GF manners towards communities

    • GF manners towards communities

      Hello all,

      I want to notice the GF company about its illogical and pointless behaviour towards communities, as it is more and more cheekier and ruthless.

      Yesterday was announcened new universe Draco in our country. It happens even though the GA was against it (more communities are involved), because we have right now 7!!! universes and overall players population around 2500 users. It's pure nonsense and arrogance from GF side. If GF isn't listening to its volunteer administrators, which are managing community team (GA > SBM/SGA) and each community GA should know best what should be done for its country, than who will they listen ? Us, players ?
      And this happens before the uni merging, which was still not annoncened in our country ! Uni merging is first step to ressurect balance and gain more players for our contry (and sure for couple others small communities). I know even now (when the unifusion comes), that they will force us to merge our universes as they want, without knowing what is good for us.

      Anybody sees, that GF don't want to do something to ressurect Ogame past glory, but only get more money withing new "adds" in game (for example new Merchant/Equipment). Yes, fundings are very important to keep the game live. But each inteligent manager must know, that there are more criterias. This game can profit from itself, if GF will focus more attention to player will, not to gain more money. They are losing players each day and still are not learning from the mistakes they did.

      Wake up !
      Choose :
      1. Money right now and lose us players (dead Ogame in each community and nothing at the end)
      2. Wait some time, invest to better hardware and clever staff (future development marketing > advertising > market research) do the right things to get more players... You need someone like Francolino (steady funds gain at the end)
      -Ogame Recension-
      Ogame need a change!
      -Check my account for my ideas-

      The post was edited 1 time, last by sirEdward ().

    • Due to recent board "decoration" effects, I decided to add a few lines to the original post.

      Guys, if you go with throwing in per-click banners, please at least take your time to adjust it to the forums design, and I'm not even talking of other, more significant signs of consumer disrespect such as not bothering to implement the local boards' translations for about two years (sounds exact for my native community).

      Hopefully, there's still enough time to patch up these holes, not making Origin and be the only place where one can actually enjoy the game.
    • I agree with both of you.

      For me, it looks like gf already decided to kill ogame, but in some twisted, "natural" way:

      - less and less players,

      - merging didn`t give the planned "success" and it`s taking forever to marge old unis,

      - old unis are "too" expensive to keep even if 1 phisical server can easliy handle 30-40 unis with 100-200 active players...,

      - new updates are only directed in payable addons that are unfair and unbalanced with prices from cosmos

      - one week of gold resource boosters on my old 9-planet account in my country would cost 675k DM, where 500k DM is 25€ where 2 MONTHS of playing WOW is ~26€ ! (and try to compare the gameplay and content lol)

      - updates adding 5 minigless things and bugging 50 other important things - 4.0.1 bugged solar satelites - all sats produced 0 energy for like 2-3h and gf doesn`t see any need to give something to players for free because of theirs incompetency

      - board and game is not completly translated and

      - the game is bugged for example on opera, but on ffx the situation isn`t better, I even had the information on my laptop that my ffx 10.0.2 is "an old web browser that is not supported and may cause errors. please intall ie or ffx" LOL :dash:

      - if it wasn`t for antigame or other "tolerated" (lol, the players try to add necesery functionality to the game and it must be approved by gf...) playing on redesing would be a nightmare

      If gf will continue its "ogame politic" (and decalarations that ogame is our priority is like biowares declarations for me3 or politicans during elections) then for 5.0 I`m waiting for montly abonament ~50€ for playing. After that gf will anounce with a broken heart that ogame will be shut down in less than 2 weeks due to small players number but your bought DM can be used as vouchers on other game, that will be later deleted because we don`t know what to do their development.

      gogo gf!
    • Why is version 4.0 before unimerge??
      Communities we must wait why?

      Players are the impatient

      This includes all smals communities.
      A lot of players play remains just because of that.

      Please help us, thanks ;)

      Communities SK, CZ etc.
    • Uni merge is happening right now in many communities, so in general it is before v4. However it isn't logistically possible to merge every community at the same time, so for your community you must unfortunately wait a little long (same as me with
    • Kebab, this all isn´t about uni merge, but about the way of GF priorities.
      As ITguy i know, it isn´t only lostically possible to merge all communities unis at once, but it should be a top priority for GF to make it happen. But this is not about that.
      Simply they can´t go on step 2, if the step 1 isn´t still completed. But GF is doing it like, we do something from this, something from that, all only to elaborate (see tutorial/help, see research, see anything they did was slop-built) and that is a player sacrifice way. And why should we players give them our money for poor quality game and ignorant managment ? I completely agree with Rotxeh post :
      - one week of gold resource boosters on my old 9-planet account in my country would cost 675k DM, where 500k DM is 25€ where 2 MONTHS of playing WOW is ~26€ ! (and try to compare the gameplay and content lol)
      GF, more specific - Ogame division marketing is so unwise and greedy, that there is no place for game future.
      -Ogame Recension-
      Ogame need a change!
      -Check my account for my ideas-
    • News from SK :DDD
      They (GF) announced another server "Electra" in our country.. Those few, who read this article from beginning knows, that our country is too small for these crazy (and i mean crazy) actions. And i think, we are not the only one.

