Conversion Facility

    • Resources and Facilities

    • Conversion Facility

      I was thinking that it would be cool to be able to convert Resources.

      For example:
      2 Metals + 1 Deuterium = 1 Crystal
      2 Crystals + 1 Deuterium = 1 Metal
      2 Metals + 2 Crystals = 1 Deuterium

      So, if there was a Convertor Facility, it could start out being able to convert maybe 200 per hour at Level 1 and go up from there.

      Yeah, I know there is the Merchant but some of us can't {or won't} spend real life money buying game stuff. I just figured it would be cool to have something like this since sometimes I have a whole bunch of one or 2 and not enough of another. And there is plenty of space in the Facility section for this.


      Peace to you and yours,
      Matthew "Dra'Gon" Stohler

      Metatron {Supernatural} - When you create stories, you become gods of tiny, intricate dimensions unto themselves.
      Slomo - "Everybody has the capacity to dream up and believe anything he wants to."

      The post was edited 1 time, last by BlueDragonFire ().

    • I like the general idea,

      I do however thing that you should put a bit more time into describing the building (I assume you are talking about a building since it's a "Facility"?) and what and how each upgraded level would affect the entire system. For example I think 2 Crystal and 1 deut sounds way too expensive for 1 metal, yet I can't see how upgrading the building would affect the rates without becoming "too cheap" in the end.

      Also, how does the 200 units per hour work? If I were to get 100 crystal NOW and 45 mins later I have a fleet coming home, could I then get another 100 units of crystal? Or would there be a "cooldown" period like the Jump Gate?

      Again the general idea is good. I believe Ogame could use a system like that. But I also think that you should get a bit more detailed description of the facility. So I will not +1 this YET.
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