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  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Mendi - - General


    Quote from TGWo: “@Sorcy ........ if for example tomorrow will arrive this news: "there is a problem of security in code, but we don't know how many time request to manage code or if we will be able to fix it. Sorry". With this example what will be your reply ? Do you think that it is impossible that situation is this ? ” I'd prefer this answer rather than this absurd silence and disinformation. We are still here but even if the server will be opened once again I doubt players will ever come bac…

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Mendi - - General



  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Mendi - - General


    I've been missing this topic guys Let us know when something comes up

  • Not recycling is a problem of hof with the defender in parking. You took the risk and it wasn't as good as you thought. I can't see anything strange in harvesting after being taken down, no shopping in this universe, everything is predictable Br guys Congrats

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Mendi - - General



  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Mendi - - General


    Knowing that we have to wait until Tuesday is better than knowing nothing. Grazie P.S: As Sorcy said, no yelling, just asking for news

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Mendi - - General


    Common sense or not, the situation is hilarious. Discovering America didn't take longer. We don't want the problem to be solved in 2 hours of course, every one here is an old player so we do have patience. Though I'd like to read something, just knowing that they are working on this but they can't see the problem or if it's going to take a long time or it will be solved in a week. I don't want to read anything fake, we do want to know what's going on and what they're doing about it

  • - Official Italian discussion thread

    Mendi - - General


    Quote from Rusiak: “Quote from Hard2006: “asd.png ” judging by the picture i guess ad block plus, ublock and/or opera built-in adblock are at fault. at least that was the case for me. had to log in via mobile several times before sb told me to disable adblock. ” Actually you cannot use adblock while playing ogame. Quote from Rusiak: “also while thinking of italian stuff: antipasti, way too fast cars and non-existand fighting spirit (:O all the better i guess. at least you guys were allowed to ke…

  • Congrats, actually it's a quite easy cr. The defender deserved that if he left his fleet in his planet for so long without checking it

  • Gian, change your nick once again. Do that for me please, can't stand an alphanumeric one Good job of course

  • Quote from Heavy Metal Trader: “by mobile, do you mean he was using as mobile colony? res haul is weird also. If mobile colony, bit annoying for him that this is where he gets moon xD Great job robot dude. ” Don't know man, think he means by mobile phone, don't you?

  • - Official Italian discussion thread

    Mendi - - General


    Quote from .ANTARES.: “Premetto che mi piacerebbe sapere qualche dettaglio in più su quello che ti è successo, ma a parte ciò, si sapeva sin da subito che il server avesse problemi di questo genere e che non sarebbe stato fornito supporto a riguardo e questo è uguale per tutti; personalmente preferisco che mi accada la stessa cosa che è capitata a te e continuare a giocare qui che nei server nabbi a pagamento. Quel brivido di poter perdere tutto e al contempo il fatto di sudarti ogni singolo pun…

  • Deut

    Mendi - - Archive


    Selling deu (230k or less), I can send wherever you want. 2.5:1.5:1 Nick: Mendi