Using Dark Matter

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  • Using Dark Matter

    Hi again,

    I think the way DM is spent at an account is completely BS! If one purchase DM and then receive some. The DM that was bought will be used first. As one has different rights regarding DM obtained in different ways, this is something only scammer's would do! As it is Ogame does not really make an effort of telling about the different rights, nor how much DM is bought and how much is received. So I'll reveal how to find out. Run the mouse over the icon with DM and wait for the hover box to appear.

    DM should at the very least be spend in the order it was obtained, but it would suit the Ogame team to implement a system where "found" DM is spend before purchased.

    I'm rather furious about the way the system is now (and have been for years and years). It should be changed RIGHT AWAY!
    Dark Matter LogBook
    Adding bots to Ogame universes with low player counts

    Here you have the "freedom of speech" as long as you say "everything is OK".
  • I'm not quite sure what you are trying to tell me. But sounds to me like you are trying to tell me that ONE thing has different properties, depending on what suits GF... That is just not how things work! If I have an apple today, I'm pretty sure it's not an orange tomorrow! Sure the apple is a day older, but it is still an apple!

    One thing can have more properties, but it can not be two complete different things. The ONLY way GF can cling on to this notion is if one, like I said, at least use DM in the same order as they were obtained.

    People might think that they have some DM on their account, so for sure it (the account) will still be there after some absence, but no, because it is not the RIGHT DM.

    GF should treat their players better, else they won't have players to treat one way or another.


    1) Well to clarify what I'm suggestion: All DM should work exactly the same way! Otherwise call it something else... What you are doing now is simply just criminal behavior.

    2) Further more I suggest that the way of cutting times are changed. This still applies for the topic "Using DM". The option to cut times should always be dynamic, meaning I can cut an 10 hr building in half right away and thus cut off 5 hours OR I can wait an hour, so there are 9 hrs remaining, and THEN cut it in half (4.5 hrs cut instead of 5 hrs cut). The cost in DM should slowly drop as the remaining time drops. If there are 10 minutes or less remaining, then the item should be completed instantly and at the lowest possible prize (750 DM).
    Dark Matter LogBook
    Adding bots to Ogame universes with low player counts

    Here you have the "freedom of speech" as long as you say "everything is OK".

    The post was edited 1 time, last by Molle ().

  • the different is that purchased DM prevent delete of account for inactivity. So no possible that DM found in spedition are equal at DM purchased

    And no motives because found DM should prevent account from deleting (prevent deleting it is a way for no restore DM or money)

    Molle wrote:

    I'm not quite sure what you are trying to tell me. But sounds to me like you are trying to tell me that ONE thing has different properties, depending on what suits GF... That is just not how things work! If I have an apple today, I'm pretty sure it's not an orange tomorrow! Sure the apple is a day older, but it is still an apple!

    One thing can have more properties, but it can not be two complete different things. The ONLY way GF can cling on to this notion is if one, like I said, at least use DM in the same order as they were obtained.

    People might think that they have some DM on their account, so for sure it (the account) will still be there after some absence, but no, because it is not the RIGHT DM.
    I think you have not understood that there is a different between DM bougth and DM free .
    To simplify if tomorrow gameforge decide to close universe XXX (because fusion or for other motive) at cause of law they have to refound coupon or money of DM bought still don't used (in other words, if you have bought something and you still don't have totally used, and I decided to stop you to use it, then it is my right to have a restore).
    So to prevent that could happen often this situation, they prefer to make use in account before bought DM and then free DM ........... so more probably you will not have right to ask restore.

    I see very hard that GameForge change metod, because could be a economic damage for it.

    Molle wrote:

    Well to clarify what I'm suggestion: All DM should work exactly the same way! Otherwise call it something else... What you are doing now is simply just criminal behavior.
    It seems to me that you are a little exaggerating with the words. They are just commercial choices. It is your right not to buy, how is their right to decide how to sell.

    Molle wrote:

    Further more I suggest that the way of cutting times are changed. This still applies for the topic "Using DM". The option to cut times should always be dynamic, meaning I can cut an 10 hr building in half right away and thus cut off 5 hours OR I can wait an hour, so there are 9 hrs remaining, and THEN cut it in half (4.5 hrs cut instead of 5 hrs cut). The cost in DM should slowly drop as the remaining time drops. If there are 10 minutes or less remaining, then the item should be completed instantly and at the lowest possible prize (750 DM).
    In this way, you will spend less DM , so less money for GameForge and in same time more use of function .......... and often there players complaining about use of this function to do ninja, to build recyclers and stealing the debris of a hof; so I respect your opnion about how you think will be more confortable for you , but as same time i'm sure not only GameForge could have other opinion about DM, but also other players (for sure exist also players that should remove DM from game, or remove a lot of functions).

    PS: I'm only writing opinion, i'm not deciding commercial policies of GameForge (and about a lot of situation , I think DM give too much power to who can spend money .......... should put limit in some situation )

  • OMFG. You are not listening at all !

    YES. I DO understand there is a difference in DM bought and DM found. THAT is why I'm so God damn furious! (haven't you noticed by now??). But there are only a difference because GF SAYS SO! But it's just like The Matrix, they can change the rules IF THEY WANTED!

    You say that GF has to refund DM if they close an universe... Well, take a look at Tribal Wars and how they solved that problem. You make ONE account for the .xx server. That server has multiple "universes" and you can play in 1 or more universes. But the DM will still be at your account within that server (say .org). But anyway, if GF wanted, they could just transfer the DM (being bought or found). No big deal. What you state as a problem is only an excuse for not changing the use of DM.

    And no, I'm not exaggerating. You let people to think that what they have (DM), gives them certain rights, but then you take those rights away from them by spending bought DM first.

    Lastly. Once again you are not listening! If you cut the remaining time in half, one would have to cut the time 5-10 times before reaching 10 minutes left. This way one would probably spend MORE, not less as you say! Again, you say it will help ppl to do a ninja, but once again you are completely wrong! As one would have to cut the time many times, the attacker will have time to notice. Further more, notive that I didn't mention what the start cost of cutting the time was. I'm pretty sure an algorithm can be made to solve this, thus making sure the same DM is spent on cutting the time on the same building.

    But my suggestion DOES limit the use of DM as you want. It does NOT grant DM users more power as you are indicating.

    Finally: I feel sorry for you that you have to defend such a corrupt company. They clearly think more about their bank account than they do on making a better game. What they don't realize is that a better game would improve the number of players and that will increase their income.
    Dark Matter LogBook
    Adding bots to Ogame universes with low player counts

    Here you have the "freedom of speech" as long as you say "everything is OK".