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  • OGame API

    MightyMalcolm - - OGame API


    Hello everybody, I have a quick question: am I allowed to load the players.xml and then load the playerData.xml for each and every player in rapid succession? I don't wish to accidently DOS-attack the server. Not really experienced with querying servers and I don't know how much they can take^^ Anyway, any help greatly appreciated. Cheers

  • Heyho, since the Spy Helper is back on board (yay!), I seem to get logged out of OGame more frequently when using the button that deletes all spy reports below a certain amount of loot. Apart from the fact that I do not fully understand the OGame cookie policies anyway (sometimes my session lasts for hours, sometimes I must relog after 30 minutes or less), it was just now that I wanted to sort 5 pages of spy reports. I was thrown out of the game twice within seconds! Is it just me or is it some …

  • Headline says it all. On my server, a player added [brackets] to his planets' names so that AGO wrongfully tries to parse them as coords. At least that's what I assume. The first few times I didn't even notice it until I saw my fleets targeting position [1:1:1]. I guess the player there must have had their fun %) Greetz.

  • Hey Franco, yet another how to question from my part, my apologies. It's just that I liked the fact that the transport routine would auto-select 'most' resources. Did you remove that on purpose, because it was too powerful? Do i always have to press the 'most resources' button next to the calculator? Really tried your instructions, but it seems I don't get it %) Best regards as always Malcolm PS: In order to be a bit more 'contributive', I could offer writing some tuts / how-tos myself as soon a…

  • No pressure, I guess I'll survive for the time being. Like I said, always open to improvements

  • Hey Franco, just a very minor feature that I believe was lost through your fleet page overhaul. Before the rework, an orange number meant "ok, there are not enough transporters of THIS kind, but you still got enough other ships to take everything along". A red number would say "nope, you definitely won't be able to ship everything away from here". I know, it's a very small detail, but I kinda grew fond of it. Already sent away fleets not realising there were resources left behind :O See the scre…

  • HA! that means it will even speed up my routine saves as well. i already love it! *_*

  • Hey Franco, interesting how you changed around the first fleet page. will take me some time to get used to it, i guess, but i'm always open for improvements anyway, in the future, will it be possible again to go to fleet page 1 and press ENTER to start a pre-configured routine like collect? kind of was my nightly routine to run through all plantes and just go ENTER, ENTER, ENTER, ENTER, ENTER, ENTER, ENTER, ENTER, [...], good night |-) or is that feature still in there and i just didn't find it?…

  • Hey Franco, while we're at it: In the mission select settings, do we really need the "Setze auf Kolonisieren, wenn nur Kolonieschiffe in der Flotte sind" option (set to colonise if only colo ships are selected)? Isn't that redundant? If you only have colo ships selected and send them to a habited position, you simply can't select "colonise" (only attack, etc.). On the other hand, if you select an unhabited position, all you actually can pick is "colonise". So I guess you can just leave this one …

  • I'd support this idea. In fact, I have disabled my "set to harvest and debris field", because there almost always somehow is a recycler in one of my fleets, but i seldom actually want to target a debris field. so i vote

  • i know this post will be slightly off-topic. sorry in advance. still, while we're at it, would it be possible to make the number in the construction panel directly adjustable, so that i could just type it in? because last week, i wanted to place 50k Light Fighters onto the panel, but the OGame input field on the shipyard page didn't allow more than 9999. quite annoying, especially in old universes ... =/ jfugc1.jpg grz malcolm

  • hooa Franco! working fine for me again

  • UPDATE: i just figured out that the bug only occurrs the first time a new fleet page 1 tab is opened. if i then close it, the problem re-appears. if i just leave it open and re-click the attack button, everything's fine again. see screenshots to see what i mean. also, this might be related to this thread: Attack shortcut from messages doesn't always work 3359tvr.jpg attempt #1: 15xvp78.jpg attempt #2: 1076tyr.jpg

  • Hey there, i still encounter another bug since the update that (afaik) has not been posted here. i set my config to prefer small over large cargo freighters for routine plunder missions. however, when i press the attack button in the spiohelper, but do not actually have small freighters stationed on my planet, the large ones do not get auto-selected instead. the same happens if i press the corresponding button directly in the spy report (like on this screenshot i found in different thread). gree…

  • Hello guys, just a minor bug I guess. I wanted to copy/paste the exact date & time of a message in my inbox, but as soon as i select it, that selection gets canceled and auto-transferred to the "target" section in the toolbar. wouldn't be a problem for me, but half of it is hidden in the overflow. check my screenshot to see what i mean. regards and still a gj (as always ^^) mally *EDIT: I know that there is the option Autocopy marked coordinates and times as target, but usually i'd want that fea…

  • Happy new year everybody! Anyways, I was wondering about this for quite some time. Is it possible that the DEF tab in Eleria's Spyhelper is not calculated properly? See the screenshot to see what I mean. Grz and regards Malcolm *EDIT: My Firefox and AGO are up to date

  • the idea seems tempting enough to me, though. you know, an anonymous email to the gameforge every now and then ... saying "hey folks, you might want to check on this or that dude" ... where's the fun in using bots anyway? -.- enjoy *EDIT: i know, i know. that would require you to set up Terms and Conditions for usage, cuz you're transmitting personal data and so further and so forth. still, tempting ... 0:-)

  • Hey there folks, just read the changelog and it said sth about a bot detection feature. does that mean we'll be able to see if someone is using a bot? O.o or does it simply check our own accounts for bots? in any case, i love the idea! still, i think any botuser would just disable AGO, wouldn't they? grz and thumbs up Malcolm