Edit the Colony ship

    • Fleet, Defense and Combats

    • Edit the Colony ship

      Hi there,

      I have been wondering why the Colony Ship has a storage capacity, when it's never used?? I tried to send my 4 colony ships from G4 to G1 and it cost about 9k deut (in a 50% universe). Yet I could still bring along 30.000 resources, so the cargo bay is not even used for the deut consumption.

      My suggestion is that resources brought along in a Colony Ship, who is on a "Colonization" mission, should leave those resources at the new founded planet, along with the 500 metal and 500 crystal from the ship it self.

      This could bring people to have 20 Colony ships in one fllet, so they could bring along 150.000 resources for the new planet to quickly get it started. Especially useful when making a colony in the outer galaxies. One colony ship will create the new planet, all the resources from all colony ships will be delivered to the new planet and the rest of the fleet will return to where it came from.

      Note that resources brought along in a transporter (or any other kind of ship) will not be left at the planet, just like only Recyclere can harvest a DF no matter much free cargo space your transporters may have.

      Either make the Cargo Bay useful or remove it all together! But as I said, making a new colony in G 7-9 requires a long flight time. First you have to wait for the Colony Ship to arrive, THEN you have to wait for the transporters to reach this far far away location. So make the cargo bay in Colony Ships useful, that is my suggestion!

      - Molle
      Dark Matter LogBook
      Adding bots to Ogame universes with low player counts

      Here you have the "freedom of speech" as long as you say "everything is OK".

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Molle: Spell check + clarification ().

    • Hmm. SWEET.

      That guide is from 2010, I know I have been away for some time, but not that long. I was sure this was still an issue or I would not have suggested it. It has been bothering me for so long. Anyway, tomorrow evening I'll have my answer as one of my ally mates are making a new colony.

      I'm trying desperately to remember what I did the last couple of times I made a new colony. I don't remember if I tried to send resources along or simply just assumed that I couldn't.

      But if is IS implemented, then I strongly apologize for this thread. No need to make GF worse than they are :)

      I also feel slightly embarrassed if this is the case...
      Dark Matter LogBook
      Adding bots to Ogame universes with low player counts

      Here you have the "freedom of speech" as long as you say "everything is OK".

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Molle ().