Multiaccounting issue

    • General

    • Multiaccounting issue

      Not sure if this was ever addressed here, but i'll throw in an idea, tho not sure if it works the same way it does in some games.

      I've seen quite a few people that are multiaccounting hard, having multies to farm or buying acc's to crash etc.
      A lot of those don't get all...they stay and continue doing it...but sometimes they do, tho they get into a new acc and continue doing the same.

      Some people suggest giving out IP bans...but that doesn't work considering that a lot of IPs are dynamic, meaning they change regularly/on demand. So that wouldn't really solve anything, nor delay it.

      What i'm thinking is ofc first giving out a warning (tho no warning would be good too) and just straight up hardware banning people. This could be used against cheating and such aswell. Basically make them unable to play that uni anymore. They can play others, but if they get caught cheating there too they get banned there too etc.

      This would discourage many cheaters/pushers etc. from doing it. Ofc you'd have bonobos still doing it, some better some more sloppy, but you'd have a better tool to use against them.

      I don't see a flaw other than accidentally banning someone, tho that would be rare/non-existent and they could make an appeal later on. Tho there are somewhat ''easy'' ways to get around hardware bans, but in general it would make it a lot better than just banning without anything else involved.
