"Control" - Shared Spy

    • Alliance and Player Interaction

    • "Control" - Shared Spy

      When I Share a Spy vs. a specific player, it would be best to do an automatic search of the nick of the player to be inserted, so as to avoid mistakenly typing the nick of the player. Often there isn't confirmation of the shared spy sent by the player or if there is a confirmation from the player often the nick inserted is wrong and you have to send the shared spy again.

      Currently there isn't control and there isn't pop-up confirmation "correctly sent to player xy".

      I think it's easy to implement and I hope it can be accepted and developed quickly. ^^
    • I see the problem, but I don't like your solution. I hate confirm boxes, if they are not needed. Instead I suggest a method to make sure that the right player is selected prior to sending the report.

      When you want to share your report with others than the ally, then you start typing the name in the text box and that is fine. A drop down occurs, but contains ONLY what you have already written. It can not come as a surprise to you what you have written, so I suggest that this drop down box contains a list with player names matching what you have already written in the box, eliminating players as you type along + helping you to spell some wired name correct.

      To further help you along, I suggest that the name of ally members are written in green and those of your buddy list is written in blue. This should help you find the right player, whether it being an ally member, a buddy or a "stranger", then you know by the color of the name that you've got the right one and not one that is similar.

      When the message is send, I suggest a message, like here on the forum, where a minor box drops down from the top, just to let you know that the message was send, but without keeping you from doing your Ogame business. The box will fade away after a few seconds.

      Do you like my counter proposal?
      Dark Matter LogBook
      Adding bots to Ogame universes with low player counts

      Here you have the "freedom of speech" as long as you say "everything is OK".
    • Sound interesting idea of deltaT to change something to be more sure to share report with right player and to have a confirmation of send.
      And I like propose of Molle to insert a live search of nick matching what are you writing .......... in this way you will be helped to find right player. Nice also idea of different colours

    • Molle wrote:

      I hate confirm boxes, if they are not needed.
      me too, but double control over the shared spy needs because there is no chance of visual feedback.
      Example: The pop-up used to send alliance circles doesn't need because alliance circles are displayed by all alliance players, and also by those who send the circular to all the receiver players.

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      anche io odio il pop-up di conferma quando non è necessario, ma questa volta per le spiate condivise è necessario il doppio controllo in quanto non c'è possibilità di visualizzare o di avere un riscontro effettivo della spiata condivisa.
      Per esempio: Il pop-up per le circolari dell'alleanza è inutile, perchè le circolari sono visualizzate sia dal giocatore che invia la circolare che da tutti i destinatari dell'alleanza.
      Il metodo per richiedere il controllo è sempre lo stesso, ma la strada/via usata per fare il controllo potrebbe essere diversa e questo rende efficace o meno un determinato tipo di controllo da un altro.
    • If you read my entire proposal, you'll see that there is all the visual feedback that you need in order to find the right player before sending the report. It will even help you find the right player if you have forgotten how to spell the name (some players has wired names). It will further help you to find buddy and ally members to ensure that you don't make a blunder (for instance by sending the spy report to the one you are spying on instead of the true receiver).

      I really think I have made it as safe as it can be to find the right one. If implementing a "confirm box" you'll have to leave the page to find the spelling of the receiver and come back to chk the confirm box. It's more likely that you'll just accepting the confirm box and still send it to the wrong person. That is why I'm more for trying to find a way to get the right player the first time around.
      Dark Matter LogBook
      Adding bots to Ogame universes with low player counts

      Here you have the "freedom of speech" as long as you say "everything is OK".
    • Molle wrote:

      so I suggest that this drop down box contains a list with player names matching what you have already written in the box, eliminating players as you type along + helping you to spell some wired name correct.

      Molle wrote:

      I suggest that the name of ally members are written in green and those of your buddy list is written in blue. This should help you find the right player, whether it being an ally member, a buddy or a "stranger", then you know by the color of the name that you've got the right one and not one that is similar.
      Yes, these i like it.

      Molle wrote:

      where a minor box drops down from the top, just to let you know that the message was send, but without keeping you from doing your Ogame business. The box will fade away after a few seconds.
      This no.
      The confirmation is displayed with the pop-up only after the check request is made to the server.

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      la conferma viene visualizzata con il pop-up solo dopo che viene fatta la richiesta di controllo al server.