Universe open messenger to boost the community with live conversation

    • Alliance and Player Interaction

    • Universe open messenger to boost the community with live conversation

      Hey guys.

      Not sure if this has been raised before...

      I am suggesting an open messenger to allow people within the same universe to talk openly to one another.

      1st for "Universal chat" (general conversations on alliances or whats happening in the uni).
      2nd for "help chat".

      These 2 types of open forums will updates as a message has been added (live update) - works very well with others games such as AD2460. It especially helps with new players who struggle at the beginning and have no where to ask for help.

      I know people find OGame a difficult game to start as i have introduced a fair few people to OGame and they all say " they don't have a clue really how to play or where to get help".

      So by having 2 open chat nets to allow people to openly talk to the once very hidden and quiet universe now they can have an option to either get involved and talk to fellow players openly which (in my opinion) will keep OGame alive and may even boost it with an actual open community.

      Or simply allow the option to switch off the chat nets in the settings. Best of both worlds.

      Cheers for listening to what may turn out to be another pants idea. But lets hope not! :thumbsup:
    • There are pro's and con's. I can see it getting flooded with spam, needing a report button which subsequently gets abused, and potentially having to be monitored by a GO leading to extra work.
      On the other hand, new players really struggle with this game. People born in the 90's and up gravitate away from IRC. It's archaic, maybe nostalgic for some of us.. but not appealing to many younger players. That leaves them with just the boards and ticket system to turn to for help - both of which can be intimidating if you're unfamiliar. A built in server-wide chat would be a great way to bridge that communication gap for new players who stumble onto the game and would help with player retention.

      Overall I think the pro's outweigh the con's.

      GA - Ogame.us, Ogame.se
    • Jango wrote:

      nikta meldin wrote:

      Is it a difficult task to have it added to the EN community?
      Creating the IRC channels shouldn't be a difficult task, but I think there's a reason that they don't exist: Too few IRC users, so integration into the game would be better.

      But this online chat shouldn't show when a player logs in or logs out. Observing his online-activity would be too easy then
      .Org used to have an IRC channel for each universe, a while ago we decided to delete them because they were empty .
      Yes the big problem with irc is that requires a different application, a different page , many players are avoiding /ignoring it.

      Once one can have it integrated in game page, it will be used without doubt but also will require moderation , and we can't have a person to watch 24/ 24 the chat .
    • Ah OK I understand the implications of having the chat.

      However what is to stop a group of "in game forums" where players can write an message instead of having to leave the game to go to the forums.

      Things like alliance forums - new player forums - wars etc.

      Again hope im not flooding this section with useless ideas but id rather put them out there than just sit on them.

      P.s Thanks for the great replies the were really enlightening :thumbsup:
    • I'm 100% for this suggestion. Since I started again on the Danish servers I have been monitoring the IRC chanel, and have yet to find other users in the chanel, even GO's.

      One can also quickly get in touch with a potential buyer of resources, before deciding whether or not to include the resources in the next FS. Asking for a trade on the forum can take some time to get a responce and one might already have send the fleet off on FS.

      Sure the system can be used for new players to get help, but I see a lot more potential in the idea than just getting help.

      I wote "HELL YES" for this.
      Dark Matter LogBook
      Adding bots to Ogame universes with low player counts

      Here you have the "freedom of speech" as long as you say "everything is OK".
    • Danimanza wrote:

      Now we have an alliance chat ingame.

      I guess in the future we could have one for all the universe, with the option to leave the chat if player doesnt want to be there of course... :)
      In addition to leaving the universe chat, I propose a button that allows it to be displayed as ON or OFF.
      But if I'm not saying it is wrong, in an old version there was this possibility for a short time.
      Do not ask me dates, honestly, I do not remember very well the time ....
    • I think that adding the chat to the game could be a good idea. I also think that we could maybe only show mentions as notifications (in similar manner we have notifications for unread messages on private chats) This way the people that keep the chat closed (as minimalised) would know if they been mentioned or not, and would not get info for other messages. Overall I think it would be a nice idea to add such communication in the game, as I believe it could make players feel that the universes 'arent as empty'.