Night Auctioneer

    • Usability

    • Néné wrote:

      Question, why the bids are closed at night? Auctioneer would he be a state employee?
      Why not to leave them 24h/24 ? Thus on we've players of all the continents also playing at night for Europe.
      I think idea behind this decision is that in the night there are online less players that during day, so it will be easier to win something spending few.

      maybe a solution could be:
      to use statistic of last week hour for hour, day for day, to use for next week. Decide hour for hour according how many players were online if to start an auction or not. A percent would have to be decided ... when at X hour were less than Y% of players in the universe, then at that time the auction will not be held. Obviously this behavior is updated week by week .......... so if it happens for example on Friday night that the amount of online players is over limit, then on Friday the following week will take place the auction.

    • DeltaT wrote:

      Néné wrote:


      Question, why the bids are closed at night? Auctioneer would he be a state employee?
      Why not to leave them 24h/24 ? Thus on we've players of all the continents also playing at night for Europe.
      @Néné You can also follow this thread: Additional configuration factor - 24 Auctions a day
      I had not found if somebody had proposed something similar exactly. Thx

      For that at night it would be too easy, Yeah :°
      Can being five years ago, but now, it's not complicated to have a bid. H24 would give more possibility has more players, exactly.

      For example :, x5 eco :°
    • First of

      Ogame is a 24/7 game. Some players work at different times and are therefore online at different times. True, most people are online during the day, but those online at night should not be punished for playing at night. If you want a cheap item at the auctioneer, then buy it at night! You have as much right to be up at night than anyone else.

      Concerning the suggestion with the number of online players... DO take into account that there are also inactive players in a universe. I play in a universe with less than 500 players TOTAL, so each inactive player converts into a lot of % Inactive players should NOT be included in the total number of players, nor should people in V mode.

      Open auctioneer 24/7. Those who are only able to play at night should not miss out on options that the rest of us have.
      Dark Matter LogBook
      Adding bots to Ogame universes with low player counts

      Here you have the "freedom of speech" as long as you say "everything is OK".
    • Molle wrote:

      First of

      Ogame is a 24/7 game. Some players work at different times and are therefore online at different times. True, most people are online during the day, but those online at night should not be punished for playing at night. If you want a cheap item at the auctioneer, then buy it at night! You have as much right to be up at night than anyone else.

      Concerning the suggestion with the number of online players... DO take into account that there are also inactive players in a universe. I play in a universe with less than 500 players TOTAL, so each inactive player converts into a lot of % Inactive players should NOT be included in the total number of players, nor should people in V mode.

      Open auctioneer 24/7. Those who are only able to play at night should not miss out on options that the rest of us have.

    • Please, there is not need to push a message only to ask at other users to write their opinions.
      And please when you reply, always explain your opinion, not say only "I like, I don't like" (or things similar).

      My opinion is that a fixed 24/7 Auctioneer is not correct, because in that way there will be players that need to spend a lot to win item X and other players hat spend minus minus to have same item X (only because someone play when is online many players, and other when could be only nobody).

      So more correct introduce a system that try to give same possibility of everyone.

      One way is statics as i wrote (of course need to remove from total number of inactivy account), an other way is to change start cost of item depending of number of online players ........... in the last way should be a balance of cost

    • TGWo wrote:

      My opinion is that a fixed 24/7 Auctioneer is not correct, because in that way there will be players that need to spend a lot to win item X and other players hat spend minus minus to have same item X (only because someone play when is online many players, and other when could be only nobody).
      In what OGame play you? That of the 2007? Still, in this one, the night was to be more active than the day.
      At 2.00pm in the week on OGame, there is nothing. We can buy even more easily than has midnight for absolutely nothing. Idem at 10.00 am.

      Exactly while limiting the hours of purchases which we make the uneven thing.

      Here is another new screen of my universe, x6 economy with one year of existence, between this one and that of front, where is really the difficulty to obtain an item, and what it would change if we were in the middle of the night?

      if I wanted, I could buy a newtron for 5000 resources. (it doesn't stay even 5 minutes)

      The bids are already left, so much to try to return them available on the largest players, no?
    • yes, your observation is correct . Exist hours with few players or nobody online same in day that in night.

      For this motive, I prefer my idea to change totally as work Auctioneer , and to introduce a link wih number of online players , or by statistic, or live. If this change it is not possible, maybe an other direct could be to introduce 3-4 hour bands during which auctions are active, within 24 hours; Which would mean not to add 24/7 operation, but that the auctions (excluded events) for example are active for 3 hours in the morning, 3 hours in the afternoon, 3 hours in the evening, and 3 hours in the night. This change might try to increase the concentration of online players