Premium feature to aid in moonshots

    • Premium feature to aid in moonshots

      -bring into game a new Officer feature: This Officer is capable of maximazing moonchance through complex mathematics. Moonchance is improved by 50% while activated.
      -This would make a normal maximum moonshot (20%) give an actual 30% moonchance. This only counts when ships are destroyed at planets owned by a player who has this officer active.
      -Either give a new Officer to do this or add the feature on some less frequently used officer

      For those who play seriously, it is quite important to get moons fast and efficiently. I think this feature is something that would not change the game hardly at all - but would still be much used and thus bring GF some important cashflow.
      Moons are a vital cornerstone of this game and players really need them if they wish to use their ships effectively and safely. I would not make it easy to acquire a moon (by buying with DM or increasing the chance too much), but a small boost would be fine while still allowing lots of room for bad luck.
      If i think of using such option on a new universe/account - i would be using it atleast for the first 3-6months, or until i would have atleast 2 moons ready. Later on the game, i would activate this again to make moons 3,4 and 5 within a week or two and the same again even later to create the last moons i would see important. In most cases the top10 fleeters have atleast 6 moons, usually 8 or 9 depending if they use mobile-planet or not. I would estimate any player who thinks he needs so many moons - invest atleast 3 months worth of money in such feature.
    • No, No and No!

      There are already "moon makers" accounts which are currently allowed (and IMHO, it should be forbidden: if you want a moon, you have to pay for it - either by paying the tries or by doing reverse tries, like i always did).

      Having an officer to help you getting your moons is too much of an advantage, especially when you are on a new universe.

      You can get your 9 moons (and now your 10-11-12 moons or more) "normally". So get your moons in a fair way. You'll be much more happy when you get your moons in a "fair" way... If not, you are not playing OGame!
    • WeTeHa wrote:

      Officers! :D

      Beside hating premium thingys...anything else you have against possibilities to rise up the moon chance *a bit*?

      If you want to have 30% of chance of having a moon - instead of 20% only, let's do it for ALL players.
      It may be fair to get more than 20%, when the debris are more than 2M. But not with 3M debris = 30%.

      Ex (only for starting the discussion - I think it's already too much):
      - up to 2M debris: same as now (i.e. 1% per 100k debris)
      - from 2M to 10M debris: 0.2% more per 100k debris (e.g. 5M debris (2M * 1% + 3M * 0.2%) = 20% + 6% = 26%)
      - from 10M to 50M debris: 0.1% more per 100k debris (e.g. 20M debris (2M * 1% + 8M * 0.2% + 10M * 0.1%) = 20% + 16% + 10% = 46%)

      Having an officer gives 0% more chance to get a moon.
    • I like this idea, fine suggested.

      Well, in the later game (after a few month) this idea changes nearly nothing in the gameplay - i see nothing against.
      A big problem is the early game when the player have to less resources for moonshots and the first moons appears - in this moment it's a big advantage for this payment feature. An activation waiting time like 2 or 3 month would be nice.

      Regards, F.