Physical rewards to players

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    • Physical rewards to players

      I saw this in the Q&A sessions:

      Well, when I saw it first it remembered me of the things I've heard Youtube gives to people when they get more than a certain amount of followers, those shiny buttons.

      It could be that GameForge sent certain rewards to people that have somehow made great contributions to the game, whether a script —I would give Francolino one for sure if he was still around here, for his huge contribution with AntiGame—, a guide, helping the game in some way, etc. and also those that might have done great achievements, like a top 1 individual in any community, a top 1 ACS in a community, a top 1 ninja, a top 1 battle, etc. (I can think of more achivements rather than just ships and battles) but could be nice once in a while that a huge player receives a present from GameForge.

      It could be one of those figurines shown in the image I posted, designed depending on the achievement, or any other token that would be nice.

      Not that any of us will ever get this, but seems nice to know that for instance those that made the worldwide top 1 in .org got one figurine.

      What do you think?

      This doesn't alter the game at all, it's more of a gesture that could be nice.
    • I think it's a good idea, and I can see that it's possible in the future :)

      Have you read the latest newsletter from OGame at ORG or US ?

      There is mentioned a merchandise store where you can buy all kinds of things, it's soon coming and you can contribute to the newsletter and get a reward for it, they also said that sometime the reward could be some kind of merchandise :)
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    • I've seen the newsletter, and well depending of what “merchandise” is it. I think a figurine would be nice for some special events. I mean if a t-shirt is sent... well, it doesn't have the value of a token.

      If only they did not speak obscuring and were straightforward in the answers during the interview :D
      I feel like the merchandise comes at a wrong hour personally, the game is dying, they do not seem to be concerned and everything keeps the same flow it has had the last 15 years, there's not a change in the opening of universes (may be one or two a year), there's no care for current players who live in dying universes (mergers), there's no answer to changes that were accepted long ago (graviton and hyperspace), etc. They do have a problem delivering things, they seem not to have a concept of deadlines and “structure”. And the same with transparency, those Q&A would be useful if they actually said something and were straightforward. That would change the way we perceive GameForge (at least the part in charge of OGame), but for now it keeps contributing to remove any kind of interest this game had.
    • We will see how that merchandising shop works and if the players if interested , i bet some of them will be ^^

      For events and really special moments I guess that it could be a good idea but I don't think that should be included every time that a top1 individual/ACS is reached for every universe, that would be a lot of presents, and the shop itself would lack its way.
    • Danimanza wrote:

      For events and really special moments I guess that it could be a good idea but I don't think that should be included every time that a top1 individual/ACS is reached for every universe, that would be a lot of presents, and the shop itself would lack its way.
      Yes, that's too much. That's why I said biggest in each community. Or in universes older than 5 years, when the new top 1 battle is 50% than last one, or may be for all same speed universes for each category (hopefully those will be merged, so no need :P ) etc. And since that's too little, also reward some things that are nice achievements, or good to the community.