New rules v mode

    • Fleet, Defense and Combats

    • New rules v mode

      V mode redesign

      Well, I open a new proposal:

      That mode v is limited so that players who are in v mode do not benefit from the actual use of the vacation mode.

      1- I thought of limiting vacation mode to a week or 2 per month, not cumulative.

      2- I have also thought that if a player goes on vacation mode 1 month, for example, put a restriction of vacation mode equally to the days he has been in vacation mode. In addition the minimum of the vacation mode should be extended, from 2 days to 5.

      In conclusion, this limitation is so that players who abuse the vacation mode, do not do it because because of these players many others who are active stop playing because they are imvulnerables, can not be attacked, can not be done nothing...

      I hear your opinions.
      An example of players who use mode v improperly are these:…ostID=8675138#post8675138

      Have spent a month in vacation mode, petan a player and the time they put into vacation mode, how do you destroy them? Is impossible, they are a cancer that is killing the players who truly play this game.

      Molle wrote:

      I think V-mode should be simplified a bit instead of making new rules that ordinary players aren't aware of and then get burned.

      My counter proposal is quite simple. After V-mode is activated, one has to wait 7 days before it can be activated again. As I see it, this really solves the problem. If V-mode players has to wait 7 days before going into V-mode again, then for sure they'll be lapped pretty fast by ordinary players. Regardless of their fleet might be "safe". But safe from what? They'll have to lock them self out of the game in order to pursue a V-mode strategy.

      Sure people has to be able to activate V-mode at any time as different IRL things may arise, but once activated one will have to wait 7 days before it can be activated again. V-mode should NOT be used as a game strategy!

      With my suggestion one can jump into V-mode and pop right out again, but one has to wait 7 days from when the V-mode was activated before it can be re-activated.

      The post was edited 3 times, last by Petete ().

    • I think V-mode should be simplified a bit instead of making new rules that ordinary players aren't aware of and then get burned.

      My counter proposal is quite simple. After V-mode is activated, one has to wait 7 days before it can be activated again. As I see it, this really solves the problem. If V-mode players has to wait 7 days before going into V-mode again, then for sure they'll be lapped pretty fast by ordinary players. Regardless of their fleet might be "safe". But safe from what? They'll have to lock them self out of the game in order to pursue a V-mode strategy.

      Sure people has to be able to activate V-mode at any time as different IRL things may arise, but once activated one will have to wait 7 days before it can be activated again. V-mode should NOT be used as a game strategy!

      With my suggestion one can jump into V-mode and pop right out again, but one has to wait 7 days from when the V-mode was activated before it can be re-activated.
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