      As for your other points:
      A good portion of my users also don't use AGO and only UV, so why wouldn't we be allowed to change things on the messages page? My extension is mainly to give fleeters shortcuts for searching, simulating & attacking... So adding things to messages is a logical step.

      I can't add it on all the element but I can add it on the most upper parent element that UV add, that should be doable, would this be some kind of a solution for you RiV?
    • Warsaalk wrote:

      A good portion of my users also don't use AGO and only UV, so why wouldn't we be allowed to change things on the messages page? My extension is mainly to give fleeters shortcuts for searching, simulating & attacking... So adding things to messages is a logical step.
      I understand that. That's why I suggested a "basic" and an "extended" mode. For me personally, and I feel like I am not the only one thinking like that, I don't install UV so it makes my messages page more beautiful or more convenient, because I have AGO for that. I would like to use UV only for the tools it provides such as searching for players, making an overview of players' planets and such. But because UV also changes the looks of messages and chats for example, I decided not to use UV. I gave the example of InfoCompte to make it more clear what I'm trying to say: I install InfoCompte for the statistics it provides, and I don't want it to change stuff in my spy reports. My point is that I would like to use UV for its main purpose without it doing stuff which I have AGO for.

      I also get that UV is used as an alternative to addons like AGO or Skynet by some. So in my opinion the best solution would be to provide detailed settings where the user can activate or deactivate every single feature of an addon. Francolino did this pretty well with AGO in my opinion. However some can say that this is too overwhelming for the user, so I have two different solutions to this:

      1. Add a "basic" mode and an "expert" mode where "basic mode" in the case of UV is how the settings currently are and "expert mode" changes the settings so you can activate or deactivate every feature one by one.


      2. Add a "basic" mode and an "extended" mode where "basic mode" only has the core features and "extended mode" also has the little extras such as the aforementioned stuff on the messages page.

      But all of this really isn't crucial and as such should be addressed on the long term if at all. I'm just sharing my thoughts on how we could improve the user experience.

      About that specific problem I mentioned above, I managed to fix it as it is I think. For the future, changing the class of the added element or adding another class to it should suffice honestly.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by RiV- ().