Prolonging accounts cleanup time frame on the Retro Server

    • General

    • Prolonging accounts cleanup time frame on the Retro Server

      Because of all the difficulties occurring recently at the Retro Universe, I'd like to make a proposal of introducing an additional time span of 35 more inactivity days allowed prior account deletions here, resulting in a new 70 total allocated days prior the purging of inactives takes place. It should help to avoid problems linked with possible temporary Universe closures required to supply patch fixes and potential account losses due to inactivity or inability to login. There still should be enough room for all the newly-registered players even if deletions of inactives will be done after 70 days, based on my understanding of the matter.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Smoke Nightvogue ().

    • (Accounts get deleted after 35 days inactivity)

      nevertheless this is a good idea, but only during such problems, so maybe 2 weeks after the universe is up and running it should be set back to the original time.
      Why? Simple, we have so many dead accounts in the universe (accounts with 0 points which are not in highscore) that this change would lead to a even bigger amount.

      Some numbers from before the last shutdown:
      • 2201 accounts in total
      • 1178 accounts in the highscore
      • 1023 dead accounts
      • 1017 accounts with at least 1 point
    • what do you mean by that?

      a bot who pushes mines in these account? Would be unfair for some players, because those accs are all in g1 not evenly distributed over the universe and on the other hand they would need to implement such a bot. And I think they have enough other things to do right now (like getting the Server fixed)
    • Danimanza wrote:

      In this cases a backup can be done when the problem is fixed, so we shouldn't lose any account because of this close of the server.
      I have to disagree (partially).
      After the last backup I noticed that many deleted accounts came back (that's good). But they all got deleted the next night (that's bad). This made me jump to the following conclusion:

      The system remembers the last action which the user did. And the deletion script checks every night if the time-delta between now and this last action is greater than 35 days, if yes: delete this account.
      So, the backup brought back the deleted accounts, but didn't change the time of the last action (which is probably stored in the ogame database). Therefore, all the accounts got deleted again the next time the deletion script was executed.

      If my conclusion is right then I propose to update the last-action-field of every account. You could use the day of the new server reopening. This should be as easy as setting every account in vm, additionally you don't need to alter the deletion script, as in the original proposal.

      Of course, this only holds true if my conclusions are correct!