      Short summary:
      - Tuesday, 23. November 2010 - Plans for unimerging was announced :) (at that time we had 5 universes - overall population together around 2500-3000 players and falling..)
      - 19. January 2011 - Special Universe "Barym" was announced (for 5 half-dead universes we got another one, but that was only a beginning :)
      - Friday, 8. April 2011 - Special Universe "Capella" was announced (for 6 half-dead universes we got again another one.. okay for one special, but two is pure stupidity for country with player population around 2500)
      - Monday, 3. October 2011 - I have started a player petition (poll) how we should merge our universes to have a functioning community and not a dying one, because i knew that GF will dictate us how we should merge them.... theirs answer ? IGNORE
      - Friday, 24. February 2012 - Normal Universe "Draco" was announced (GF you must be joking... Announcement of unimerging was behind the door, but still this action was like practically always pure nonsense ...
      - Tuesday, 24. April 2012 - finally there was a unimerging announced for our little-big community :) with 8 universes and overall population around 3000 max (our team has quickly created a poll,how we players want to merge our universes, as the GF plan was daft idea.. We want to choose quickly before the plan was come to reality (we had around one week time to choose before merging start). After it was done, our team sent the result to competent people... theirs answer ? it will be by GF (not only for me it was again a big IGNORE from GF)
      - 11. May 2012 - Normal Universe "Electra" was announced (this should stay without a commentary..)
      - 12. July 2012 -
      Normal Universe "Fornax" was announced (this should stay without a commentary..)

      GF - you said, you want listen to us - players. But you are lying. You are not listening to us, you are doing only what is good to make more money. Maybe this board Origin, what was created by people who cares for ogame future, is for you only a tool to make something new, because you are not capable/competnet to make something by you own.

      -Ogame Recension-
      Ogame need a change!
      -Check my account for my ideas-

      The post was edited 1 time, last by sirEdward ().

    • News from SK ...:D

      They (GF) announced another server "Fornax" in our country.. They want to catch new players on 8000 unist of DM per registration. This is the third new server after merging. This GF way of making gold from a scratch is :pillepalle:

      Till today we have 6unis:
      Uni1 - 379 players
      Andromeda - 886 players (and droping)
      Barym - 368 players
      Capella - 386 players
      Draco - 491 players
      Electra - 594 players

      - 12. July 2012 - Normal Universe "Fornax" will be announced in SK (this should stay without a commentary..)

      Thanks GF Thanks GF Thanks GF Thanks GF Thanks GF Thanks GF Thanks GF
      -Ogame Recension-
      Ogame need a change!
      -Check my account for my ideas-
    • Same here. First it was like, never gets a speed universe again. Then out of the blue Gemini ( 4x speed ) came.
      2 months later we get to hear Hydra will open this thursday. We have already a topic about it to discuss and we plan it to make a boycotting universe with 1 alliance ( BoyCot ). And nobody is to buy Dark Matter.
    • New universe are not that bad . It is a mith that old universes will die faster if new ones are opened. The truth is that old universes will die anyway.

      The good thing about new unis is that players have a new opportunity for a fresh start, a new chance to get to the top.

      The old universes have now a medicine as we are told that merge will continue if and when is necessary.

      My concern is that players in my community are tired of normal universes and are migrating to other communities more blessed with speed universes
    • Valent:

      Valent wrote:

      New universe are not that bad . It is a mith that old universes will die faster if new ones are opened. The truth is that old universes will die anyway.

      The truth is, that it will help to die to old universis. Sorry, this is not a myth, it is logical conclusion. Almost anyone will choose the new one as the old one...

      Valent wrote:

      The good thing about new unis is that players have a new opportunity for a fresh start, a new chance to get to the top.

      Yes, but what about those who build theirs empire couple of years, about the old players ? Leave them behind...
      This way is not utopian way, to create always new and new uni for getting new chance, but this strategic is bussiness strategic for accumulating more money from psychologic aspect of any starting game. This is not for players, but for the company. Please give me a counterargument if you have.

