Search Results

Search results 1-20 of 179.

  • Heh,, hello everybody Sorry, but GameForge isn´t cooperating with players base. That is pure fact. When i start playin about 6-7 years ago, my country servers was up to 2500+ players. Now it is 550 after servers merge. Hahah and you keep sayin "we are doing many many .. blah blah..." Again, sorry.. but you guys (GameForge - Ogame ) are doing nothing, just inventing how to make more profit in this dying game. I know this, cause i was part of this origin team and many good ideas was throw away. Id…

  • News from SK community... On May 12th will be announced new server "Hydra" in our dead community. Is 5th server. Another step from GF to get maximum possible cash flow from something dead..

  • Hey Valent, nice to "hear you" and thanks for you wisdom. Yep im still online, but i prefer to tell im hybernating 1. Im not discussing about my ban, im ok with that. 2. Origin is maybe only one place, where could players unite against profit develeping and not a game developing GameForge. Possibility to discuss something wit GF, that will not kill each Ogame community one after another, was impossible. I know, trust me, i tried many times. This way im acting now, is just a final step as pure pl…

  • Happy New Year for all players from SK community Our community is now nearly dead, but for me it´s dead already (with around 1k players) Just yesterday i´ve got a 14day ban for telling openly on board, that GF is doing all only for profit but nothing for player. I linked there one song with name translated as "thick-headed band" Sorry, that´s my view on GF Ogame Team. Btw SK Board has an BoardAdmin and few under admins from CZ community, cause nobody from SK wants to be in the Team. Few SK peopl…

  • Danimanza: it´s not hard. It´s is more easy as you can imagine. Many players here has provided clever ideas to ressurect this game, but this was mention before over and over. It´s not our 4th universe there was maybe 6 till now. And six before. Please think logically, whem your game is falling in popularity, it is not fun anymore, what can you do ? Will you open next server with some changed criterias, but the core will be still the same ? With this way you can bring some new players, but they w…

  • News from SK community... 25th Feruary will be announced new server in our dead community. It´s once again against our will, no one has asked us players. Why ? Are we just a cash cow for them ? This is just an another proof, that GF aren´t interested in quality or better game for us players, but only in money flow. I´ve created this thread to let you all know, that while GF Ogame is getin´ money from you with better and better paid boosters, nothing was changed for our fun and better game experi…

  • What should be in version 6, 7 ? Those suggestions are nothing what can bring players to the game. No action, just boring supplements. People are doing many suggestions for GF, good suggestions, but GF keeps denying them and are accepting only things like "Last usable field" warning for example. Nothing major, just small improvements to the existing boring game. GF has so many people, who are giving them tons of suggestion, for free! and they are still laughing on it. But this is the common prob…

  • Another update from SK community... Dead community with about 2981 players. Alive maybe 1/4. Good job GF! And good job with that new update 5.7. You´ll get more money instead. Keep it so

  • Gentlemens, similar idea was here already some time ago. I´ll only reopen it again, as it´s effective conclusion to existing insufficient transporting potential if you are older player. Why: Older players must transport millions units of their resources by transporters like small/large cargo, with its capacity up to 25.000 units. Resultant amount of used ships can come then up to 5.000. It´s maybe okay, but only till someone shot them down and you need transport your resources. So you need build…

  • Gentlemens, similar idea was here already some time ago. I´ll only reopen it again, as it´s effective conclusion to existing insufficient transporting potential if you are older player. Why: Older players must transport millions units of their resources by transporters like small/large cargo, with its capacity up to 25.000 units. Resultant amount of used ships can come then up to 5.000. It´s maybe okay, but only till someone shot them down and you need transport your resources. So you need build…

  • Regnant ranks

    sirEdward - - Archive - OGame Planet


    Gentlemens, we have now three ranks in each class (Honourable and Dishonourable). But no one can be the "best" in those classes. Therefore you´ll see many Grand Emperors and many Bandit Kings in Highscore without someone who is above, truly the best of all. My suggestion is about to give a another rank to each class. So someone, who have the most postivie HP or the negative HP of all others, will be listed there as the truly best of all honoured/bandit players. 1. Galactic Emperor: Top 1 of the …

  • Fleet trading

    sirEdward - - Archive - OGame Planet


    Any free market function between the players is more then needed in this game. +1

  • Ban for teamviewer?

    sirEdward - - Archive - OGame Planet


    I agree with Valent. - BUT - Way of creating more and more rules is a way of uncomfortableness and will lead players to leave more quicly. Even now i see here more rules as improvements. For me: -1 for any new rule +1 for whole new rule system

  • Omar Hawk: Pause officers during vacation mode < Joky: my writing is equal to GF behaviour towards the players, and im still too decent. Don´t worry, i will be not the first nor the last who will tell, that this GF way of managment is.. how did you says.. "more then inappropriate ..." This game is dying only for this GF ogame department way, because they are sleeping. This forum is to give them options how to improve the game. But they want money. Only for example see the upcomming big bang new …

  • +1 I agree with Valent, this should be free for all players. DM should be used only for shorter building time of those upgrades

  • censored by Omar Hawk, 07.09.2012, 12:38 Reason: Flame

  • Hello gentlemens, i noticed only in few days ago, that even if you in vacation mode, the boosters and officers are still running without a purpose. I asking why this happens ? It´s fair for someone to give his money for officers, which will be running even in vacation mode ? Suspending the function of officers/boosters during a vaction mode should more than a correct access to players, if not a moral must.

  • I completely agree with this idea, 3 pages are more than it should be. It is easy to invent new interface (click on one button will run another and another operation via scroll menu.. etc) but i can´t bring it to life, as im not a coder.

  • I completely agree with this idea, 3 pages are more than it should be. It is easy to invent new interface (click on one button will run another and another operation via scroll menu.. etc) but i can´t bring it to life, as im not a coder.

  • Valent: Quote from Valent: “New universe are not that bad . It is a mith that old universes will die faster if new ones are opened. The truth is that old universes will die anyway.” The truth is, that it will help to die to old universis. Sorry, this is not a myth, it is logical conclusion. Almost anyone will choose the new one as the old one... Quote from Valent: “The good thing about new unis is that players have a new opportunity for a fresh start, a new chance to get to the top.” Yes, but wh…