Make MD´s great again

    • Fleet, Defense and Combats

    • Make MD´s great again

      Hey. As you all know,MD missions undergo the bashing rules, which have recently been set to 6 attacks per planet or moon withing a 24h peroid.
      That, with all due respect, :censored: - not because there shouldn´t be any limitations or because they are too narrow, but because
      the moons are too big, the fail/success rates are too discrepant and the rips are too expensive to be thrown at moons in large numbers.
      Obviously, we don´t want to change the rip cost, it would shake the delicate balance of ship costs/benefits,so instead I suggest you either limit the size of the moons
      while maintaining the same MD formula, or change the formula to make it more likely for rips to destroy moons.
      Decreasing the chance of rips getting blown up would be nice, but that´s something not as crucial as actually getting the moons to pop without getting banned for bashing.
      Thank you.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by NoMoreAngel ().

    • Correction accepted. I´ve been trying to find exact data, but I´m only getting oppinions that mostly boil down to some 2 years ago.
      Would be nice to get official confirmation. Aside from my sense of timeflow being somewhat derailed, I fear my
      common sense must also be burned out, because I dont see how 6 md´s per 8.9km moon is easy.

      As far as the thread goes, I´ve read through it.
      I´m guessing none of those players actually MD´d recently, because the only mention of
      anything remotely related to the number of MD´s you can actually send was in Lord´s post:

      Lord_ wrote:

      How much did they loose?
      12x4 deathstar per moon were sent. about 40% died.
      So he, and the others who didnt correct him, assume the moons are made of paper because you can just throw rips at them until they die.
      As much as that statement used to apply to highspeed universes with 12/24 attacks per any given moon, now the moons are nothing but major
      party breakers, considering the cost of rips towards the cost of moons. 2-3 rips per wave dont cut it, I´ve seen anywhere from 4 to 6, so let´s take 5 on average.
      That´s 30 rips heading to one moon, 300kk you need to be ready to throw down the drain, because you should base your expected profit on a worst case scenario.
      How does it make sense 300kk goes down for a moon worth couple of millions?
    • One of the most important aspects of this game is the team work .

      It is desirable to encourage/ force team work and MD can be one of such occasions.

      One alliance can go around the bashing rule by organizing coordinated attacks from multiple players

      As with MD formula, you have to remember that a moon is an essential part of the game and any player having moons has invested a lot of work and resources in his moons. It is normal for an attacker to pay a heavy price when trying to destroy one of them.
    • the way the md rules and formulas are set up work fine as is. no change needed.
      i send the following and with fair to good results 2/1/2/1/2/1 and 8 out of 10 moons popped
      with those numbers and wave style if a player is willing to pop a moon he has thought about the cost already so. that being said why change it its not broken just have team mates send md missions as well at the targeted moon.
    • As things are currently, if you want to MD a target,you mobile in and instagate. For some huge hit,
      teamwork is obviously preferable,but for mediocre fleets, having two players spend DM for some small
      profit of maybe couple 100kk makes it a no-brainer, it´s simply not cost efficient.
      But I´m guessing spending more DM where no DM is actually needed is exactly what GF wants us to do.
      Blackmass,I never had a moon of 8k+ diameter pop with a single rip, guess I´m just unlucky.
    • RiV- wrote:

      Legacy wrote:

      How does it make sense 300kk goes down for a moon worth couple of millions?
      You are wrong, the moon is not just worth couple of millions. Depending on your fleet size, it can be worth over 100 million points. Because if you lose the moon you dont just lose the moon but also your fleet.
      I think the player should learn how to fleetsave correctly.

      Speaking of the suggestion, I do agree with Legacy it is being costly to MD anyone at this stage.

      I think the best option is to change the bashing rule from 6 to 9 or 10. (I think the bashing rules is silly since it's a war game)

      NoMoreAngel wrote:

      I don't know where you are from, but the change for to bashrule is atleast 4 years old.

      As far as I can oversee the playerbase, most players want to be RIPs less powerfull at moonrips, because later in the game moonrips are too easy. Just take a look at this thread:
      Bring back the power of moons
      I'm not sure which server you're talking about, i'm taking about .org and i'm quite sure that it hasn't been 4 years since the change of the bashing rule.
    • Blackamss wrote:

      the bashing rule changed in July 2nd 2015 to 6 times per all universes. on .org

      as announced buy Valent but that has nothing to do with
      the topic of the thread and i see no reason to change the formula for the size of the moons or the md factors so take it for what its worth you dont have to send large waves of rips to pop a moon.
      As I said there's no need to make any changes in the formula, just increase the hit count on the bashing rule, from 6 to 9 or 10.
    • I'm agree with opinion of Valent.
      When you say that Ogame is a war game, this is as you want to call it, but official description of game, is a strategic game where you can also attack other players (otherwise it was no sense to exist any kind of bashing rules, not only about MD)........... rules have also war mode between alliences to don't have bashing limit

    • NoMoreAngel wrote:

      I don't know where you are from, but the change for to bashrule is atleast 4 years old.

      As far as I can oversee the playerbase, most players want to be RIPs less powerfull at moonrips, because later in the game moonrips are too easy. Just take a look at this thread:
      Bring back the power of moons
      This doesn't necessarily collide with that thread. The important part there is that it's unbearable for most of the players to maintain a rhythm of connecting around every hour to see if someone is going to destroy your moon and is going to see your deployment while going (before recalling it) during the day.

      But the above doesn't mean at all that moon destructions couldn't have the % eased in favour of deathstars or that we couldn't change the bashing rule to 10 destructions per moon per day. At least that thread, nor the “playerbase”, is against the suggestion in this thread.

      Now, about the %, I'm not sure the change is needed, in fast universes popping a moon is cheap. And about the bashrule, that could be revisited for more than 6 moon destructions, but as it has been stated: it's good to force some organization with a group of friends or alliance.