Balance for ship

    • Fleet, Defense and Combats

    • Balance for ship

      (sorry i'm italian and use Google translate for this)
      As you well know in OGame, the battle ships cost 45,000 metal 15,000 crystal, and with same resources you have 15 Light Fighter

      With same tecnology, 1 Battleship vs 15 Light Fighter the fighters will win the battle in 4 rounds while remaining alive in 11. Even with 2 battle ships, however, will remain 3 hunters alive at round 6 ending in a draw ( With no loss of battle ships however you doubled the number of expenses 2: 1)

      Then you would need rebalancing in favor of the battle ship such as quick fire 3 Light Fighter, 1 Heavy Fighter and 1 Destroyer.

      Or even other balances that I would be very happy to discuss in a private chat rather than on the forum directly to better understand your staff what I'm talking about>I look for answers and if possible contact me with an employee of your Italian Ogame staff so that it can then explain what I will say directly to him :stick: :hsheep:

      @edit by TGWo: I edited something to better understand your propose

      The post was edited 1 time, last by TGWo ().

    • Although Ghecis is sort of right. Due to the neat numbers, how the cost of the different ships are so nicely scaled, one can understand why they are being compared.

      And in a way I agree, the BattleShip (BS) should be better, but with a battle system of 6 rounds and no rapid fire from BS to LF, this is not possible as it is (you already know this). The BS is supposed to be a better ship, it is supposed to be the backbone of one's fleet. Perhaps it should have Rapid Fire, at least against LF and perhaps even HF.

      However, giving Rapid Fire to the BS renders the Cruiser useless.
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    • Molle wrote:

      Although Ghecis is sort of right. Due to the neat numbers, how the cost of the different ships are so nicely scaled, one can understand why they are being compared.

      And in a way I agree, the BattleShip (BS) should be better, but with a battle system of 6 rounds and no rapid fire from BS to LF, this is not possible as it is (you already know this). The BS is supposed to be a better ship, it is supposed to be the backbone of one's fleet. Perhaps it should have Rapid Fire, at least against LF and perhaps even HF.

      However, giving Rapid Fire to the BS renders the Cruiser useless.
      I guess that it is the main reason to not give rapid fire to the battleship

      I agree that it is a little bit unbalanced but it is really hard to balance it without breaking the balance of other ships and the combat system itself.
    • The only thing I'd change to battleships is their shield: they are just glass cannons.
      Its ok for them to not have rapid fire: they just deal heavy damage (the second heaviest - excluding the RIPs, which I don't even consider a ship xD), their goal is to support against heavier ships in fast fleets

      I'd give them a better shield, just to make the harder to kill.

      The real deal of Ogame is the RIP: it has way too much shield.
    • You really shouldn't simulate with so few ships and so few (2) ship types.

      Resource conversion 3:2:1:
      Otherwise you should state that the battleships are way to strong. 1 battleship easily kills 2 cruisers. The reason it doesn't kill 15 light fighters is because it can only kill one fighter per round.
      If you turn the situation around so the battleships are the ones strong in number, they do fairly well:
      15 battleships vs 7 destroyers: 600k loss on attackers side, 875k loss on defenders side.

      Resource conversion 2.5:1.5:1
      Even worse for the now 6 destroyers: 5 batteships die, 6 destroyers die.

      €: Seems like my AntigameOrigin wasn't set correctly. In the 3:2:1 conversion case it would also be 15 battleships vs 6 destroyers.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Lilith ().