Fleet I-II-III pages

    • Fleet I-II-III pages

      Hi there,

      In order to send out fleet faster (keyboard is a lot faster than a mouse click), I have some suggestions to the 3 Fleet pages.

      Fleet I page:

      - Use "right arrow" on the keyboard as a fast "select all ships" button, just like the one you can click on with the mouse. (left arrow will deselect all ships)
      Then hit ENTER to go to next page (already implemented)

      Fleet II page:

      - Use the "arrow keys" at the keyboard to navigate through your "shortcuts list", up/down chooses coordinates, right/left chooses planet/moon/DF
      - Use the numbers 1.2.3 - 0 to quick select a speed. 1=10%, 5=50%, 0=100%
      Then hit ENTER to go to next page (implemented)

      Fleet III page:

      - Use "right arrow" to select all resources, "left arrow" will deselect all resources (sorted after your priority in your settings: Buildings and Facilities tab)
      Then hit ENTER to send off fleet (implemented).

      These keyboard shortcuts would, I believe, make it a lot faster and easier to send off fleet without using the mouse. I'd love to have this feature in the AntiGame, hope you'll find it useful too :)
      Dark Matter LogBook
      Adding bots to Ogame universes with low player counts

      Here you have the "freedom of speech" as long as you say "everything is OK".
    • When will that update come?
      Or has it come and I'm using the wrong AGO?
      • I'm using AntiGameOrign V6 6.5.1
      Or is my AntiGame for some reason not updating as it should?

      Because I'd love to use thise functions on a daily basis :)


      I have had some thoughts about the Fleet II page. Should one be able to toggle through both the "last" list and the "Standard Targets" list? Or only own coordinates, the "Shortcut" list?

      My suggestion is that the current position (Galaxy:system:position:planet/moon) is selected and arrow keys will toggle between the positions from the "Shortcut" list.

      --END EDIT--
      Dark Matter LogBook
      Adding bots to Ogame universes with low player counts

      Here you have the "freedom of speech" as long as you say "everything is OK".

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Molle ().