Notifications of comments

    • Usability

    • Notifications of comments

      Hi guys,

      I want to throw a suggestion Your way. My alliance uses the Combat report sharing feature, and some of us also comment on the shared CRs. As of now, no notification is sent to anyone when a shared combat report gets a comment - neither to the alliance members, nor to the people who have also commented on it, nor the CR owner.

      I suggest adding the following feature: the game sends a notification whenever a shared report (spy or combat) is commented to either:
      * the owner of the shared report
      * the people that the report was shared to
      * to whoever has already commented on this report before

      I'd like Your developer team's thoughts on the feasibility of this feature,
      Thanks in advance,
    • currently it will say something like "1 Comment" in CR. it should say that in CR list too. as long as the ignore system is working. a lot of players don't want to talk to opponents. and if they do want to, theyre probably trolls or cryers. annoying. just note the more you notify of CR comment the less likely non-trolls will use it, and the inverse!
      Dor - Cygnus - En