      Valent wrote:

      The old universes have now a medicine as we are told that merge will continue if and when is necessary.

      Please read summary from my country. We needed a merge before, because lack of players and many unis. We get the merge ... But now, they creating new and new and new uni. The situation is more critical as before, to be honest, the situation is fatal. This GF strategy of creating new unis will attract more players, yes, but only to the time when they will figure out there is nothing to do. Then, they will leave (dead souls > inactive). More logical way is to concentrate on existing players base, so they will be satisfied and will create publicity naturally > more publicity more money for developing to attract new players < which will satisfy again those old players. The way, which choosed GF is more than predictable. Maximize money output from dying game.

      Valent wrote:

      My concern is that players in my community are tired of normal universes and are migrating to other communities more blessed with speed universes

      THIS IS NOT A SOLUTION :D start on speed uni.. Faster uni faster death. Yes, they are "migrating" (not migrating like uni merge), but they leave their accounts be and create new one in country where is more than 5000+ players (ideal). And why ? Because, where is more players, there is more fun (and not to create dozens of new unis with DK matter lure ... :growup: GF )
      -Ogame Recension-
      Ogame need a change!
      -Check my account for my ideas-
    • Until GF actually creates a mechanism which will allow the new players to stay competitive on elder realms, all of these (servers & cosmetic additions) are doomed.

      About a year ago, I've already proposed a solution to deal with it, the plot was kind of like: if the Uni is old, it gets a special mark, after which an advanced 'character creation' is introduced, including the ability to receive 9 planets & 3 moons at once in each of 9 galaxies of a standard old Universe with the mines determined by the highest level of each shaft type built in the Uni & divided by 1,4. For example, if the highest level of Metal Mine in the Universe equals 40, then the newbie acquires level 28 at 9 planets. The same goes for two other types of mines. The moons are awarded randomly.

      That sort of a thing, there could be even 2 templates, where the second allows to setup a mining build in which all colonies are placed within the borders of certain galaxy by the player's choice. Honestly, there might be a lot of such pre-built extensions, it's just a question whether the game makers want it, or not. ;)
    • There are a few communities with very low number of players, we are told that the new advertising policy for OGame will change and is possible to bring new players in game.
      Regarding the new version, the new feature is by far less damaging than the boosters and two click complete, is a common feature in many games ( GF or non GF ). Those playing the game will notice it soon.
    • The way I see it, the older dead uni's don't want the game to change. Instead, they want younger uni's to merge with (fodder) inherent disadvantages.

      On the other hand, younger uni's (accounts) complain that older more established accounts (and those willing to spend a few bucks) have greater advantage.

      The moral of this story is that GF has done plenty to overcome age old game restrictions with account development and therefore an insane mass merge makes more sense today than at any other time. There is no reason any uni should sit dead and largely inactive except for GF foot dragging and hiding behind (a portion of population) player complaints.

      To answer situation where a special feature uni has nothing comparable to merge then... well, mistakes happen and back to the drawing board (close it with last chance merge option)

      I predict GF will opt to do nothing while complicating the debate and foot dragging.
    • Valent wrote:

      Regarding the new version, the new feature is by far less damaging than the boosters and two click complete, is a common feature in many games ( GF or non GF ). Those playing the game will notice it soon.

      I agree with you but only regarding the real impact. But I've a very critic mind about this update regarding the first impression that a player who don't know Ogame can have. Because boosters and FC have a natural limit : size of the farms for the first, amount of available res for the second. But, as now you are able to buy res... you have no more natural limit. And so, young players will think : "I can have a bigger account if I pay, but... if anybody has more money than I I will loose".

      Probably that the new universes will be more profitable than Yesterday... but with less players.

      And during this time, other urgent matters are not looked for, like war functionnality, protection against password theft, sales of accounts, bot playing, real interest of the team part of the game, buggy deleting of accounts with DM or all other stuff.
    • iguypouf wrote:

      other urgent matters are not looked for, like war functionnality, protection against password theft, sales of accounts, bot playing, real interest of the team part of the game, buggy deleting of accounts with DM or all other stuff.
      Bingo! All the advertising in the world wont fix these issues... but ignoring them may profit from a (temporary) disposable income base. Some of us would like to see the game retain a portion of this new interest.

      Valent wrote:

      time will come for these too, as you can see changes are coming real fast lately.
      [complaint] I don't see how this statement could possibly hold an ounce of truth behind it. It has been more than a year for 6.0 rollout. Unless you are suggesting GF has made a new promise regarding a renewed development interest on their behalf. Correct me if I missed something [/complaint]