Russiak, please try to not accuse of trap in the board, if you know a case of traps use the Ticket system or try to talk with a Origin Crew via pm or IRC. Please avoid the warnings.
now i understand in international communities there have to be language barriers. but i would like to remind you, Tralafgar Wal, that names typically don't change during translations. thank you
also no accusations were made. just the typical multi strategy that is currently executed, monitored and has already been banned. so not even a new thing to the community really.
ps: haha and again my avatar got deleted, while no reason given. i have a mildly gestured&easy to look at avatar pic and see members with blood&gore and even sexual activities between mario and daisy... i have been asking that question for a loooong time as to why my avatar is of particular interest but to no avail.
03-11-05 17:16:47 Allianz [reTOS] Mitgliedschaft in Allianz [reTOS] beendet
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