Suggested tweaks for the Reward System

    • Suggested tweaks for the Reward System

      I've recently taken a look at the newly-implemented bonus for the starters to catch up with players who progressed from the very first day of Universe's creation, did comparison of summed up colony costs along with building in Bermuda for a bit, and from these tests, some feedback arose in regards to slight modification of the prices and other offered rewards. I'll publish the updated list below, and will then comment on each option as of why:

      Day 1: 44k of metal and 13k of crystal.
      Day 2: Items - Bronze, Silver and Golden Kraken.
      Day 3: Merchant - Metal (overrides the already-hired one, if there is any).
      Day 4: 20 Rocket Launchers and 2 Light Lasers or 8 Light Fighters and 2 Small Cargo.
      Day 5: Items - Bronze, Silver and Golden Newtron.
      Day 6: Item - Bronze Detroid.
      Day 7: 7 days of "Commanding Staff" (stacks with duration of the already-purchased officers).

      First of all, I assume the main goal of providing these little extras was to make it a considerably more enjoyable process of starting in a new Universe when you're about 2 months late since its creation, meaning there's a huge disparity to make up. And that signifies we actually have to award distinguishably-influential bonuses when it comes to the first week of such start. At the same time, those have to be rather economical-oriented than focused on something which significantly boosts military compound, as for the first few weeks, the one who's trying to catch-up is most likely to be raiding inactives above other affairs.

      Therefore, I've started off from the idea that the boost should consist of the resources required to construct 3 basic economical-bound facilities, considering total build time and potentially-maximum one-day levels, bearing no dependencies on Shipyard and Solar Sats. This, in return, resulted in estimated sum of 44.000 metal and 13.000 crystal, which equals the installation of level 13 metal mine, the crystal shaft 8, with supply of level 11 Solar Plant and two storages of level 2 and 1 for the respective resources. The whole construction cost is worth 43.416 metal and 13.117 crystal units, concurring the sum of 56 points.

      20 Rocket Launchers and 2 Light Lasers awarded at Day 4 are worth practically the same 44.500 metal units and are distributed in that quantity despite 4 days difference between occurrence of events since Defence is about 4 times stronger than ships (due to cheaper costs, inflicted damage & absence of produced debris), so balance-wise, the reward is almost equivalent. An alternative for more active raiders are 8 Light Fighters and 2 Small Cargo, which are worth likewise-valued 46.000 metal units at 3/2/1 exchange rate, so the pattern persists here.

      What else... the boosters influence, which in my opinion isn't sufficiently-noticeable when it comes to giving out only the Bronze ones, with only exception that handing out more than a single Bronze Detroid isn't recommended since those can be used to ninja-smash the enemy fleets, that's why I didn't adjust anything in relation to Day 6. =) As for "Commanding Staff" bonus, I'm in moderate doubt concerning its 3 days trial period, which in my opinion might not be enough for new players to memorize all the features different officers bestow, that's why I suggest making that period equal to the standard one week duration of ordered officers, which is assuredly sufficient in terms of both acquaintance and granted bonuses.

      With suggested changes, the feature obtains onward evenly-balanced form in regard to what it was initially crafted for. :) Albeit, the whole measure itself is only effective if we're trying to reduce start time divergence between player groups distinct by no more than 2 months of play. In all further cases, where it comes to endorsing the interest of newcomers to the Universes which are 6 months and older, there should be a separate, Item 8, of closely-matching content.

      The post was edited 11 times, last by Smoke Nightvogue ().