Research Tier Upgrades/Features

    • Research

    • Research Tier Upgrades/Features

      Since a lot of features in ogame quickly become useless after certain levels, especially research. I am proposing a new "tier feature" specific to miners, fleeters, raiders, turtles and even vmoders. Something similar to the extra features given once all 5 officers have been purchased but instead, Tier features become unlock after certain researches have been achieved. For example:

      Miner Tier:
      Increase Resource Production (%?)
      Increase Energy Production from Solar Planets/Fusion Reactors (%?)
      Increase 1 x All Resource Storage Tanks
      Unrestricted Planet Relocation Positions
      Increase 2 x Nanite Level (For faster Mine production)

      Research Required to Unlock Tier:
      Plasma Technology Level 20
      Energy Technology Level 22
      Astrophysics Level 25
      Computer Technology Level 20

      Fleeter Tier:
      Increase Bashing Rule from 6 to 10 waves
      Increase Building Capacity from 9999 to 29999
      Increase 1 x Weapons, Shield & Armour Techs
      Increase 1 x Computer Tech
      Increase 2 x Nanite Level (For faster fleet production)

      Research Required to Unlock Tier:
      Weapons, Shield & Armour Techs Level 22
      Computer Technology Level 22
      Espionage Level 22

      Turtle Tier:
      Increase 2 x Armour Tech
      Increase 2 x Intergalactic Network
      Increase 2 x All Resource Storage Tanks
      Decrease losses to defense
      Increase 2 x Nanite Level (For faster defense production)

      Research Required to Unlock Tier:
      Armour Tech Level 23
      Computer Technology Level 22
      Energy Technology Level 22
      Intergalactic Network Level 12

      Raider Tier:
      Increase Resource Production (%?)
      Increase Energy Production from Solar Planets/Fusion Reactors (%?)
      Increase 2 x Computer Tech
      Increase 2 x Combustion Drive
      Increase 2 x Nanite Level (For faster fleet production)

      Research Required to Unlock Tier:
      Computer Technology Level 22
      Energy Technology Level 22
      Combustion Drive Level 22
      Plasma Technology Level 20

      Vmoder Tier:
      Increase Building Capacity from 9999 to 29999
      Increase 1 x Weapons, Shield & Armour Techs
      Increase 1 x Combustion, Impulse and Hyperspace Drives
      Increase 1 x Computer Tech
      Increase Vmode Duration from 2 to 4 days (Offset to players playing the vmode tactic)
      Note: Vmode Tier stays active only for 48 hours

      Research Required to Unlock Tier:
      Weapons, Shield & Armour Techs Level 22
      Computer Technology Level 22
      Combustion, Impulse and Hyperspace Drives Level 22/20/18

      All required research to unlock Tier Features can be adjusted accordingly.
      ***NOTE: Tier Features are not interchangeable. Once you unlock a specific Tier, you are limited to ONLY that Tier.***

      The post was edited 4 times, last by War_Machine ().

    • I read this long ago and thought I already replied to this.

      I'm not saying that I'd like this exact setup, but I like the general idea. It adds some thoughts as to what to research and what not to. And research that becomes useless pretty quick in the game will still have an important job, to grant access to the tier.

      In general I think the entire research system should be re-designed and this is 100% one way to do so!
      Dark Matter LogBook
      Adding bots to Ogame universes with low player counts

      Here you have the "freedom of speech" as long as you say "everything is OK".