Anonymity of player for Game Operators

    • General

    • Anonymity of player for Game Operators

      This is just a general suggestion of direction that would be cool to see: anonymity of users at the eyes of game operators.

      By that I mean that the GameOperators could not know who sent the ticket, and what accounts are involved (that hiding process would be made by the system). That way the justice would probably be a bit more transparent. This is similar to hiding name, sex, race, etc. in a list of résumés to aim for more objectivity and less prejudice.

      (Note I've never been involved in the administration of the game, so I might have the wrong idea)
      The GameOperators would be given a symbolic link to some account, but they won't be able to see the name, the alliance, the exact coordinates, the points, or even the ranks (of course they can deduce, but at least they should work if they really want to be subjective). In case of two accounts, rather than seeing the alliances, they could show if they are the same or not, some boolean relevant to the analysis in question.

      Of course this is nothing particular, and probably difficult (and not of much interest) to implement. But, if something is developed on the admins area, I think this should be a direction towards we should be going.

      In a similar sense there is a new direction towards anonymity on the prangers/pillories (which I personally dislike a lot), so this is just a suggestion in another area, but in the same "scope".
    • I don't see motive to implements this idea.
      Game operator need to know in that ally you play to know if your bashing versus a player of an other ally is correct or no.
      Game operator need to know your nick to decide if nick name is an insult, etc
      Game operator need to know your point to know if there is pushing or no
      Game operator need to know planets to analize attacks

      Game operator is as a police that could know info about you, but cannot give oround.

      Your suggest sound moved by fair that game operator can help other players given info about fleetsave, etc ........... in this sense, you need to have trust in them and in sgo/ga that check that they don't abuse of their position

    • I don't think it's a good idea, a GO needs to be able to see your username and e-mail (especially the e-mail) to confirm you are the owner of the account, before he can handle your ticket and your request :)

      And GO's are instructed to treat everyone the same and be fair, and not give friend advantages or anything like that. They also have SGO's that you can complain to if the GO is not doing his job as he should :)
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    • Well, as I said, this was not a particular request, but a direction request.
      Of your "counterarguments", almost if not everything can be done by an automated system:
      compare numbers is one of the things computers do pretty good, which means comparing ranking and points between two accounts, comparing alliances (which are given an unique number);
      also, computer can compare strings, so verifying if the ticket is send by the appropriate person is also easy to automate;
      also planets could be hidden symbolically (giving different relevant data, like distance between planets) or even at plain sight, if the name of the player is hidden a GO needs to actually go look who the owner is so at least it would not be that easy.

      I think every particular point you mentioned is easily doable. But as I said, this is not about what to do, but what to think of the system.

      "And GO's are instructed to treat everyone the same and be fair" that's true, that's the same that we think about todays society, but it seems that hiding certain that leads to different results, so even if they are instructed, we are humans and we have to accept that we won't ever act that way. The thing is that these small changes (comparing to changing the human mind) usually lead to a nice number of changes in the objectivity of jurors.
    • Well, this is really no go...
      As ErikFyr already told you.
      GameOperators should treat everyone same, even if they have friends which are playing or so.
      Everyone who isn't treated fair can report that Go,SGo and even GA.

      With anonymity we would only get some reports or so which could not be solved since nobody know who sent ticket. So...
    • Shole wrote:

      Everyone who isn't treated fair can report that Go,SGo and even GA.

      You can do this if you are unhappy about some GO, I don't think it's necessary to have a system where some information is hidden from a GO, a GO also uses some information to manage his universe and your information is safe because every staff member has signed a DPA (Data Protection Agreement) :)

      With GameForge policies I don't think it will be possible either, so this discussion can be ended here :)
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    • The simplest answer to this request is: Undoable if you want to have support at all :D

      If a GO wants to do his or her job correctly he will take every bit of information into account he can get.

      I dont even see what you want to achieve with that except for making a GO's work impossible.

      Imagine a simple moonshot ticket:
      "I did a MS with ErikFyr, can u check if we did it right"
      => answer: "Sorry, i cannot tell who ErikFyr is in the game" :D
    • Okey, don't worry, I don't think there's anything to discuss, if someone reads this they might have this in mind and influence just a bit of the decisions in the future.

      But to any of the answers I really don't see the point. One thing is that this is not very practical and won't be implemented at all and thats okay, but actually saying this is impossible as an argument to prove something (I don't know what), I really don't understand. I believe this is the same people said before smartphones came to the world: "what? a phone with no keys? we won't be able to call and people need to do their jobs and call numbers, that's impossible to implement". Really, no offense, but I can think of many ways of actually implementing the particular points you said.

