
  • Information for the game operator.
    Your disrespectful attitude towards Retro server players has made me decide to delete many summer accounts on Polish Libra and Quantum servers.
    This approach can not be accepted, I do not intend to finance you any further.
    Several of my friends will do exactly the same thing.
    Since you can spend a few hours dealing with the problems that occur on paid servers and here in weeks you have not done anything, I think the players approach to you and the deletion of accounts should answer your ignorance.
  • Excuse me, but first of everything "staff of Origin" don't have power to manage code of game ......... only developers of gameforge can manage code.

    Second, where is wrote that GameForge have to offer an universe with only cost and no income ? Maybe you should remember that nobody have forced GameForge to open this retro server; this retro server is a gift from GameForge not a law of players.


    JoKy wrote:


    Seems you still have some fun on the retro server, e.g. with those retro colony sizes and also retro bugs.
    The last point I want to take up:

    The server / version is as announced with no / basic support. I´m not the guy, who cover words in fluffiness, so I say it in direct way: If you find issues or loose something, you have to deal with it, there is no need to report it. At least only if the whole server is not reachable and critical stuff appear, then poke us and we will have a look.


    When universe is started GameForge said "no support" , so it already decided don't spend time in developen of this version of game.

    Fourth, it is sad that retro server is closed, but the real target of complains should be players that used this issue to improve their game .......... if nobody started to use bug, server was still open.

    Maybe in a far far time, they will fix issue of version and open again retro server. I hope.

  • I still think the word ignorance is right here.
    Problems on paid servers are eliminated immediately, but this server was offered as a gift for old players without any support.
    Several months of work by many people have been transformed by laziness.
    That is why I have the right to write it right here, and I hope it will reach the decayers for such a state of affairs.
    Currently, I am deleting my accounts on Polish paid servers (4 and 8 years old) and I am not going to support my GF projects any more.
    If someone from the support feels offended by these words of ignorance, please send them a game developer.
    I would like to tell you at the end that it just does not work and your laziness in this problem is not fair to all those who put in engagement and time to play on this server.
    It is very possible that what I wrote will be totally ridiculous and will go without any reaction, but I think if someone who gives a gift in the form of such a server should be a true gift and not a single one without the ability to service and support.
    So much to me, I greet all players from Poland and other countries.
  • Personally I don't feel myself offended by your words.
    I replied only to say my opinion and to say that nobody of staff of origin over Coma, decided to open/close retro server .............. so the right direction was "Information for GameForge.".

    You have right to complain, but at same time GameForge have right to decide to close at any universe.

    Nobody it is happy that retro server is closed, but at same time I should want to watch thing from an other position: if GameForge didn't decide to open retro server, nobody played for 9 months in it .......... better to have played few, that played nothing.

    I hope who played in retro server had fun and used only free time ........... any universe of ogame that you pay or that you don't buy dark matter will give you only fun, good moments with friends, but don't will give money back ........... so invest your time, only if you like game and you have fun.
    if you don't like as GameForge manage Ogame, it is your right to write (in correct way) to complain, to propose to change/improve, or to stop to buy dark matter or to delete your accounts.

  • TGWo wrote:

    When universe is started GameForge said "no support" , so it already decided don't spend time in developen of this version of game.
    Fourth, it is sad that retro server is closed, but the real target of complains should be players that used this issue to improve their game .......... if nobody started to use bug, server was still open.

    Maybe in a far far time, they will fix issue of version and open again retro server. I hope.
    TGWo explained it very well.
    GF announced retroserver to remember how the old ogame was like an opportunity to know how it was if someone didn't play it.
    Company is focused in the actual version and we have to respect this.

    And remember SUCO's words:

    SUCO wrote:

    Maybe at some point, in a galaxy far, far way, we will be able to work on such a project again. For now we just want to say “thank you” to everybody involved and hope that you all enjoyed the time we had.
    Ogame.es & Ogame.ar SGO
    Origin Supporter

  • I think GameForge did what they could to keep the server alive, it's an old version of OGame running on modern servers, the things that were broken got turned off and GameForge just had it here for you to enjoy as long as it lasted.
    I think the only way you can have a retro server with support is if they add DM to it and make money on it, then it will be worth for the developers to work on fixing bugs ect. developers cost money too.
    Also it was not a project by GameForge to start a retro server, some OGame developers just worked on bringing the old version back to life in their free time and GameForge just gave it a server to run on :)
    Origin Supporter
    TM - OGame.dk
    Mail: erikfyr@ogame.dk
  • It's true that something that wasn't reporting Gameforge any money was doomed to have no support and probably end like this. However, I don't think that the only solution is DM. I remember that on the "good old times" there was only one "pay option" in OGame, which was the Commander I think, which provided a construction queue and something like an empire view, things that made OGame more comfortable to play but didn't really provide any real advantage over a player who didn't pay. I don't think anyone opposed that kind of feature, and that was the only thing they had to make money in the times when OGame got really big and made Gameforge so successful.

    Probably I'm talking for nothing because my words will not be heard, but I think that a retro universe with commander, all these bugs fixed, and a proper previous advertising (I remember too that this universe was announced the same day it was launched and in the small print, at least in the Spanish boards) would be really successful and could report a good profit to Gameforge too. OGame will never be again what it once was (30 universes with 12K+ people in them in the Spanish servers or so), because its time has passed and other games have taken his crown. However, I'm sure that there are still enough nostalgic people in the international OGame community to crowd during a couple of years one Retro universe for the last time if the things were done right. Perhaps even for one Retro universe in each national community.

    But I'm probably just daydreaming.
    Anyways, thanks for these months to the developer who made it possible, to the staff and to the fair players of the Retro universe (to the diverse type of cheaters, f*** you . We came here escaping from the DM users and found you guys, who were even worse)

    The post was edited 1 time, last by Serbaf ().

  • Much players here are really naive.
    Do you really believe that they do not know how to fix these bugs?

    this retro server was only a market strategy to recall old players and hope that, when server close in one year, many of these players go in other servers for play ogame.

    I hope they have the opposite effect and lose much players for this mockery.
  • Serbaf wrote:

    I remember that on the "good old times" there was only one "pay option" in OGame, which was the Commander I think, which provided a construction queue and something like an empire view
    At the beginning there were banners and no pay option, then came the commander and later all the officer.

    TGWo wrote:

    the real target of complains should be players that used this issue to improve their game .......... if nobody started to use bug, server was still open.

    Unfortunatelly there has always been this kind of players on Ogame.
    "I walk through the valley of the shadow of death and I will fear no evil 'cause I'm blind to it all".
  • @Pawel, we are sorry and sad that you have made that decision. But this is one of things that you are wrong. When retro server was activated it was announced that it may last few weeks, few months, year or two, also it could crash any time, that it is low priority and that no developer is assigned to this project. So here we are 1 year,1 week and 2 days after opening of retro server, it is closed now. Since all that was told before opening of retro server, you could have decided if you want to play or not, now you don't have any rights to blame someone who have told you all that before you started playing.

    All who think same, should read the sentence above.

    Here is this topic closed. :closed: