enoo (.BG.) vs Olisa 17k

    • Initial

    • enoo (.BG.) vs Olisa 17k

      osveta, nedavno mi 8-9bs slupao...a ujedno da Skuteru pokazem kako se roka..
      On 20-09-2016 --:--:-- , the following fleets met in battle:

      Attacker enoo

      s.cargo 200
      l.fighter 2.264
      cruiser 93
      battleship 337
      esp.probe 500


      Defender Olisa

      s.cargo 1
      l.cargo 61
      l.fighter 100
      battleship 4
      recy. 40
      esp.probe 51
      bomber 40
      sol.sat 27
      dest. 20
      r.launcher 15
      l.laser 1.819
      h.laser 18
      gauss 42
      plasma 1
      s.dome 1
      l.dome 1


      After the battle...

      Attacker enoo

      s.cargo 110 ( -90 )
      l.fighter 1417 ( -847 )
      cruiser 80 ( -13 )
      battleship 332 ( -5 )
      esp.probe 94 ( -406 )


      Defender Olisa


      The attacker has won the battle!
      The attacker captured:
      339.848 metal, 274.520 crystal and 94.348 deuterium

      The attacker lost a total of 4.805.000 units.
      The defender lost a total of 12.823.000 units.
      At these space coordinates now float 2.282.700 metal and 1.355.100 crystal.
      The chance for a moon to be created is: 20 %
      The attacker captured a total of 708.716 units.
      Your 200 recycler(s) have a total cargo capacity of 4.000.000. At the target, 2.282.700 metal and 1.357.800 crystal are floating in space. You have harvested 2.282.700 metal and 1.357.800 crystal.

      Summary of profit/losses:

      The attacker lost a total of 4.096.284 units.
      The defender lost a total of 12.823.000 units.

      Converted by OGotcha CR Converter 1.0.0 (skin: kokx)
      :lol: :lol: :lol:

      The post was edited 4 times, last by enoo ().

    • The probes were a weird choice - I get that they're sort of fodder, but I was still left thinking..... "really?"....

      Also, don't know what you said as the brief story - if possible could you post the story in English too in future so myself, and other fellow Europeans who might not understand the language due to our lack-of-well-traveled-ness can admire your regaling, and have a chuckle at your superb wit?

      Congrats Enoo, but maybe concentrate on the profits a little more next time as suggested above?

      Aaaand VFR to Olisa.
      Know a trader? How about... HEAVY METAL TRADER?

      After 10 years, clearly the best:

      HoFs: NONE
      HOF'd: by Leon (LINK)

      The Cons Vs. IG - LOST
      ASGARD vs. OGN - LOST
      HMT vs. The Outsider (player) - LOST
      HMT vs. Ali The King (player) - LOST
    • Heavy Metal Trader wrote:

      Also, don't know what you said as the brief story - if possible could you post the story in English too in future so myself, and other fellow Europeans who might not understand the language due to our lack-of-well-traveled-ness can admire your regaling, and have a chuckle at your superb wit?

      He said: revenge, not so long time ago Olisa crashed his 8 - 9 battleships + he wanted to show to (his friend?) Skuter how to rock.
      ex #1st ranked uni14 .org
      ex #1st ranked uni1 .us
      ex #1st ranked andromeda .si
    • Sorcy wrote:

      Heavy Metal Trader wrote:

      Also, don't know what you said as the brief story - if possible could you post the story in English too in future so myself, and other fellow Europeans who might not understand the language due to our lack-of-well-traveled-ness can admire your regaling, and have a chuckle at your superb wit?
      He said: revenge, not so long time ago Olisa crashed his 8 - 9 battleships + he wanted to show to (his friend?) Skuter how to rock.
      Rly? I dont remeber this:D

      I must add something else.
      From some weeks i looking somebody who can cooperate with moonmaking. and sudenly i get this FREE moon Try.

      The defender lost a total of 12.823.000 units.<- its not true, 70% of my defence was rrebuild. i Lost 90 position in ranking from 740 to 850. I am prety sure that Speedsim told atacker that he dont get so big looses but he get. -500k?

      I know if somebody will atack me he dont get profit i so i dont care abaut fleet-safe, and its a chance to get a moon.

      I write after batle to enoo abaut again mooon try and he dont rewrite.

      Maybe someone want cooperate in 7 galaxy?

      But again i want gratulation enoo for courage.
    • Olisa wrote:

      I must add something else.
      From some weeks i looking somebody who can cooperate with moonmaking. and sudenly i get this FREE moon Try.


      But again i want gratulation enoo for courage.

      I can confirm this. It's not false excuse after HoF crash - I was one of those (most likely randomly or because I probed him/her?) who approximately two weeks also got offer from Olisa about moonshot exchange.

      ... but I figured out that I will simply join to YonkouS and get it for free :P
      j/k ;-)
      ex #1st ranked uni14 .org
      ex #1st ranked uni1 .us
      ex #1st ranked andromeda .si