      In particular, answering to you @Lord_, the same way we have in the game chat an option to call a player given the ID or the name [player]100006[/player] or [player]Soyo[/player], something could be implemented so that the person who writes the tickets refers to the players using *whatever* that translates into something that on the GOs side would show as a number 100006 and they could search / click / whatever with that symbolic data.

      That said, yes, this will be impractical (at first, until people accepted that, but that's another story) and won't be implemented, but I think it's not wrong to propose it even knowing it's not going to be implemented, so at least it gets to the minds of the developers.

      I really thought this was going to be a discussion about the pros and cons of having names hidden (while keeping in mind that it won't be the next feature to be implemented, and actually never, but it's just discussing, so nothing wrong); but I really did not expect many posts saying "no, that's not possible because <insert here thing that it's actually impossible right now but is not difficult to imagine a change in the world that would make that feasible>".

      In any case, there's no need to discuss more. I might be wrong, but I don't really understand your attitude.
    • more or less anything is possible, but at same time there is to think if it is more efficient a "bot" that decide who ban, or an human.
      And at same time there is to think if have less cost to have volunteer operator that check game, or to spend time to write code to create a bot. I'm sure that GameForge think it is more easy to use actual GOes

      I have idea that for sure there is possibility to introduce automatic check, but at same time i'm sure it is better to have human that decide.

      The last time i have see in Ogame a code that decided to ban, was about code checking messages and that banned if you used swear words ........... more or less 10 years ago. That way had a lot of problems, and gameforge removed, implented a check by human.

      PS: what wanted to say other person, it was not that it is impossible, but that if you remove info from eyes of GO, he will be not able to do his job, if don't introduce automatic check of pushing, bashing, etc (about bashing and war will be need to add an in game way to start war, thing that atm don't exist). So your ideas could also is possible, but need a lot of developen.

    • Thanks TGWo for your answer, I like (and understand that more).

      In any case, I did not mention the idea of bots that ban automatically at all. My intention is that humans operate but the only thing is that the account players names are hidden to them (of course, every other info would be available). What would be the problem between just substituting the name of the player with its unique number?

      Imagine I wanted to report a moonshot between you (unique number 283, here in forum) and me (unique number 8412). If there was a small system in which accounts would be only given through that system (say the markup of the chat, [player]...[/player], say a drop menu with a list of players of the universe) and the GOs only received the relevant number, I don't see what would actually be the problem to operate through that (their internal list of players would just be a list of numbers), and I think it would be positive.

      That said I believe that more things could easily be obscured, but for the sake of this idea, think only about that unique number that is given to every player that plays an universe.
    • " Let's investigate a game problem with 'some players' in 'any place' and with 'some ships' or with 'any investigation' "

      Minion wrote:

      but I don't really understand your attitude.
      What attitude? We are only saying that this cannot be easy for anyone, and less for GameOperators that are doing a voluntary work, we don't need to make it more difficult.

      Lord_ wrote:

      The simplest answer to this request is: Undoable if you want to have support at all :D

      If a GO wants to do his or her job correctly he will take every bit of information into account he can get.

      I dont even see what you want to achieve with that except for making a GO's work impossible.

      Imagine a simple moonshot ticket:
      "I did a MS with ErikFyr, can u check if we did it right"
      => answer: "Sorry, i cannot tell who ErikFyr is in the game" :D
      This is an easy example of a possible issue we can find, there are more...

      You don't want to be found... why? Seems you want to be hidden and the idea of a gameteamler is exactly to know who is each other and check the universe. If you hide him information his job is going to be hard. & SGO
      Origin Supporter

    • I agree that it will not improve a GO's work and will just make it harder for us, I also believe that GameForge does not want that kind of thing and everyone in the team has a DPA so your information will not be shared with people who does not have access to it :)

      I can imagine this will need to be changed globally if it needs to happen, because it docent make much sense that in other games you can see the username and in OGame you can't :)
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    • @ErikFyr The idea is not towards ensuring privacy or that the data could be shared, it's about more justice, since the results wouldn't be altered by the name of the player. If someone has been playing for ten years in this game, there are a few names on the community about who there are a formed opinion (positive and negative).

      Yes, you are right, I don't really know about anything at all about the “online game scene”, so yes, it would look weird if it was just implemented in this game. And yes it would be harder (I really don't see that much “hard”, but I understand it's change and people don't like change)

      As to Imperor, most of what you said I think was already told, in any case, since you also said something different, it's not that the users will be hidden but the fact that GOs will treat accounts in a more equal way without prejudice. Apart from that fact being obvious in my opinion, I also pointed out to the fact that something similar was made with CV in certain countries and businesses and it lead to a more equal hiring results that didn't depend of race, sex, looks, etc.