New Global Universe

    • Fleet, Defense and Combats

    • New Global Universe

      Concept is to have a server where any player from any country can DM move his account. The reasoning is that as players reach high levels theres no where to go. Now there will be. Accounts must reach a certain point level to move to this server. 4X speed and 4X Eco. ACS, 70%, no defense to debris.
    • Some questions:
      1) Is it automatic this moving of account, or player must decide if stay or move ?
      2) Do you propose moving of account, live (in any moment, account could moved) or more similar at fusion (all account that is selected to be moved, will be moved in a special period) ?
      3) What happen at account in "exodus" universe ? Account continue to play, or is blocked, or is directly deleted ?
      4) What will be language of this new universe ? A global language in english, or gameforge should create an multylanguage universe ........ where if you arrive from will you have menu in spanish, if you will arrive from will you have menu in german, etc ?

      Decide the setting of server could be a problem, because for example players playing in old universe x1 or x2 , probably will not happy to play with x4.

      Long time ago, in Italy, a players proposed a thing that sound similar at your propose, but was thought as a championship with more levels and Promotions, retrocessions. Starting from the lowest league, when it exceeded a certain score they were promoted to the top championship ......... and so on for a number of championships The aim was that, with the exception of the starting championship, Score difference between the players was smaller, so as to increase the competitiveness and difficulty.

      Maybe should be possible to fix as starting championship, any universe from world with same fleet speed and same acs on/off (Regardless of speed economy, percent of debris and other characteristics), and next championship will have same fleet speed of starting championship.

      Maybe it is a change more soft that propose of @Gabby.

    • TGWo wrote:

      Some questions:
      1) Is it automatic this moving of account, or player must decide if stay or move ?
      2) Do you propose moving of account, live (in any moment, account could moved) or more similar at fusion (all account that is selected to be moved, will be moved in a special period) ?
      3) What happen at account in "exodus" universe ? Account continue to play, or is blocked, or is directly deleted ?
      4) What will be language of this new universe ? A global language in english, or gameforge should create an multylanguage universe ........ where if you arrive from will you have menu in spanish, if you will arrive from will you have menu in german, etc ?

      Decide the setting of server could be a problem, because for example players playing in old universe x1 or x2 , probably will not happy to play with x4.

      Good day, TGWo, haven't read you in a long time. :) The way I personally envision that process, the answers to presented questions are as follows:

      1) The players have to decide themselves whether to move into that new destination Universe, or not.
      2) It should be similar to how the account is locked for a certain period of time upon Unifusion, once the player selected the appropriate option / destination and confirmed the spending of DM.
      3) Since it is moved into a new Universe, the old account simply disappears on the exact moment the transfer is complete.
      4) It should be an English-speaking Universe located at, preferably with the possibility for players to choose in which language the game's interface is displayed.
      New player registrations should also be allowed for everyone wishing to reside there without any migration practices put into effect.

      I'd also recommend the 6x Economy growth speed and only 40% of ship structures (defence excluded) going into debris for the proposed 4x flight times, with 50% fuel consumption in place as well.

      The post was edited 3 times, last by Smoke Nightvogue ().