Pinned Lobby feedback&questions

    • Kinda looks broken to me

      I can start on other servers after registering:…28-4384-a19d-c8aaab368ca4

      Why is the support account not logged in instantly?

      if I logout, my game account gets logged out too, do I see that right?

      what happens if I want to play different accounts with different emails/passwords?

      Will test further when I come home again I will test further

      I didnt find a setting for sitting yet, do you mind explaining to me how to allow others sitting of one account?
    • Hi.

      The screen seems to be a caching issues, we will fix that. For now just clear your cache.
      Auto login to support works for me. Weird ... we will check that.
      Server 802 is protected, but you can play on Origin and Bermuda. Such universes are not available for the "normal" communities.
      Lobby logout does the same to all related universes, that's intended. But if you just close the tab, it won't happen.
      For different lobbies you need to use different browser or an incognito tab.
      For sitting we have a design concept, but it's not yet implemented into the current release.

      Thanks for your feedback. :)
      - - - WTH was here - - -


      ogame has no bugs...only unbalanced features^^
      yeah my girlfriend too :P
    • scorer wrote:

      Why is the support account not logged in instantly?
      That was already reported by me a few days ago, so should be fixed soonish.

      WeTeHa wrote:

      Lobby logout does the same to all related universes, that's intended. But if you just close the tab, it won't happen.
      And you don't need to login newly everytime you close the tab. As long as the lobbysession doesn't get logged out, you can simply open again and you will again be able to see your accounts without further login.

      I also requested an extra simple mobile version to use it on phones/mobile.

      Origin Admin
      OGame-Tech Chief
    • WeTeHa wrote:

      Auto login to support works for me. Weird ... we will check that.
      that was bermuda then.
      Shouldn't be shown probably.

      WeTeHa wrote:

      For different lobbies you need to use different browser or an incognito tab.
      I dont like this solution.
      If I got it right it only works with same password + E-Mail. I really dont want to use the same creditials on every account.
      wasnt the explaination for the email-adress change (primary[public]) because of security?
      It doesnt feel secure to have the same password on every account.

      how are passwords stored / hashed on the backend?
      Discussion about that on the german board:…-in-Klartext-gespeichert/

      Do I see it right that the design seems bad on mobile? How about the ipad app? Is it ready to go instantly?

      About the same login thing. Is there a CLO at 3am still?

      WeTeHa wrote:

      For sitting we have a design concept, but it's not yet implemented into the current release.
      especially because of that its hard to use the same passowrd everywhere.

      On the other hand I cant run 3 or 4 browsers for all my accounts...

      I am not so sure about the Facebook login. Don't know the situation in other countries, but in germany the facebook hype seems to be over since two or three years at least.

      Registering over facebook gives no email for the game account? What happens if I delete my facebook, will I lose access to my account?
      How is my facebook data saved? How much do GOs see? I dont feel confident with a random go - who is "just" a voluntary worker - to have access to my profile and my private (facebook) email (as requested through the registering process)

      How long is the session for the lobby held? Is it still possible to be logged in for the whole time till 3 am?
    • - The changed login system to use email / pw only was a required change to now introduce the lobby. In terms of security it only makes it harder to brute-force your credentials since you don't know the login name anymore.
      - In the pw discussion I already offered my salty (hint hint) answer.
      - Right now the lobby design is not yet optimized for a mobile browser (while the login page already is), we will work on that for the final release. The ipad app is not affected by the lobby.
      - The logout at 3am still exists for the game rounds. The lobby is not logged out (as mentioned in the FAQ)
      - If you delete your fb account, you can not login to a fb ogame account anymore (same if you remove the approval for ogame within fb). However, in later versions we want to actually use the real e-mail you are using for your fb account, and offer an option to merge different lobby accounts.
      - FB is still a very important (if not the most important) marketing platform. We have a lot of registrations coming from FB marketing.
      - GOs can see what is necessary to verify you as the owner. For now that's the FB id (later possibly e-mail) which will be available to connect to the support system as well. Info like your name or other public profile info are not shown.
      - Lobby session won't be destroyed at 3am ... I will ask about it and post it here.
      - - - WTH was here - - -


      ogame has no bugs...only unbalanced features^^
      yeah my girlfriend too :P
    • WeTeHa wrote:

      For now that's the FB id
      Is it possible to get any information from that ID?

      About the Logouts:
      So I can keep the rocket que running as before? :)

      WeTeHa wrote:

      - In the pw discussion I already offered my salty (hint hint) answer.
      Sadly a (salty) hint doesn't change the fact that I will either have to compromise account security or run 4 browsers - which is simply not possible on mobile.

