Search Results

Search results 1-20 of 381.

  • Enemy fleet cargo scanner.

    TGWo - - Suggestions


    Quote from Blackmass: “The Idea is simple activate the enemy cargo scanner so when lanxing an enemy fleet we can see the goodies inside. to be able to make sure if the target is a profitable hit or not ” absuletely NO. You have to study your target if you want to be sure to know if there are resources inside cargo or how many. Not that you want to do with 0 heavy. So this is n-th time I read a proposal to work less, to avoid having to use my head. Why I never see proposals to make the game more …

  • i agree only versus inactive , but not versus normal accounts

  • Quote from Guritchi: “"Normally"... you answer your question. It is not always the case, nor it is guaranteed that defenses will be built on all planets. Non regarding of what "normally" players do or do not, what "normally" is risky or not, Honor should be more than just a good compromise between military fleets & defenses. ” still i don't understand .......... if there are planets with no defence or few defence, you have to use less ships, so better for you ......... and if you don't broke not…

  • Quote from Guritchi: “No it is not fully balanced, because it takes unintentionally into account number of planets (if you have half the defenses as the defender built on four different planets; you will have two times more defensive military points) ” if defender has less planets of you, normally it will have less general point, so you are attacking someone less heavy of you .............. so i don't understand the question about number of planets. Quote from Guritchi: “As you pointed out, full…

  • Ogame mobile Android

    TGWo - - FR - French


    T&C…14-Gameforge-4D-GmbH.html , tell that you can use ogame only by a normal browser ........... so atm nothing of your app is permitted 4.3 Il est par ailleurs interdit à l'utilisateur d'appeler le jeu en ligne en utilisant des programmes autres que le navigateur Internet ou bien le programme client mis à disposition. Cette disposition se réfère notamment aux « bots » et aux autres « tools » supposés remplacer ou compléter l'interface web. De même sont interdits l…

  • Quote from Guritchi: “it doesn't take into account player overall level (global points) ” this is a thing I will like to change, especially if you attack a player with many more general point, or position in rank general .............. but at same point the risk is that will become honorable to attack any big miner, also if he has no ships ........... so should better if it is honorable to attack when defenders has more general points of attacker if defender has at least more that 1/10of militar…

  • the first proposal I could accept, even though I'm afraid it could be exploited for ninjar and that it could come back too easily under attack. The second part is contrary ........ would add an additional way to get rid of the resources while you are under attack ........... already now you can scrap, but at least you have the problem of clog the construction site

  • I like the first part of idea .......... an improve of possibility to share report ......... in this case to share info of incoming attack I don't like instead the second part of idea about the possibility to share in automatic ........... because in that way work as an automatic alert for the defender (player A know that arrive attacck, call defenders, defenders move resources/fleet and attacker lose time

  • forum origin will be closed and it will become a section of .en forum Origin and ORG/EN Board Merge

  • ​Balance servers

    TGWo - - Feedback & Discussions


    Quote from Raszagal88: “In addition, as you know GF is about to change vacation mode system, will it definitely remove the only way to play in case you pissed off a top player? ” Sure solution is not to play using vacation mood. And normally in a game it should serve diplomacy and know that every action has a reaction. If you piss off the top player, it's not even a little your fault ?(sometimes there are those who use words too much or do actions to the limit and then complain if they don't lik…

  • Quote from Guritchi: “I agree with you except concerning the "only" part. I think It's better to give a certain liberty and see what emerges; rather than force players into specific gameplay styles. ” I don't agree, because more you increase passive game and more there will be active game. If you increase expedtion in any situatuation the sure effect will be that many more players decide to do expedition instead to attack other players. I'm a pacific players, but game it is more funny for me, if…

  • don't sound a bad idea ........... the main problem is if we want decide that we need to have more positive kind of event by expedtion, or if already there are a good part of positive thing and if increasing the positive event, moving more for a static game where i play versus server and not versus players maybe considering a decrease of active members in an universe, we could think to increase event in expedition in proportion to the number of players .......... so if number decrease, incoming …

  • Quote from StackOverflow: “Could you explain exactly why and how it make an easy game? ” 1) with relocation you don't lose resources, don't lose time, don't lose production, don't lose moon .............. I hope I don't have to explain where is lose of resources, time and production 2) with relocation you can create a planet in a position where max size and then move in a position where max is production of energy or deuterium (where normally if you created planet you had less place) Ogame shoul…

  • Quote from StackOverflow: “In any case player that receive account need to know what he got from giving side before approve it. ” Little was missing that you wrote that before accepting an account you must try it for a few days. Quote from StackOverflow: “Giver may make mistake and send wrong code, maybe giver play in server on language that can't even read... ” you are writing that it can happen that a friend of yours, without your knowledge, gives you an account, and that this account is from …

  • Quote from StackOverflow: “Planet relocation isn't pay to win future, buy resource and fast building any thing is pay to win. ” that it is what you think ........... for me also relocation is pay to win, or pay to have an easy game.

  • The real question should be ............ around how any games are freetoplay and how many paytoplay ? I'm not a very espert of sector, but personally i know or see banner about many freetoplay and i know perhaps one paytoplay. That i wrote is correct, or the situation is different ? This is important, because if market have a focus in freetoplay , nobody will decide to go in an other direction only because you hate who is top1 by money. And there is a lot of improve possible in Ogame without nee…

  • Nice to read your ideas, but did you thought that any part wrote is an increase in cost of production ? So if you increase cost, you have to be sure to increase incoming more more that actual incoming. 1) if i have to pay to play, i want to be sure that support is h24 ........... but this want to say to pay someone to work in support 2) if i pay, i want to see fast resolve of bug and often upgrade ............ but this want to say to hire more developers (that want to be paid) etc

  • Quote from asp: “When I dont want to play this game again, but someone tells me "its just sitting, just for few hours", I enter the code and - TA-DAM! - account is my own. Bad guy is free now, I must play for 2 weeks and search for next victim. Thats awful and terrible, please do something with that! ” Quote from asp: “2 weeks v-mode for top fleet with top mines, r u crazy? My heart will bleed, how about that? ” Are you joking, true ? Your answer don't have sense ............. if i don't want to…

  • Quote from StackOverflow: “1) Free game up to know amount of game points. 2) Functionality of the DM are only: Officers and transfer of planets. 3) Game became in monthly subscription after "know amount of game points" . ” Uhm ........... 1) why do you want also relocation ? Game was better when using mobile planet 2) what will happen if few players want to pay to play ? 3) the question, of question .......... did you thought about if this kind of universe will give and advantage for GameForge o…

  • uhm ........... and why someone should gift to me an account without tell me that he is doing it? Sound very strange as fraud that a friend gift to me his account, talking to sit account ........ or that an unknow players ask to me to sit his account