Tower of the Empire

    • Resources and Facilities

    • Tower of the Empire

      I`ve a new building for you, the Tower of the Empire, a unique one, literally. once you have built it, it`s blocked on all other planets, analogical the research.

      Cost of building
      Met: 100
      Cris: 50
      Deut: 25
      Rate of increase per level 1,5 (like metal mine)

      • Astrophysics 15 (9 planets)
      • Nanite factory 4
      • Terraformer 6

      What is it doing?
      Each level provides space for 1 specialist and 1 Item.
      If you have 10 specialists of a type, you can send them into the tower.
      After a week (168h) they create a Item and vanish.
      A Item can be equipped into the tower, similar a relocation – you start the equip, wait 24h and then if there is no Fleet movement in the acc, the item is equipped. The same to remove the item.
      For every 10 level you can equip the same item one more time, if you have a second item.

      Where to get the specialist?
      • expeditions
      • event planets
      • import/export
      • auctioneer
      • Event (like this for Kraken, Detroid, Newtron) you can buy a limited quantity
      • weekly / montly login bonus
      • Gifts
      • and so on

      What are they doing?
      • +1 level Combustion drive
      • +1 level Impulse drive
      • +1 level Hyperspace drive
      • +1 level Weapons technology
      • +1 level Shielding technology
      • +1 level Armour technology
      • +1 level Energy technology
      • +1 level Espionage technology
      • +1 level Computer technology
      • +1 level Graviton technology ( if it get an upgrade)
      • +1 level Intergalactic research network
      • +2 level Hyperspace technology (if it increase the cargo capacity)
      • +2 level Astrophysics
      • +4 level Ion Technology (level 1-25 decrease deconstruction cost, level 26-50 refound the cost, cap at level 50)
      • +1 expedition
      • +0,2 fields for Terraformer
      • +15% output for Solar Plant and Sattelite
      • +20% cargo capacity for battleships
      • +/- 10°C on the planets (pos 1-3 is increased , 4-15 is decreased)
      • +3% metal produktion
      • +2% cristal produktion
      • -10% research time
      • -5% deut consumption
      • -15% deut consumption during asc defend (not for the flight)
      • +2% chance to destroy the moon
      • -2% chance of lost a Moon
      • -3% chance of lost deathstar during the moon destruction
      • - 10% cooldown for the jump gate
      • Protection of ress. +1 level of storage which count, + 0,6% protection per level, for example 3 items : 13 level of storage x 2,8% = 36,4% protection, with 15 level its the same)
      • the following 3 need the alliance depot
      • +5 large cargo are protected per level alliance depot
      • +15 small cargo are protected per level alliance depot
      • +15 solar settelite are protected per level alliance depot
      • maybe whatever . . .

      The equipped items can be spied on, in the spying report below research. Here you see all items which are eqipped, which shall be removed or equipped

      you can`t disguise save times, cause items can`t be change during a flight.
      Only the tower itself gives points, none of the rest
      unused Specialist and items are placed in the inventory, maybe a new tab ( shop / inventory / specialist)
      you can get specialists, even if you haven`t a Tower.
      You can`t deconstruct the tower if there are items equipped.
      Some items like Astro or Terraformer are too powerful if you can unattached them.
      you need a big planet ( position 5-10) but not everybody has one of this with 50 empty fields.
      New accounts have no problem with that, but some older accs. So maybe you CAN unattached the first astroitem (build a level 10 tower, build and equip astroitem, geta new big planet, unattached all items and deconstruct the tower)

      Some Items like Astro are very powerfull so my thoughts were that you only get 1 specialist for astro each month you were not inaktiv like a login bonus. This would be a long-term motivation, you have to play 4 years an 2 month for 5 more planets for example.

      I know this is a huge thing which can improve nearly everything but hereby you can specialize your account and maybe balance a few things :)

      that`s it for now
    • It seems a good idea but i think that it's designed for old universes. The way you present it, this building would not be usefull until you have atleast 2/3M point and, in a standard 2x universe, it may take really a lot of time. By the way, a new building that empower some features of the game it's not a bad idea at all, maybe with some changes on benefits and they way you get them.

      In my opinion, you could set a different way to "charge" the tower and, depending on how you have charged it, you get benefits.
      For example:
      - you are a miner and so you don't bother for some benefits you mention and so you just can get satisfied by gettin a +10% production on a planet (just like an item)
      - you are a crasher and so you are not interested in a boost on production but you would just be happy with a 6 hour Detroid.