      When it comes to sitting:
      Is there a change for the sitting rules planned? Is there a solution to "I allowed him to sit on account a, but he recalled b (accidentally) now b is down/deleted/harmed/whatever"

      I read many "for later versions" on this thread. Maybe there is a possibility to delay the release untill the adressed points are implemented? Or making the lobby optional
    • - You could gather public profile info (some FB info about it)
      - Rocket queue still works ... while I hate that. :D
      - If you have several accounts in your lobby, the sitter should be sure about the account he is doing things with. As usual he could do weird / stupid things with it. As soon as we have the sitting option available, the affected account will just show up in someones lobby, so that can not happen anymore.

      The lobby won't be optional (just not available for the ipad app). Sorry for saying "later versions" more often, but the lobby will be developed further on, step by step and beside other projects. Also, we want to make it compatible with other games as well (which increases the initial effort a little). Not everything will be available in the beginning, but we will add features based on your feedback.
      - - - WTH was here - - -


      ogame has no bugs...only unbalanced features^^
      yeah my girlfriend too :P
    • WeTeHa wrote:

      You could gather public profile info
      so overall my real name is shown to GOs

      WeTeHa wrote:

      . As usual he could do weird / stupid things with it.
      So no rule change/personal backups etc.

      Which even more leaves me with the opinion not to link all 4 Accounts to one email adress with the same password.

      WeTeHa wrote:

      other games
      I've got the feeling its mostly about these other games.

      WeTeHa wrote:

      your feedback
      not going for a rant here, but:
      Hyperspacetech increases Cargocapacity

      I am aware that the last dev post (which was in May 2 years ago) was saying that the lobby is the next big thing, yet its disappointing that after 2 years of development so many things aren't adressed and feels kinda thoughtless/rash. If this is the reason for the stopped development/support of the game/tools (admin tools), its a kinda sad trend.

      Will try to test the lobby later on.

      PS: Do I get it right that there will be no change in the "only one lobby at a time"-mentality
    • I think about facebook thast nobody force you to create an account in that way ......... you can create an account in normal way. So if you decide to use facebook access you accepted to share with gameForge few information.

      About different lobby in same browser, i didn't still tested, but i think probably you need to delete cookie of your browser, and then you can login in an other lobby . Sure not so confortable, but if you think that you need to have more lobby accounts, this could be a solution.

      Sorry, I think I understood bad your problem .......... maybe you asked a way to use in same time more that 1 account lobby . And no, this it is not possible, using only one browser . You have to logout an account, then login next lobby account, play and then logout and go to next lobby account

      of course while don't exist new way to use sitting, the "rule" will be to change password before to use sitting and give information only when really need it and only at secure boy . At same time I think that normally if I need to have someone that sitting my account A , want to say that i cannot play in any way, so I will need sitting in all my accounts (if not in v-mode).

      PS: of course sound better to upload in any community a complete version (so with menu sitting, etc) , but maybe there are some reasons behind the choice of GameForge to publish it step by step

      The post was edited 2 times, last by TGWo ().

    • ErikFyr wrote:

      We have a signed DPA so all the information we might have access to should be save with us, if you decide to make your account with Facebook
      You might know that people already were breaking that DPA in the past.
      Once such information is leaked (direct facebookprofile [where many people state where they work, what they do, their real name, their private photos]) it cant be deleted and is around in that community forever
      + There is no notification anywhere who will work with what data, unless Ive missed it.

      WeTeHa wrote:

      Lobby would need a new login after 24h. However, this won't logout every game account (just happens if you actively use the logout button, or at 3am).
      so wait
      the lobby logs out => account stays logged, do I get that right?

      Any thoughts about the multi lobby suggestion/solution?
    • TGWo wrote:

      with a company.

      Not with some voluntary people who are gamers themselves and might have a grudge against me because I outplayed/farmed/annoyed them in another universe.

      TGWo wrote:

      Sorry, I think I understood bad your problem .......... maybe you asked a way to use in same time more that 1 account lobby . And no, this it is not possible, using only one browser . You have to logout an account, then login next lobby account, play and then logout and go to next lobby account
      I understood that, but you see that its not very practical?
    • Game accounts are only logged out if you log out your lobby on your own. Otherwise there could be a second logout during the day ... I guess players would hate us for that. :D

      Multi lobby is a tricky one (while you could merge different mails later on). We will think about a (technically) possible solution.
      - - - WTH was here - - -


      ogame has no bugs...only unbalanced features^^
      yeah my girlfriend too :P