No “Dead End”-scenarios in Ogame

    • Usability

    • No “Dead End”-scenarios in Ogame

      Many years ago I made a suggestion with the exact same title, back then I was rather specific. It was before the re-design and it turned out that the price for metal storage level 16 was higher the level 15 storage could hold. As you all know this has now been fixed in the re-design.

      However, there are still Dead End-scenarios in Ogame. At some point certain research levels won't do you any good, you are not being awarded for researching higher than a certain level.

      This time my goal is just as specific as last time (No Dead End-scenarios in Ogame!!), it only applies to several cases. I will list some cases where I believe that there are room for improvement and I might come with some suggestions as to how it can be improved.

      Lets start at the beginning:
      Energy technology

      Some would argue that Energy technology is not a Dead End-scenario (and in a way they'll be right), but Energy technology only helps with the Fusion Reactor and since it uses just about as much deut as it can produce I don't understand the reason for that building. Research requires energy, perhaps higher Energy technology could slightly reduce the research time? Energy is used in any given construction, perhaps higher Energy technology would reduce the production time? As buildings on moons are difficult and takes time and energy, Energy technology could reduce the construction time of moon buildings. Most buildings on moons use energy in some form, whether it being the Phalanx, Jump gate or even the Lunar Base itself.

      Laser technology

      Once Laser technology has reached level 12, there are no further need for Laser tech. Now you can have your Interceptor. As Laser tech is so important for the most efficient ship in the game (regarding firepower), perhaps improving Laser tech would increase the efficiency of the Weapons technology?

      Hyperspace technology

      If Hyperspace technology really uses the 4. and 5. dimension, then why not make every level improve the ground speed of any ship by 2%? As it is, once you reach level 8 you have no further need for it.

      Espionage technology

      Well, this is a tough one. There is no denying that once you reach level 9 there are no further gained by researching it. And yet there are. You can see others technologies with fewer probes. And you reduce the chance that someone will see your technologies by improving it beyond level 9.

      Computer technology

      Sure, each level gives you an additional 1 fleet slot, but as you approach level 16, that one extra slot doesn't do much (compared to the resources spend). As computer gain more power, more research is possible. Things that once were out of our reach is now common use. Perhaps Computer technology could slightly reduce either the research time or the cost for other research?


      I'll skip over Astro and Intergalatic Research and jump right to Gravi. We all know that we only need Gravi level 1 in order to gain our beloved RIP's. But once again I firmly believe that if you make the effort and research it further, you should also be rewarded for it. However I don't have any ideas as to how one could be rewarded for improving the Gravi technology.

      Well, this was 6 Dead End-scenarious that still exist in Ogame. I'm not saying that my “fixes” are the way Ogame should go, but it is suggestions to prevent Dead End-scenarios. So long story short, Ogame should completely eliminate Dead End-scenarios and reward the players for researching further than others.
      Dark Matter LogBook
      Adding bots to Ogame universes with low player counts

      Here you have the "freedom of speech" as long as you say "everything is OK".

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Molle: Improved readability ().